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Rules of the Road
Developer Policy
Last Update: September 16, 2014.
Rules of the Road
Twitter maintains an open platform that supports the millions of people around the world who are sharing and discovering what’s happening now. We want to empower our ecosystem partners to build valuable businesses around the information flowing through Twitter. At the same time, we aim to strike a balance between encouraging interesting development and protecting both Twitter’s and users’ rights.
So, we’ve come up with a set of Developer Rules of the Road (“Rules”) that describes the policies and philosophy around what type of innovation is permitted with the content and information shared on Twitter.
The Rules will evolve along with our ecosystem as developers continue to innovate and find new, creative ways to use the Twitter API, so please check back periodically to see the current version. Don’t do anything prohibited by the Rules and talk to us if you think we should make a change or give you an exception.
If your application will eventually need more than 1 million user tokens, or you expect your embedded Tweets and embedded timelines to exceed 10 million daily impressions, you will need to talk to us directly about your access to the Twitter API as you may be subject to additional terms. Furthermore, applications that attempt to replicate Twitter’s core user experience (as described in Section I.5 below) will need our permission to have more than 100,000 user tokens and are subject to additional terms.
I. Twitter Content
1. All use of the Twitter API and content, documentation, code, and related materials made available to you on or through Twitter (“Twitter Content”) is subject to and must comply with these Rules. As a reminder, you and your Service are subject to the Twitter Terms of Service.
2. You may use the Twitter API and Twitter Content in connection with the products or services you provide (your “Service”) to search, display, analyze, retrieve, view, and submit information to or on Twitter. You may use the Twitter name or logos and other brand elements that Twitter makes available in order to identify the source of Twitter Content (“Twitter Marks”) subject to these Rules.
3. Your use of the Twitter API and Twitter Content are subject to certain limitations on access, calls, and use as set forth in the Rules, on, or as otherwise provided to you by Twitter. If Twitter believes that you have attempted to exceed or circumvent these limitations, your ability to use the Twitter API and Twitter Content may be temporarily or permanently blocked. Twitter may monitor your use of the Twitter API to improve the Twitter service and to ensure your compliance with these Rules. In order to ensure visibility and enforcement of these Rules, you may not use a single application API key for multiple use cases, and you may not use multiple application API keys for the same use case.
4. You will not attempt or encourage others to:
sell, rent, lease, sublicense, redistribute, or syndicate access to the Twitter API or Twitter Content to any third party without prior written approval from Twitter.
If you provide downloadable datasets of Twitter Content or an API that returns Twitter Content, you may only return IDs (including tweet IDs and user IDs).
You may provide spreadsheet or PDF files or other export functionality via non­-programmatic means, such as using a “save as” button, for up to 100,000 public Tweets and/or User Objects per user per day. Exporting Twitter Content to a datastore as a service or other cloud based service, however, is not permitted.
remove or alter any proprietary notices or marks on the Twitter API or Twitter Content.
use or access the Twitter API for purposes of monitoring the availability, performance, or functionality of any of Twitter’s products and services or for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes.
use Twitter Marks or Twitter Certified Products Program badges in a manner that creates a sense of endorsement, sponsorship, or false association with Twitter. You may not use Twitter Marks as part of the name of your company or Service, or in any product, service, name field or logos created by you. All use of Twitter Marks, and all goodwill arising out of such use, will inure to Twitter’s benefit.
use or access the Twitter API to aggregate, cache (except as part of a Tweet), or store place and other geographic location information contained in Twitter Content.
charge a premium for access to Twitter Content via SMS or USSD other than your Service’s standard data and usage rates.
use Twitter Content, by itself or bundled with third party data, to target users with advertising outside of the Twitter platform, including without limitation on other advertising networks, via data brokers, or through any other advertising or monetization services.
5. While Twitter discourages development in this area, some Services or applications attempt to replicate Twitter’s core user experience, typically by accessing the home timeline, account settings, or direct messages API endpoints or User Streams product. The following additional rules apply to Services or applications that fall within this category.
You must:
use the Twitter API as provided by Twitter for functionalities in your Service that are substantially similar to a feature of the Twitter service and present this to your users as the default option. Some examples include media storage and sharing (, trending topics, and suggested user lists.
not pay, or offer to pay, third parties for distribution. This includes offering compensation for downloads (other than transactional fees) or other mechanisms of traffic acquisition.
not arrange for your Service to be pre-installed on any device, promoted as a “zero-rated” service, or marketed as part of a specialized data plan.
not frame or otherwise reproduce significant portions of the Twitter service. You should display Twitter Content from the Twitter API.
display a prominent link or button in your Service that directs new users to Twitter’s sign-up functionality.
not use Twitter Content or other data collected from end users to create or maintain a separate status update or social network database or service.
6. You do not have a license to Twitter Content submitted through your Service other than the rights granted in the Rules.
II. Principles
You agree that you and your Service will follow these four principles:
Don’t surprise users
Don’t create or distribute spam
Respect user privacy
Be a good partner to Twitter
1. Don’t surprise users
You must maintain the integrity of Twitter Content (such as Tweets and timelines of Tweets) by adhering to the Display Requirements.
Get users’ permission before:
sending Tweets or other messages on their behalf. A user authenticating through your application does not constitute consent to send a message.
modifying their profile information or taking account actions (including following, unfollowing, and blocking) on their behalf.
adding hashtags, annotations data, or other content to a user’s Tweet. If your application allows users to send Tweets or other content to Twitter, show the user exactly what will be published.
republishing Twitter Content accessed through means other than via the Twitter API or other tools that may be provided to you by Twitter, or in a manner inconsistent with the Display Requirements.
Your Service should not:
use business names and/or logos in a manner that can mislead, confuse, or deceive users. For more information on use of Twitter Marks, see our trademark rules here
confuse or mislead users about the source or purpose of your application.
use as its Application Website URL: an unrelated URL, a site intended to entice or encourage users to violate the Twitter Rules, a spam or malware site, or a shortened URL to mask the true destination.
replicate, frame, or mirror the Twitter website or its design.
impersonate or facilitate impersonation of others in a manner that can mislead, confuse, or deceive users.
Respect the privacy and sharing settings of Twitter Content. Do not share, or encourage or facilitate the sharing of protected Twitter Content. Promptly change your treatment of Twitter Content (for example, deletions, modifications, and sharing options) as changes are reported through the Twitter API.
It is important for all users and Twitter API developers that we maintain the integrity and addressability of the Twitter identity across the ecosystem. If your Service submits content to Twitter that includes a username beginning with an “@” symbol, it must submit the correct Twitter username, if known by your Service.
2. Don’t create or distribute spam
Spam can take many forms. Please abide by the spam rules here.
If your application performs automatic actions (including tweeting or other content updates), make sure you comply with the Automation Rules found here.
Do not mass-register applications. This includes:
creating tokens/applications for the purpose of preventing others from using or selling those names, or other commercial use.
using feeds of third-party content to update and maintain accounts under the names of those third parties.
submitting multiple applications with the same function under different names for the purpose of name squatting.
Do not facilitate or encourage the publishing of:
links to malicious content
pornographic or obscene images to user profile images and background images
3. Respect user privacy
Your Service must display and comply with a privacy policy that is presented before download, installation or sign up (as applicable) that clearly discloses what you are doing with information you collect from users. If your Service supports cookies, your privacy policy must disclose that third parties may be placing and reading cookies on the systems of your users in the course of providing content to them. Your privacy policy should also provide information about user options for cookie management and the Do Not Track setting in supporting web browsers.
Clearly disclose when you are adding location information to a user’s Tweets, whether as a geotag or annotations data. Be clear about whether you are adding a place or specific coordinates. If your application allows users to Tweet with their location be sure that it complies with the best practices found here.
You should not solicit another developer’s consumer keys or consumer secrets especially if they will be stored or used for actions outside of that developer’s control. Keys and secrets that are compromised will be reset by Twitter. For example, online services that ask for these values in order to provide a “tweet-branding” service are not allowed.
Do not facilitate or encourage the publishing of private or confidential information.
Do not store Twitter passwords.
Do not store non-public Twitter Content except at the explicit direction of a Twitter end user.
As a reminder, Twitter’s services are not directed to persons under 13. If you operate a commercial website or online service that is targeted to children, you must opt out of tailoring Twitter in any Twitter for Websites button, embedded Tweet, or embedded timeline on your website or service. You must set the opt-out parameter to be true, for example, as provided in the Tweet button documentation here.
4. Be a good partner to Twitter
If you display Tweets in an offline context, do so according to the guidelines found here.
Respect the features and functionality embedded with or included in Twitter Content or the Twitter API. Do not attempt to interfere with, intercept, disrupt, filter, or disable any features of the Twitter API or Twitter service, including the content of embedded Tweets and embedded timelines.
You should only surface activity that is organically displayed on Twitter.
For example, your Service should execute the unfavorite and delete actions by removing all relevant messaging and Twitter Content, not by publicly displaying to other end users that the Tweet was unfavorited or deleted.
If your application causes or induces user accounts to violate the Twitter Rules (for example, by retweeting spam updates, repeatedly posting duplicate links, etc.), it may be suspended or terminated. We’ve provided some guidance in our Abuse Prevention and Security help page.
Respect the intellectual property rights of others.
Do not use the Twitter Verified Account badge, Verified Account status, or any other enhanced user categorization on Twitter Content other than that reported to you by Twitter through the API.
Twitter may suspend or revoke access if we believe you are in violation of the Rules or the spirit of these principles. If you are suspended, do not apply for or register additional API tokens.
III. Twitter Functionality in your Service
1. Twitter Login
End users must be presented with the option to log into Twitter via the OAuth protocol. End users without a Twitter account should be given the opportunity to create a new Twitter account as provided by Twitter. You must display the Connect with Twitter option at least as prominently as the most prominent of any other third party social networking sign-up or sign-in marks and branding appearing on your Service.
2. General
If you allow end users to create social updates from your own social service or a third party social networking, micro-blogging, or status update provider integrated into your Service (“Update”), you must also display a prominent option to publish that content (or a link if the Update is not text or longer than 140 characters) to Twitter. Only link back to the same Update or content on the other service if the Update is longer than 140 characters.
All URLs referencing content in the Update (for example, a web page, photo, video, or text longer than 140 characters) should direct users back to the page where that content is displayed, rather than any interstitial or intermediate page. You can require users to sign-in to access that page, but the content cannot otherwise be restricted from being viewed.
3. Twitter Identity
Once an end user has authenticated via Connect with Twitter, you must clearly display the end user’s Twitter identity. Twitter identity includes visible display of the end user’s avatar, Twitter user name, and the Twitter “bird” mark. Displays of the end user’s followers on your Service must clearly show that the relationship is associated with the Twitter service.
IV. Commercial Use
It is our goal to provide you, our ecosystem partner, with a policy that is clear and transparent about what you can do to monetize your Service. This is best summed up in two principles:
respect user content — Tweets may be used in advertisements, not as advertisements.
respect user experience — build your service around the timeline, not in the timeline.
Twitter Ads. Twitter reserves the right to serve advertising via its APIs (“Twitter Ads”). If you decide to serve Twitter Ads once we start delivering them, we will share a portion of advertising revenue with you per our then-current terms and conditions.
Advertising Around Twitter Content
We encourage you to create advertising opportunities around Twitter content that are compliant with these Rules. In cases where Twitter Content is the primary basis of the advertising sale, we require you to compensate us (recoupable against any fees payable to Twitter for data licensing). For example, you may sell sponsorships or branding around gadgets or iframes that include Tweets and other customized visualizations of Twitter with prior permission.
You may generally advertise around and on sites that display Tweets, but you may not place any advertisements within the Twitter timeline on your Service other than Twitter Ads.
Your advertisements cannot resemble or reasonably be confused by users as a Tweet. For example, ads cannot have Tweet actions like follow, retweet, favorite, and reply. And you cannot sell or receive compensation for Tweet actions or the placement of Tweet actions on your Service.
You may advertise in close proximity to the Twitter timeline (e.g., banner ads above or below timeline), but there must be a clear separation between Twitter content and your advertisements.
Using Twitter Content. Get the users’ permission before:
using their content on a commercial durable good or product (for example, using a Tweet on a t-shirt or a poster or making a book based on someone’s Tweets);
creating an advertisement that implies the sponsorship or endorsement on behalf of the user; or
using content in a manner that is inconsistent with the Display Requirements and would require the user’s permission under applicable law, including without limitation uses of Twitter Content that features the name, likeness, or identifying persona of a person.
V. Other Legal Terms
1. Termination.
You may terminate any license in these Rules at any time by ceasing your access to the Twitter API and use of any Twitter Content, and deleting all copies of the Twitter API and Twitter Content as described below. Twitter may immediately suspend your access to the Twitter API or any Twitter Content (or if necessary, terminate this agreement with you) at any time, and without notice to you if you breach any term or condition in the Rules or otherwise engage in activities that Twitter reasonably determines are likely to cause liability to Twitter. Twitter may also terminate any licenses hereunder for any reason (including by email to the address associated with your account). Twitter will not be liable for any costs, expenses, or damages as a result of its termination of this agreement. Upon termination of this agreement, you will promptly cease accessing and using the Twitter API and Twitter Content and will delete all Twitter Content and any information derived therefrom and all copies and portions thereof, in all forms and types of media from your Service. Sections 1(4) and V of these Rules will survive the termination of this agreement.
2. Confidentiality.
You may be given access to certain non-public information, software, and specifications relating to the Twitter API (“Confidential Information”), which is confidential and proprietary to Twitter. You may use this Confidential Information only as necessary in exercising your rights granted in these Rules. You may not disclose any of this Confidential Information to any third party without Twitter’s prior written consent. You agree that you will protect this Confidential Information from unauthorized use, access, or disclosure in the same manner that you would use to protect your own confidential and proprietary information of a similar nature and in any event with no less than a reasonable degree of care.
3. Ownership; Feedback.
3.1 Twitter. You expressly acknowledge that Twitter and its end users retain all worldwide right, title and interest in and to the Twitter Content, including all intellectual property rights therein. You also acknowledge that as between you and Twitter, Twitter owns all right, title and interest in and to the Twitter API, Twitter Marks, and the Twitter service (and any derivative works or enhancements thereof), including but not limited to all intellectual property rights therein. You agree not to do anything inconsistent with such ownership. Any rights not expressly granted herein are withheld. You agree that you will not challenge Twitter’s ownership of, the validity of any license to use, or otherwise copy or exploit the Twitter Marks during or after the termination of this agreement except as specifically authorized herein. If you acquire any rights in the Twitter Marks or any confusingly similar marks, by operation of law or otherwise, you will, at no expense to Twitter, immediately assign such rights to Twitter.
3.2 You. As between you and Twitter, you retain all worldwide right, title and interest in and to your Service, excluding the Twitter API, Twitter Marks, and the Twitter Service (and any derivative works or enhancements thereof), including but not limited to all intellectual property rights therein. You may provide Twitter with comments concerning the Twitter Content or Twitter API or your evaluation and use thereof. You agree that Twitter and its designees will be free to copy, modify, create derivative works, publicly display, disclose, distribute, license and sublicense, incorporate, and otherwise use the feedback, including derivative works thereto, for any and all commercial and non-commercial purposes with no obligation of any kind to you.
4. Updates.
Twitter may update or modify the Twitter API, Rules, and other terms and conditions, including the Display Requirements, from time to time at its sole discretion by posting the changes on this site or by otherwise notifying you (such notice may be via email). You acknowledge that these updates and modifications may adversely affect how your Service accesses or communicates with the Twitter API. If any change is unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to terminate this agreement by ceasing all use of the Twitter API and Twitter Content. Your continued access or use of the Twitter API or any Twitter Content will constitute binding acceptance of the change.
5. Representations and Warranties; Disclaimer.
5.1 Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant that:
you have the necessary power and authority to enter into this agreement, and that the performance of your obligations will not constitute a breach or otherwise violate any other agreement or the rights of any third party arising therefrom;
you will maintain throughout the term of this agreement all rights and licenses that are required with respect to your Service; and
your Service and its use, distribution, sale and license, including the use of any license hereunder, does and will continue to comply with all applicable foreign, federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations.
6. Limitation of Liability.
Last Update: October 22, 2014.
7. Indemnification.
In addition to the Developer Agreement, this Developer Policy (“Policy”) provides rules and guidelines for developers who interact with Twitter’s ecosystem of applications, services and content. Policy violations are also considered violations of the Developer Agreement. Take a look at the Definitions for the meaning of capitalized words used in this Policy. These policies may be changed from time to time without notice. Please check here for any updates. Refer to our archive for a list of past updates.
You will indemnify, defend, and hold Twitter, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, and employees, harmless from any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, actions, judgments, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) brought by a third party arising out of or in connection with: (a) any act or omission by you, in connection with your use of the Twitter Content, the Twitter API, or the Twitter Marks; (b) your use of the Twitter Content, the Twitter API, or the Twitter Marks other than as expressly allowed by this agreement; (c) your breach or alleged breach of any of the terms, restrictions, obligations or representations under this agreement; or (d) your Service. You will assume control of the defense and settlement of any claim subject to indemnification by y
Guiding Principles
A Few Key Points
Maintain the Integrity of Twitter’s Products
Respect Users’ Control and Privacy
Clearly Identify Your Service
Keep Twitter Spam Free
Be a Good Partner to Twitter
Avoid Replicating the Core Twitter Experience
Engage in Appropriate Commercial Use
Rules for Specific Twitter Products or Features
Twitter Login
Social Updates
Twitter Identity
Twitter Cards
Twitter for Websites
I. Guiding Principles
1. A Few Key Points
Keep any API keys or other access credentials private and use only as permitted.
Respect our requirements on how to display and interact with users’ content.
If your application will need more than 1 million user tokens, you must contact us about your Twitter API access, as you may be subject to additional terms.
Twitter may monitor your use of the Twitter API to improve the Twitter Service, examine commercial use and ensure your compliance with this Policy.
Remember, Twitter may suspend or revoke access to the Twitter API if we believe you are in violation of this Policy. Do not apply for or register additional API tokens if Twitter has suspended your account. Instead, contact us.
2. Maintain the Integrity of Twitter’s Products
Follow the Display Requirements and Twitter Rules. If your Service facilitates or induces users to violate the Twitter Rules, you must figure out how to prevent the abuse or Twitter may suspend or terminate your access to the Twitter API. We’ve provided guidance in our Abuse Prevention andSecurity help page.
If your Service submits content to Twitter that includes a Twitter username, submit the correct Twitter username (“@username”).
Promptly respond to Content changes reported through the Twitter API, such as deletions or the public/protected status of Tweets.
Do not modify, translate or delete a portion of the Content.
Maintain the features and functionality of Content and Twitter API. Do not interfere with, intercept, disrupt, filter, or disable any features of Twitter or the Twitter API, including the Content of embedded Tweets and embedded timelines.
Only surface Twitter activity as it surfaced on Twitter. For example, your Service should execute the unfavorite and delete actionsby removing all relevant Content, not by publicly displaying to other users that the Tweet is no longer favorited or has been deleted.
Do not exceed or circumvent limitations on access, calls, sharing, privacy settings, or use permitted in this Policy, or as otherwise set forth on the Developer Site, or communicated to you by Twitter.
Do not remove or alter any proprietary notices or marks on Content or the Twitter API.
Do not (and do not allow others to) aggregate, cache, or store location data and other geographic information contained in the Content, except as part of a Tweet. Any use of location data or geographic information on a standalone basis is prohibited.
3. Respect Users’ Control and Privacy
Get the user’s express consent before you do any of the following:
Take any actions on a user’s behalf, including posting Content, following/unfollowing other users, modifying profile information, or adding hashtags or other data to the user’s Tweets. A user authenticating through your Service does not constitute user consent.
Republish Content accessed by means other than via the Twitter API or Twitter other tools.
Use a user’s Content to promote a commercial product or service, either on a commercial durable good or as part of an advertisement.
Store non-public Content such as direct messages or other private or confidential information.
Share or publish protected Content, private or confidential information.
Take all reasonable efforts to do the following, provided that when requested by Twitter, you must promptly take such actions:
Delete Content that Twitter reports as deleted or expired;
Change treatment of Content that Twitter reports is subject to changed sharing options (e.g., become protected); and
Modify Content that Twitter reports has been modified.
If your Service allows users to post Content to Twitter, then, before publishing, show the user exactly what will be published, including whether any geotags will be added to the Content.
If your Service allows users to post Content to your Service and Twitter, then, before publishing to the Service:
Explain how you will use the Content;
Obtain proper permission to use the Content; and
Continue to use such Content in accordance with this Policy in connection with the Content.
Display your Service’s privacy policy to users before download, installation or sign up of your application. You must comply with your privacy policy, which must clearly disclose the information you collect from users and how you use and share that information, including with Twitter.
If your Service uses cookies, disclose in your privacy policy:
Whether third parties collect user information on your Service and across other websites or online services;
Information about user options for cookie management and whether you honor the Do Not Track setting in supporting web browsers.
If your Service adds location information to users’ Tweets:
Disclose when you add location information, whether as a geotag or annotations data, and whether you add a place or specificcoordinates.
Comply with Geo Developers Guidelines if your application allows users to Tweet with their location.
Do not store Twitter passwords.
4. Clearly Identify Your Service
Make sure users understand your identity and the source and purpose of your Service. For example:
Don’t use a name or logo that falsely implies you or your company is related to another business or person.
Don’t use a shortened URL for your Service that attempts to mask the destination site
Don’t use a URL for your Service that directs users to
a site that is unrelated to your Service
a site that encourages users to violate the Twitter Rules
a spam or malware site.
Do not replicate, frame, or mirror the Twitter website or its design.
5. Keep Twitter Spam Free
Follow the Abuse and Spam rules here.
Comply with the automation rules if your Service performs automatic actions.
Do not do any of the following:
Mass-register applications.
Create tokens/applications to sell names, prevent others from using names, or other commercial use.
Use third-party content feeds to update and maintain accounts under those third parties’ names.
Name squat by submitting multiple applications with the samefunction under different names.
Publish links to malicious content.
Publish pornographic or obscene images to user profile imagesand background images.
6. Be a Good Partner to Twitter
Follow the guidelines for using Tweets in broadcast if you display Tweets offline.
If you provide Content to third parties, including downloadable datasets of Content or an API that returns Content, you will only distribute or allow download of Tweet IDs and/or User IDs.
You may, however, provide export via non-automated means (e.g., download of spreadsheets or PDF files, or use of a “save as” button) of up to 50,000 public Tweets and/or User Objects per user of your Service, per day.
Any Content provided to third parties via non-automated file download remains subject to this Policy.
Use and display Twitter Marks solely to identify Twitter as the source of Content.
Comply with Twitter Brand Assets and Guidelines.
Do not do any of the following:
Use a single application API key for multiple use cases or multiple application API keys for the same use case.
Charge a premium above your Service’s standard data and usage rates for access to Content via SMS or USSD.
Sell or receive monetary or virtual compensation for Tweet actions or the placement of Tweet actions on your Service, such as, but not limited to follow, retweet, favorite, and reply.
Do not use, access or analyze the Twitter API to monitor or measure the availability, performance, functionality, usage statistics or results of Twitter’s products and services or for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes, including without limitation, monitoring or measuring:
the responsiveness of Twitter websites, web pages or other online services; or
aggregate Twitter user metrics such as total number of active users, accounts, user engagements or account engagements.
Use Twitter Content, by itself or bundled with third party data, to target users with advertising outside of the Twitter platform,including without limitation on other advertising networks, via databrokers, or through any other advertising or monetization services.
Use Twitter Marks, or Twitter Certified Products Program badges, or similar marks or names in a manner that creates a false sense of endorsement, sponsorship, or association with Twitter.
Use the Twitter Verified Account badge, Verified Accountstatus, or any other enhanced user categorization on Twitter Content other than that reported to you by Twitter through the API.
7. Avoid Replicating the Core Twitter Experience
Twitter discourages online services from replicating Twitter’s core user experience or features.
The following rules apply solely to Services or applications that attempt to replicate Twitter’s core user experience:
You must obtain our permission to have more than 100,000 user tokens, and you may be subject to additional terms.
Use the Twitter API as provided by Twitter for functionalities in your Service that aresubstantially similar to a Twitter service feature and present this toyour users as the default option.
Display a prominent link or button in your Service that directs new users to Twitter’s sign-up functionality.
Do not do the following:
Pay, or offer to pay, third parties for distribution. Thisincludes offering compensation for downloads (other than transactionalfees) or other mechanisms of traffic acquisition.
Arrange for your Service to be pre-installed on any device,promoted as a “zero-rated” service, or marketed as part of aspecialized data plan.
Use Twitter Content or other data collected from users to create or maintain a separate status update or social network database or service.
8. Engage in Appropriate Commercial Use
Advertising Around Twitter Content
You may advertise around and on sites that display Tweets, but you may not place any advertisements within the Twitter timeline on your Service other than Twitter Ads.
Your advertisements cannot resemble or reasonably be confused by users as a Tweet.
You may advertise in close proximity to the Twitter timeline(e.g., banner ads above or below timeline), but there must be a clearseparation between Twitter content and your advertisements.
When Content is the primary basis of an advertising or sponsorship sale you make, you must compensate Twitter, recoupable against any fees payment to Twitter for data licensing.
Twitter reserves the right to serve advertising via its APIs (“Twitter Ads”). If you decide to serve Twitter Ads once we startdelivering them, we will share a portion of advertising revenue with you in accordance with the relevant terms and conditions.
II. Rules for Specific Twitter Products or Features
9. Twitter Login
Present users with easy to find options to log into and out of Twitter, for example, via the OAuth protocol or Twitter Kit.
Provide users without a Twitter account the opportunity to create a new Twitter account.
Display the Connect with Twitter option at least as prominentlyas the most prominent of any other third party social networkingsign-up or sign-in marks and branding appearing on your Service.
Obtain consent before accessing users’ email addresses using Twitter login. As part of Twitter’s OAuth protocol, users may consent to share their email addresses with you. On iOS and Android, you must only request access to users’ email addresses using the Twitter-approved user interface made available via Twitter Kit and must only access email addresses of users who provide consent through that user interface.
10. Social Updates
If you allow users to create social updates from your own social service or a third party social networking, micro-blogging, or statusupdate provider integrated into your Service (“Update”), you must display a prominent option to publish that content to Twitter.
If Updates are longer than 140 characters or not text, you must display a prominent link to publish that content to Twitter and:
URLs must direct users to the page where that content is displayed. You may require users to sign in to access that page, but the content must not otherwise be restricted from being viewed.
URLs must not direct users to interstitial or intermediate pages.
11. Twitter Identity
Once a user has authenticated via Connect with Twitter via your Service, you must clearly display the user’s Twitter identity via your Service. Twitter identity includes visible display of the user’s avatar, Twitter user name and the Twitter bird mark.
Displays of the user’s followers on your Service must clearlyshow that the relationship is associated with the Twitter Service.
12. Twitter Cards
Develop your Card to have the same quality experience across all platforms where Cards are displayed.
If your Service provides a logged-in experience, the experience prior to a user’s login must be of equivalent quality and user value.
Mark your Card as ‘true’ for sensitive media if such media can be displayed.
Use HTTPS for hosting all assets within your Card.
For video and audio content:
Default to ‘sound off’ for videos that automatically play content.
Include stop or pause controls.
Do not do any of the following:
Exceed or circumvent Twitter’s limitations placed on any Cards, including the Card’s intended use.
Attach the App Card to a user’s Tweet, unless the user is explicitly promoting or referring to the app in the Tweet.
Place third-party sponsored content within Cards without Twitter’s prior approval.
Include content or actions within your Card that are not contextually relevant to the user’s Tweet text and Tweet entities, such as URLs and media.
Generate active mixed content browser warnings.
Attach monetary incentives or transactions (including virtual currency) to activities that occur within the Card or on Twitter from your Card.
Apply for Cards access for domains you do not manage to prevent others from registering or utilizing Cards on those domains.
13. Twitter for Websites
If you expect your embedded Tweets and embedded timelines to exceed 10 million dailyimpressions, you must contact us about your Twitter API access, as you may be subject to additional terms.
If you use TFW widgets, you must ensure that an end user is provided with clear and comprehensive information about, and consents to, the storing and accessing of cookies or other information on the end user’s device where providing such information and obtaining such consent is required by law.
If you operate a Service targeted to children under 13, you must opt out of tailoring Twitter in any Twitter for Websites button, embedded Tweet, or embedded timeline on your Service by setting the opt-out parameter to be true.
14. Definitions
Content ‒ Tweets, Tweet IDs, Twitter end user profile information, and any other data and information made available to you through the Twitter API or by any other means authorized by Twitter, and any copies and derivative works thereof.
Developer Site ‒ Twitter’s developer site located at
Tweet ‒ A public posting with a text body of no more than 140 characters made by any end user of the Twitter Service.
Tweet ID ‒ A unique identification number generated for each Tweet.
Twitter API ‒ The Twitter Application Programming Interface (“API”) and the related documentation, data, code, and other materials provided by Twitter with the API, as updated from time to time, including without limitation through the Developer Site.
Twitter Marks ‒ The Twitter name, or logos that Twitter makes available to you, including via the Developer Site.
User ID — Unique identification numbers generated for each User that do not contain any personally identifiable information such as Twitter usernames or users’ names.