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EUDEC Guidance Document
EUDEC Guidance Document
In the Guidance Document, the Assembly of Members codifies the central foundations of EUDEC as well as many internal rules, structures and procedures. It is somewhat like EUDEC's internal lawbook.
In the Guidance Document, the Assembly of Members codifies the central foundations of EUDEC as well as many internal rules, structures and procedures. It is somewhat like EUDEC's internal lawbook.

The Guidance Document is also an evolving document, and it is improved every year at the Annual General Meeting. To work on improving it, we can use the wiki as a platform for comments, discussion and proposals. However, these discussions shouldn't take place on this page, which is dedicated to keeping the current Guidance Document so that anyone can access it and find what they need at any time. Instead, we set up separate wiki pages for each Article, in which we can discuss things. For example, click on the titles of Article 1:00 to see one such page. If an Article you would like to discuss does not have its own page yet, simply create that page and write down your comments or questions.
The Guidance Document is also an evolving document, and it is improved every year at the Annual General Meeting. To work on improving it, we can use the wiki as a platform for comments, discussion and proposals. However, these discussions shouldn't take place on this page, which is dedicated to keeping the current Guidance Document so that anyone can access it and find what they need at any time. Instead, we set up separate wiki pages for each Article, in which we can discuss things. For example, click on the titles of Article 1:00 to see one such page. If an Article you would like to discuss does not have its own page yet, simply create that page and write down your comments or questions.
This is the version from August 2014
This is the version from August 2014
Table of contents
Table of contents
• EUDEC Guidance Document
• EUDEC Guidance Document
• Section 1 Foundations
• Section 1 Foundations
o Article 1:00 Preamble
o Article 1:00 Preamble
o Article 1:10 Community Aims
o Article 1:10 Community Aims
o Article 1:20 Definitions
o Article 1:20 Definitions
• Section 2: Organisation
• Section 2: Organisation
o Article 2:10 Membership
o Article 2:10 Membership
 (a) Membership
 (a) Membership
 (b) Member Schools and Organisations
 (b) Member Schools and Organisations
 (c) Fees
 (c) Fees
o Article 2:15 Non-Discrimination
o Article 2:15 Non-Discrimination
o Article 2:20 Communication
o Article 2:20 Communication
o Article 2:30 Disclosure
o Article 2:30 Disclosure
o Article 2:35 Transparency
o Article 2:35 Transparency
o Article 2:40 Voting and Meetings
o Article 2:40 Voting and Meetings
 (a) Order
 (a) Order
 (b) Votes
 (b) Votes
 (c) Motions
 (c) Motions
 (d) Adjournments
 (d) Adjournments
 (e) Elections with few candidates
 (e) Elections with few candidates
 (f) Elections for a singular office
 (f) Elections for a singular office
o Article 2:50 Internal Procedures
o Article 2:50 Internal Procedures
o Article 2:60 Elections
o Article 2:60 Elections
 (a) Offices and Terms
 (a) Offices and Terms
 (c) Nominations
 (c) Nominations
 (d) By-Elections
 (d) By-Elections
o Article 2:70 Employees
o Article 2:70 Employees
o Article 2:80 Branding
o Article 2:80 Branding
• Section 3: Organs of the Community
• Section 3: Organs of the Community
o Article 3:10 Assembly of Members
o Article 3:10 Assembly of Members
 (a) General Meetings of the Assembly
 (a) General Meetings of the Assembly
 (b) Agenda
 (b) Agenda
 (c) Extraordinary Meetings and Referenda
 (c) Extraordinary Meetings and Referenda
 (d) Order
 (d) Order
o Article 3:20 Council
o Article 3:20 Council
 (i) Powers and Duties
 (i) Powers and Duties
 (a) Election
 (a) Election
 (b) Transition
 (b) Transition
 (c) Meetings
 (c) Meetings
 (d) Annual Agenda
 (d) Annual Agenda
 (e) Absence
 (e) Absence
 (f) Removal of Members
 (f) Removal of Members
 (h) Voting
 (h) Voting
 (j) Remuneration of Council Members
 (j) Remuneration of Council Members
 (k) Council Officers
 (k) Council Officers
 (l) Duties of Chairperson
 (l) Duties of Chairperson
 (m) Duties of the Chief Coordinators
 (m) Duties of the Chief Coordinators
 (n) Duties of the Treasurer
 (n) Duties of the Responsible for Finances
 (o) Duties of the Region Coordinator
 (o) Duties of the Region Coordinator
 (p) Duties of the Workgroup Coordinators
 (p) Duties of the Workgroup Coordinators
 (r) Duties of the General Contact
 (r) Duties of the General Contact
 (s) Project Associates
 (s) Project Associates
o Article 3:30 Oversight Committee
o Article 3:30 Oversight Committee
 (a) Election
 (a) Election
 (b) Votes
 (b) Votes
 (d) Dissolution
 (d) Dissolution
 (e) Powers
 (e) Powers
 (f) Matters Brought Before the Assembly
 (f) Matters Brought Before the Assembly
 (g) Ombudsman
 (g) Ombudsperson
 (h) Disqualification
 (h) Disqualification
o Article 3:40 Regional Chapters
o Article 3:40 Regional Chapters
 (a) Tasks
 (a) Tasks
 (b) Regional Advisor
 (b) Regional Responsible
 (c) Membership
 (c) Membership
o Article 3:50 Workgroups
o Article 3:50 Workgroups
 (a) Recognition
 (a) Recognition
o Article 3:60 Auditors
o Article 3:60 Auditors
o Article 3:70 Responsibles
o Article 3:80 The EUDEC Congress
• Section 4: Conditions
• Section 4: Conditions
o Article 4:05 Conflicts of Interpretation
o Article 4:05 Conflicts of Interpretation
o Article 4:20 Execution of Documents
o Article 4:20 Execution of Documents
o Article 4:90 Guidelines, Resolutions and Amendments
o Article 4:90 Guidelines, Resolutions and Amendments
Section 1 Foundations
Section 1 Foundations
Article 1:00 Preamble
Article 1:00 Preamble
1:00 The protocol and procedures of the European Democratic Education Community (EUDEC) are to be ordained by the following articles, subordinate to the Association's Articles of Association (Satzung) and as ordained therein. All bodies herein ordained as bodies of EUDEC must adhere to the protocol and procedures established herein.
1:00 The protocol and procedures of the European Democratic Education Community (EUDEC) are to be ordained by the following articles, subordinate to the Association's Articles of Association (Satzung) and as ordained therein. All bodies herein ordained as bodies of EUDEC must adhere to the protocol and procedures established herein.
Article 1:10 Community Aims
Article 1:10 Community Aims
(a) To support all forms of democratic education throughout Europe.
(a) To support all forms of democratic education throughout Europe.
(b) To promote democratic education as a sensible choice for democratic states.
(b) To promote democratic education as a sensible choice for democratic states.
(c) To establish, in legislation and practice, the right to found and attend democratic education institutions.
(c) To establish, in legislation and practice, the right to found and attend democratic education institutions.
(d) To facilitate exchange of information between democratic education institutions in Europe and create connections between schools for cooperation and mutual learning.
(d) To facilitate exchange of information between democratic education institutions in Europe and create connections between schools for cooperation and mutual learning.
(e) To provide information and outreach programs for colleges and training institutes to give future teachers a practical understanding of the basics of democratic education and what it can mean for teachers, pupils, educational environments and democratic states.
(e) To provide information and outreach programs for colleges and training institutes to give future teachers a practical understanding of the basics of democratic education and what it can mean for teachers, pupils, educational environments and democratic states.
(f) To provide aid and support to democratic education institutions as well as organisations, associations and other groups whose main objectives include the establishment of such an institution.
(f) To provide aid and support to democratic education institutions as well as organisations, associations and other groups whose main objectives include the establishment of such an institution.
Article 1:20 Definitions
Article 1:20 Definitions
1:20.10 The basis of democratic education is in certain rights of students, which EUDEC defines as follows (based on the 2005 Resolution of the 13th International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC), Berlin, Germany):
1:20.10 The basis of democratic education is in certain rights of students, which EUDEC defines as follows (based on the 2005 Resolution of the 13th International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC), Berlin, Germany):
(11) In any educational institution, students have the right.
(11) In any educational institution, students have the right.
(12) to make their own choices regarding learning and all other areas of everyday life. In particular, they may individually determine what to do, when, where, how and with whom, so long as their decisions do not infringe on the liberty of others to do the same.
(12) to make their own choices regarding learning and all other areas of everyday life. In particular, they may individually determine what to do, when, where, how and with whom, so long as their decisions do not infringe on the liberty of others to do the same.
(13) to have an equal share in the decision making as to how their organisations - in particular their schools – are run, and which rules and sanctions, if any,are necessary.
(13) to have an equal share in the decision making as to how their organisations - in particular their schools – are run, and which rules and sanctions, if any,are necessary.
1:20.20 Democratic education is defined by this organisation as education conducted in keeping with the above Resolution.
1:20.20 Democratic education is defined by this organisation as education conducted in keeping with the above Resolution.
1:20.30 Specifically, EUDEC identifies regular democratic meetings with one-person one-vote as a fundamental necessity of democratic education.
1:20.30 Specifically, EUDEC identifies regular democratic meetings with one-person one-vote as a fundamental necessity of democratic education.
1:20.40 For all purposes within this document, Europe is defined as the total area of all European states as defined by the Council of Europe.
1:20.40 For all purposes within this document, Europe is defined as the total area of all European states as defined by the Council of Europe.
Section 2: Organisation
Section 2: Organisation
Article 2:10 Membership
Article 2:10 Membership
(a) Membership
(a) Membership
2:10.a10 MEMBERSHIP: The membership consists of natural persons, schools, organisations and groups starting a school. Any individual may apply for membership (using a written or electronic form).
2:10.a10 MEMBERSHIP: The membership consists of natural persons, schools, organisations and groups starting a school. Any individual may apply for membership (using a written or electronic form).
(11) An individual, organisation or school has to fulfill one criteria to qualify for membership: (i) they must support EUDEC's aims (see Article 1:10) to promote democratic education as defined in Article 1:20.
(11) An individual, organisation or school has to fulfill one criteria to qualify for membership: (i) they must support EUDEC's aims (see Article 1:10) to promote democratic education as defined in Article 1:20.
(12) Any individual, school or other organisation may become an associate member (even if they do not qualify for full membership) if they stand behind EUDEC's Aims (see Article 1:10) to promote democratic education as defined in Article 1:20.
(12) Any individual, school or other organisation may become an associate member (even if they do not qualify for full membership) if they stand behind EUDEC's Aims (see Article 1:10) to promote democratic education as defined in Article 1:20.
(15) A EUDEC member organisation that starts a school that becomes a EUDEC member can cancel its membership with any fees already paid by the organisation for the remainder of the fiscal year going towards current and future membership fees of the new school.
(15) A EUDEC member organisation that starts a school that becomes a EUDEC member can cancel its membership with any fees already paid by the organisation for the remainder of the fiscal year going towards current and future membership fees of the new school.
2:10.a20 When a new member has been admitted a EUDEC employee or officer notifies them promptly of their admittance.
2:10.a20 When a new member has been admitted a EUDEC employee or officer notifies them promptly of their admittance.
(25) GOOD STANDING: A member of EUDEC is considered to be in good standing, unless their membership has expired (see 2:10.c12) or has been disqualified by the Oversight Committee (see 3:30.h). A member who is not in good standing does not have the rights of a member. A member whose membership has expired can return to good standing by paying their fees due. A disqualified member may be returned to good standing only by the Assembly (see Article 3:10).
(25) GOOD STANDING: A member of EUDEC is considered to be in good standing, unless their membership has expired (see 2:10.c12) or has been disqualified by the Oversight Committee (see 3:30.h). A member who is not in good standing does not have the rights of a member. A member whose membership has expired can return to good standing by paying their fees due. A disqualified member may be returned to good standing only by the Assembly (see Article 3:10).
2:10.a30 VOTING RIGHTS: An individual with a full membership in good standing (see above) is entitled to one vote on each question arising at any general or Extraordinary Meeting of the members. A school with a full membership in good standing can designate a maximum of three voting representatives, an organisation with a full membership in good standing can designate one voting
2:10.a30 VOTING RIGHTS: An individual with a full membership in good standing (see above) is entitled to one vote on each question arising at any general or Extraordinary Meeting of the members. A school with a full membership in good standing can designate a maximum of three voting representatives, an organisation with a full membership in good standing can designate one voting
representative, each entitled to one vote on each question arising at any general or extraordinary meeting of the members. (For more on member schools and organisationssee (b) below.)
representative, each entitled to one vote on each question arising at any general or extraordinary meeting of the members. (For more on member schools and organisationssee (b) below.)
2:10.a40 RESIGNATION from MEMBERSHIP: Members may resign by submitting a signed, written resignation by post or fax which is effective as soon as Council receives it. Membership fees cannot be refunded.
2:10.a40 RESIGNATION from MEMBERSHIP: Members may resign by submitting a signed, written resignation by post or fax which is effective as soon as Council receives it. Membership fees cannot be refunded.
(45) RESIGNATION from OFFICE: Any member may at any time resign from any office of the Community or reject election to such office. In the event that an elected member rejects office their candidacy is stricken, and the results are calculated anew, ignoring that candidate. A member resigning at a later point is officially removed from office as soon as their notice of abdication reaches the Chief Coordinator in writing. E-Mail constitutes, for this purpose, sufficient written notice. Notice of abdication must be accompanied by an explanation, which is subject to disclosure as per Article 2:30.
(45) RESIGNATION from OFFICE: Any member may at any time resign from any office of the Community or reject election to such office. In the event that an elected member rejects office their candidacy is stricken, and the results are calculated anew, ignoring that candidate. A member resigning at a later point is officially removed from office as soon as their notice of abdication reaches the Chief Coordinator in writing. E-Mail constitutes, for this purpose, sufficient written notice. Notice of abdication must be accompanied by an explanation, which is subject to disclosure as per Article 2:30.
2:10.a50 RIGHTS of ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Associate members have all rights of membership, except for the right to vote and the right to be elected for Office.
2:10.a50 RIGHTS of ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Associate members have all rights of membership, except for the right to vote and the right to be elected for Office.
2:10.a60 CONTACT PERSON: Member organisations must have an official contact person known to Council.
2:10.a60 CONTACT PERSON: Member organisations must have an official contact person known to Council.
(b) Member Schools and Organisations
(b) Member Schools and Organisations
2:10.b10 SCHOOLS' VOTES: Member schools must elect an official contact person, and three (3) voting representatives. These officials must be elected, and Council must be notified of the representatives elected. Any individual elected by a member school as a voting representative may also run for Council.
2:10.b10 SCHOOLS' VOTES: Member schools must elect an official contact person, and three (3) voting representatives. These officials must be elected, and Council must be notified of the representatives elected. Any individual elected by a member school as a voting representative may also run for Council.
2:10.b15 ORGANISATIONS’ VOTES: Member organisations must elect an official contact person, and one (1) voting representative. This official must be elected annually by an equal, fair and democratic vote open to all members of the organisation, and Council must be notified of the representatives elected. Any individual elected by a member organisation as a voting representative may also run for Council.
2:10.b15 ORGANISATIONS’ VOTES: Member organisations must elect an official contact person, and one (1) voting representative. This official must be elected annually by an equal, fair and democratic vote open to all members of the organisation, and Council must be notified of the representatives elected. Any individual elected by a member organisation as a voting representative may also run for Council.
2:10.b20 When calculating a majority or proportion of the membership a member school is counted as 3 members, an organisation as 1 member.
2:10.b20 When calculating a majority or proportion of the membership a member school is counted as 3 members, an organisation as 1 member.
2:10.b30 RIGHTS of SCHOOL MEMBERS: Being an employee, student or parent of a student at a full member school entitles an individual to all rights of membership, except for voting in the Assembly, and except where stated otherwise. However when participating in meetings other than the Assembly, these school members are allowed their own vote and may also run for Office.
2:10.b30 RIGHTS of SCHOOL MEMBERS: Being an employee, student or parent of a student at a full member school entitles an individual to all rights of membership, except for voting in the Assembly, and except where stated otherwise. However when participating in meetings other than the Assembly, these school members are allowed their own vote and may also run for Office.
(c) Fees
(c) Fees
2:10.c10 All members pay an annual membership fee in accordance with the valid Fee Schedule. The membership period (in which the member is considered to be "in good standing" begins on the day the payment is made. Council May Set a lower Fee for a specific organisation or member school on a case-by-case basis, the decision and
2:10.c10 (c) Fees
reasoning subject to disclosure as per Article 2:30.
2:10.c10 All members pay a membership fee in accordance with the valid Fee Schedule. The membership period (in which the member is considered to be "in good standing") begins on the day the payment is made. Council may set a lower fee for a specific organisation or member school on a case-by-case basis, the decision and reasoning subject to disclosure as per Article 2:30.
2:10.c12 EXPIRATION of MEMBERSHIP: Any member whose fee is overdue is considered to not be in good standing.(see 2:10.a25).
2:10.c12 EXPIRATION of MEMBERSHIP: Any member whose fee is overdue is considered to not be in good standing (see 2:10.a25).
2:10.c15 LAPSED MEMBERSHIP: Former members can renew lapsed memberships at any time by paying the current applicable fee without having to resubmit an application for membership.
2:10.c15 LAPSED MEMBERSHIP: Former members can renew lapsed memberships at any time by paying the current applicable fee without having to resubmit an application for membership.
2:10.c20 CHANGES in FEE SCHEDULE: The Fee Schedule is subject to change by the General Meeting. Any motion to change the Fee Schedule must be announced 30 days before the Meeting, at latest. Any later motion is considered a Special Motion, requiring a special majority and subject to Oversight Committee review (cf.3:10.b).
2:10.c20 CHANGES in FEE SCHEDULE: The Fee Schedule is subject to change by the General Meeting. Any motion to change the Fee Schedule must be announced 30 days before the Meeting, at latest. Any later motion is considered a Special Motion, requiring a special majority and subject to Oversight Committee review (cf.3:10.b).
2:10.c30 REGIONAL CHAPTER FEES: In regions where a Regional Chapter exists (see Article 3:40) membership fees are shared with the Chapter. See 3:40.c for more details about membership and Chapters.
2:10.c30 REGIONAL CHAPTER FEES: In regions where a Regional Chapter exists (see Article 3:40) membership fees are shared with the Chapter. See 3:40.c for more details about membership and Chapters.
Article 2:15 Non-Discrimination
Article 2:15 Non-Discrimination
2:15.10 EUDEC will not discriminate as to ethnicity, colour, religion, gender, marital status, national origin, age, special needs or sexual orientation.
2:15.10 EUDEC will not discriminate as to ethnicity, colour, religion, gender, marital status, national origin, age, special needs or sexual orientation.
2:15.20 EUDEC is committed to promoting an anti-discriminatory culture by:
2:15.20 EUDEC is committed to promoting an anti-discriminatory culture by:
(21) ensuring where reasonable that all people have an accessible opportunity to participate in EUDEC,
(21) ensuring where reasonable that all people have an accessible opportunity to participate in EUDEC,
(22) ensuring where reasonable that all members have an accessible opportunity to participate in discussion and decision making, and,
(22) ensuring where reasonable that all members have an accessible opportunity to participate in discussion and decision making, and,
(23) ensuring where reasonable that all policies, communications and practices,while not intentionally discriminatory or intimidating, have a non-discriminatory effect.
(23) ensuring where reasonable that all policies, communications and practices,while not intentionally discriminatory or intimidating, have a non-discriminatory effect.
2:15.30 If a member believes any of EUDEC's activities or communications contradict this article they must send a written complaint to Council. Council must respond in writing within 14 days, subject to disclosure (as per Article 2:30). Before or after this, the member may also lodge a complaint with Oversight Committee (see Article 3:30).
2:15.30 If a member believes any of EUDEC's activities or communications contradict this article they must send a written complaint to Council. Council must respond in writing within 14 days, subject to disclosure (as per Article 2:30). Before or after this, the member may also lodge a complaint with Oversight Committee (see Article 3:30).
Article 2:20 Communication
Article 2:20 Communication
2:20 EUDEC uses the Internet for internal communications and public relations. Unless specifies otherwise, EUDEC accepts E-Mail notice as written notice. The official platform for online Community business is an Internet forum or similar platform. If the platform is not located directly at the http://www.eudec.org/ url, a hyper-link to the platform must be available directly at that URL. This platform must be accessible both for reading and for posting by all members of EUDEC, full or associate.
2:20 EUDEC uses the Internet for internal communications and public relations. Unless specifies otherwise, EUDEC accepts E-Mail notice as written notice. The official platform for online Community business is an Internet forum or similar platform. If the platform is not located directly at the http://www.eudec.org/ url, a hyper-link to the platform must be available directly at that URL. This platform must be accessible both for reading and for posting by all members of EUDEC, full or associate.
Article 2:30 Disclosure
Article 2:30 Disclosure
2:30 Any matter subject to disclosure, as defined in this Guidance Document, must be posted as soon as possible on the official Internet platform and read
2:30 Any matter subject to disclosure, as defined in this Guidance Document, must be posted as soon as possible on the official Internet platform and read
out by the Ombudsman at the next Assembly. Unless stated otherwise in this Guidance Document the deadline for initial online disclosure is 21 days after
out by the Ombudsman at the next Assembly. Unless stated otherwise in this Guidance Document the deadline for initial online disclosure is 21 days after
the moment when the matter subject to disclosure first becomes known.
the moment when the matter subject to disclosure first becomes known.
Article 2:35 Transparency
Article 2:35 Transparency
2:35 All bodies of EUDEC must conform to the principle of organisational transparency, recording in the minutes of their meetings all decisions made and
2:35 All bodies of EUDEC must conform to the principle of organisational transparency, recording in the minutes of their meetings all decisions made and
providing information on past decisions. This requirement applies even where the content of discussion is confidential.
providing information on past decisions. This requirement applies even where the content of discussion is confidential.
Article 2:40 Voting and Meetings
Article 2:40 Voting and Meetings
2:40.10 All official meetings and votes of the EUDEC and its organs must follow the procedures laid out in this Article. Any reference here to “members” refers only to the members of the voting body. For many organs – Assembly especially – more specific procedures are described elsewhere in this Guidance Document. In case of contradiction, the organ-specific procedures take precedence.
2:40.10 All official meetings and votes of the EUDEC and its organs must follow the procedures laid out in this Article. Any reference here to “members” refers only to the members of the voting body. For many organs – Assembly especially – more specific procedures are described elsewhere in this Guidance Document. In case of contradiction, the organ-specific procedures take precedence.
(a) Order
(a) Order
2:40.a10 All meetings are presided over by a Chairperson elected by the meeting. The Chair may choose how to run the meeting, but Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised) are to be used as a point of reference and may be consulted as arbiter in disputes over the rules of order.
2:40.a10 All meetings are presided over by a Chairperson elected by the meeting. The Chair may choose how to run the meeting, but Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised) are to be used as a point of reference and may be consulted as arbiter in disputes over the rules of order.
(b) Votes
(b) Votes
2:40.b10 Matters arising at any meeting are decided by a simple majority vote. All members may vote on any question. The presiding chairperson can abstain from voting but then vote after the votes have been tallied if a single vote can create or break an equality of votes. In case of an equality of votes the motion is defeated. When casting a deciding vote the Chairperson explains their vote. 2:40.b15 In any vote an individual may cast a maximum of one vote, regardless of circumstances that may give an individual an additional vote (such as a full individual member who is also a school's voting representative).
2:40.b10 Matters arising at any meeting are decided by a simple majority vote. All members may vote on any question. The presiding chairperson can abstain from voting but then vote after the votes have been tallied if a single vote can create or break an equality of votes. In case of an equality of votes the motion is defeated. When casting a deciding vote the Chairperson explains their vote.
2:40.b15 In any vote an individual may cast a maximum of one vote, regardless of circumstances that may give an individual an additional vote (such as a full individual member who is also a school's voting representative).
2:40.b20 Every matter is decided in the first instance by a show of hands unless a poll be demanded by any member, in which case a poll takes the place of the show of hands. In a poll the Chairperson may only vote with the rest of the
2:40.b20 Every matter is decided in the first instance by a show of hands unless a poll be demanded by any member, in which case a poll takes the place of the show of hands. In a poll the Chairperson may only vote with the rest of the
2:40.b30 POLL PROCEDURES: Polls are conducted by two Poll Overseers, who are elected by the meeting using a Single Transferable Vote ballot for a single poll or a pre-determined set of polls as determined by the Assembly. 2:40.b32 Members vote on a poll or a pre-determined set of polls using a specially-prepared form on which they may state their preferences for each of the motions in the poll. These forms are cast in a private manner, under the supervision of the Poll Overseers. The Poll Overseers receive a list of all eligible voting members present and use this list to ensure that each member participates no more than once in the poll. 2:40.b34 Votes are tallied after all eligible members present have been given a fair opportunity to participate in the poll. Poll results are counted twice, once by each Poll Overseer. Each tally must be performed in the presence of either Chairman or Secretary of the meeting. Other members may observe the tallying so long as they do not cause any disturbance to it. The two tallies are compared and repeated until they match. When the tallying is complete the results are announced and noted.
2:40.b30 POLL PROCEDURES: Polls are conducted by two Poll Overseers, who are elected by the meeting using a Single Transferable Vote ballot for a single poll or a pre-determined set of polls as determined by the Assembly.
2:40.b32 Members vote on a poll or a pre-determined set of polls using a specially-prepared form on which they may state their preferences for each of the motions in the poll. These forms are cast in a private manner, under the supervision of the Poll Overseers. The Poll Overseers receive a list of all eligible voting members present and use this list to ensure that each member participates no more than once in the poll. 2:40.b34 Votes are tallied after all eligible members present have been given a fair opportunity to participate in the poll. Poll results are counted twice, once by each Poll Overseer. Each tally must be performed in the presence of either Chairman or Secretary of the meeting. Other members may observe the tallying so long as they do not cause any disturbance to it. The two tallies are compared and repeated until they match. When the tallying is complete the results are announced and noted.
2:40.b40 The final balance of votes regarding any proposal must be tallied and entered into the minutes by the Chair or Secretary presiding.
2:40.b40 The final balance of votes regarding any proposal must be tallied and entered into the minutes by the Chair or Secretary presiding.
2:40.b50 A member who declares conflict of interest does not vote concerning the matter.
2:40.b50 A member who declares conflict of interest does not vote concerning the matter.
(c) Motions
(c) Motions
2:40.c10 Voting proceeds on the basis of motions, which may be proposed on the agenda or during the meeting. A motion not present on the agenda may be put forth by a voting member, on the condition that it be seconded by another present voting member. 2:40.c20 For each motion a single vote determines if the motion is adopted or rejected.
2:40.c10 Voting proceeds on the basis of motions, which may be proposed on the agenda or during the meeting. A motion not present on the agenda may be put forth by a voting member, on the condition that it be seconded by another present voting member. 2:40.c20 For each motion a single vote determines if the motion is adopted or rejected.
2:40.c22 When there are two or more contradictory motions pertaining to the same matter the motions and amendments are voted on from last-proposed to first, each being carried or rejected. In the event that more than one motion remains (has been carried) after this first round of votes another vote takes place, in which each member may only vote for one of the remaining motions. If a single motion receives an absolute majority of votes cast, that motion wins.
2:40.c22 When there are two or more contradictory motions pertaining to the same matter the motions and amendments are voted on from last-proposed to first, each being carried or rejected. In the event that more than one motion remains (has been carried) after this first round of votes another vote takes place, in which each member may only vote for one of the remaining motions. If a single motion receives an absolute majority of votes cast, that motion wins.
2:40.c24 If no absolute majority is found the motions must be compared pairwise, using the Schulze Method to determine an absolute winner. (Information on the Schulze method can be found on the Internet.)
2:40.c24 If no absolute majority is found the motions must be compared pairwise, using the Schulze Method to determine an absolute winner. (Information on the Schulze method can be found on the Internet.)
2:40.c26 Regardless of the method used to determine the winning motion a final vote takes place to adopt or reject the winning motion. If this final motion is rejected no motion is adopted regarding the matter at hand. However, the meeting may at any time, by a simple majority vote, decide to reopen a subject for renewed discussion and voting.
2:40.c26 Regardless of the method used to determine the winning motion a final vote takes place to adopt or reject the winning motion. If this final motion is rejected no motion is adopted regarding the matter at hand. However, the meeting may at any time, by a simple majority vote, decide to reopen a subject for renewed discussion and voting.
(d) Adjournments
(d) Adjournments
2:40.d10 Any meeting may be adjourned to any time by majority vote, and such business may be transacted at such adjourned meeting as might have been transacted at the original meeting from which such adjournment took place. No notice is required of such adjournment. However, motions for expulsion of Council members may not be adjourned to another meeting. Votes on acceptance of membership applications must take place at the beginning of the General Assembly if they were on the agenda in advance.
2:40.d10 Any meeting may be adjourned to any time by majority vote, and such business may be transacted at such adjourned meeting as might have been transacted at the original meeting from which such adjournment took place. No notice is required of such adjournment. However, motions for expulsion of Council members may not be adjourned to another meeting. Votes on acceptance of membership applications must take place at the beginning of the General Assembly if they were on the agenda in advance.
(e) Elections with few candidates
(e) Elections with few candidates
2:40.e10 Whenever the number of candidates for an Election is equal to the number of positions to be filled, voting may take place in the following way:
2:40.e10 Whenever the number of candidates for an Election is equal to the number of positions to be filled, voting may take place in the following way:
(11) In a first round of voting, members can vote YES or NO on each of the candidates. If all candidates receive a majority of votes cast, all candidates
(11) In a first round of voting, members can vote YES or NO on each of the candidates. If all candidates receive a majority of votes cast, all candidates
are elected.
are elected.
(12) If one or more candidates do not get a majority, a second round of voting takes place using the Single Transferable Vote system, with the provision that leaving a candidate unranked is interpreted as a vote against that candidate. Candidates are then elected if and only if they have reached the necessary quota of votes as calculated at the beginning of the count.
(12) If one or more candidates do not get a majority, a second round of voting takes place using the Single Transferable Vote system, with the provision that leaving a candidate unranked is interpreted as a vote against that candidate. Candidates are then elected if and only if they have reached the necessary quota of votes as calculated at the beginning of the count.
(f) Elections for a singular office
(f) Elections for a singular office
2:40.f10 Whenever an election takes place for a singular office (where only one person can be elected), voting members are asked to vote for their first preference. If a single candidate receives an absolute majority of votes cast, that candidate wins. If no absolute majority is found the candidates must be compared pairwise, using the Schulze Method to determine an absolute winner. (Information on the Schulze method can be found on the Internet.)
2:40.f10 Whenever an election takes place for a singular office (where only one person can be elected), voting members are asked to vote for their first preference. If a single candidate receives an absolute majority of votes cast, that candidate wins. If no absolute majority is found the candidates must be compared pairwise, using the Schulze Method to determine an absolute winner. (Information on the Schulze method can be found on the Internet.)
Article 2:50 Internal Procedures
Article 2:50 Internal Procedures
2:50 All Committees, Workgroups, Chapters and other bodies, including Council, established as bodies of EUDEC by Section 3 of this Guidance Document, may craft internal procedures insofar as these pertain only to the internal operation of the said body. These are subordinate to the Guidance Document and to decisions of the Assembly and may not in any way contradict them. Internal procedures must
2:50 All Committees, Workgroups, Chapters and other bodies, including Council, established as bodies of EUDEC by Section 3 of this Guidance Document, may craft internal procedures insofar as these pertain only to the internal operation of the said body. These are subordinate to the Guidance Document and to decisions of the Assembly and may not in any way contradict them. Internal procedures must
always be decided by a simple majority of members of the body they apply to and may be amended or repealed by a simple majority. Insofar as a procedure has not been repealed it is binding to all members of the body in question.
always be decided by a simple majority of members of the body they apply to and may be amended or repealed by a simple majority. Insofar as a procedure has not been repealed it is binding to all members of the body in question.
Article 2:60 Elections
Article 2:60 Elections
2:60.10 Full Elections for Council (see Article 3:20), Oversight Committee (see Article 3:30), and Auditors (see Article 3:60) take place during the Annual General Meeting. The members present for the first plenary session of the General Assembly elect two Election Supervisors, who administer the elections and may not run for any office in the elections they administer. The Supervisors are elected using the Single Transferable Vote model of elections, as described for the Elections themselves. The Supervisors for the Election of the Oversight Committee (see Article 3:30) may not be current members of Council.
2:60.10 Full Elections for Council (see Article 3:20), Oversight Committee (see Article 3:30), and Auditors (see Article 3:60) take place during the Annual General Meeting. The members present for the first plenary session of the General Assembly elect two Election Supervisors, who administer the elections and may not run for any office in the elections they administer. The Supervisors are elected using the Single Transferable Vote model of elections, as described for the Elections themselves. The Supervisors for the Election of the Oversight Committee (see Article 3:30) may not be current members of Council.
2:60.15 The Elections are administered in strict accordance with the rules set forth in this Article. Council may craft additional regulations and guidelines for the administration of fair and equal Elections. These are valid as soon as they have been available to members on the official Internet platform for 21 days. The Oversight Committee may suspend any Election regulation crafted by Council. Suspended regulations, should Council still wish to use them, can be approved only by the Assembly. The same applies to regulations not published 21 days in advance of the General Meeting. No motion on the agenda must be present for the approval of these regulations.
2:60.15 The Elections are administered in strict accordance with the rules set forth in this Article. Council may craft additional regulations and guidelines for the administration of fair and equal Elections. These are valid as soon as they have been available to members on the official Internet platform for 21 days. The Oversight Committee may suspend any Election regulation crafted by Council. Suspended regulations, should Council still wish to use them, can be approved only by the Assembly. The same applies to regulations not published 21 days in advance of the General Meeting. No motion on the agenda must be present for the approval of these regulations.
2:60.20 All Full Elections take place using the Single Transferable Vote model of representative elections. Information on this model is available on the Internet. The technical application of the model is determined by Council's regulations, or lacking applicable regulations, by the Supervisors during the General Meeting.
2:60.20 All Full Elections take place using the Single Transferable Vote model of representative elections. Information on this model is available on the Internet. The technical application of the model is determined by Council's regulations, or lacking applicable regulations, by the Supervisors during the General Meeting.
(a) Offices and Terms
(a) Offices and Terms
2:60.a10 Council and Oversight Committee are elected for a two-year term, on an alternating rotation: Council is elected on odd years, the Oversight Committee on even years. Elections encompass all seats of the respective body, whether vacant or occupied. No current member of Council may run for Oversight Committee or vice versa.
2:60.a10 Council and Oversight Committee are elected for a two-year term, on an alternating rotation: Council is elected on odd years, the Oversight Committee on even years. Elections encompass all seats of the respective body, whether vacant or occupied. No current member of Council may run for Oversight Committee or vice versa.
2:60.a12 Two Auditors are elected every year for a one-year term. No current member of, or candidate for, Council or Oversight Committee may be a candidate for Auditor, nor may a candidate for Auditor run for Council or Oversight Committee.
2:60.a12 Two Auditors are elected every year for a one-year term. No current member of, or candidate for, Council or Oversight Committee may be a candidate for Auditor, nor may a candidate for Auditor run for Council or Oversight Committee.
(c) Nominations
(c) Nominations
2:60.c10 A candidate can only be nominated if they are present and consent to the nomination, or if they have consented in writing prior to the meeting and their written consent is presented during the nomination.
2:60.c10 A candidate can only be nominated if they are present and consent to the nomination, or if they have consented in writing prior to the meeting and their written consent is presented during the nomination.
(d) By-Elections
(d) By-Elections
2:60.d10 If, for any reason, not all position in Council or on the Oversight Committee are filled, elections must take place to fill the vacancies for the remainder of the current term. Council must give notice of the date and method of election within 14 days of the vacancy via E-Mail and the official Internet platform. Elections are held no less than 7 days, and no more than 30 days, after Community members are given notice. An exception can be made by Council if a General Meeting is less than 90 days away; in such cases the by-elections can take place during that meeting, beside any other votes or elections or as part of them. Otherwise by-elections take place on the Internet or, if necessary, in an Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly, as determined by the Council. Officers elected mid-term only remain in office until the next full elections for their respective office.
2:60.d10 If, for any reason, not all position in Council or on the Oversight Committee are filled, elections must take place to fill the vacancies for the remainder of the current term. Council must give notice of the date and method of election within 14 days of the vacancy via E-Mail and the official Internet platform. Elections are held no less than 7 days, and no more than 30 days, after Community members are given notice. An exception can be made by Council if a General Meeting is less than 90 days away; in such cases the by-elections can take place during that meeting, beside any other votes or elections or as part of them. Otherwise by-elections take place on the Internet or, if necessary, in an Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly, as determined by the Council. Officers elected mid-term only remain in office until the next full elections for their respective office.
2:60.d15 Candidacies for by-elections may be announced by the candidates themselves up to 24 hours before the beginning of the elections and may be retracted at any time up to 24 hours after election results have been announced. If a winning candidate has retracted their candidacy the results are recalculated, ignoring votes regarding the retracted candidacy or candidacies.
2:60.d15 Candidacies for by-elections may be announced by the candidates themselves up to 24 hours before the beginning of the elections and may be retracted at any time up to 24 hours after election results have been announced. If a winning candidate has retracted their candidacy the results are recalculated, ignoring votes regarding the retracted candidacy or candidacies.
2:60.d20 By-elections are administered according to Council's elections procedures as per 2:60.a.
2:60.d20 By-elections are administered according to Council's elections procedures as per 2:60.a.
Article 2:70 Employees
Article 2:70 Employees
2:70 Employees of the EUDEC who are members of the organisation have all the rights of members, apart from running for, or holding the office of, Council member (see 3:20), Auditor or member of the Oversight Committee (see 3:30).
2:70 Employees of the EUDEC who are members of the organisation have all the rights of members, apart from running for, or holding the office of, Council member (see 3:20), Auditor or member of the Oversight Committee (see 3:30).
Article 2:80 Branding
Article 2:80 Branding
2:80 For all intents and purposes Council represents EUDEC as regarding the use of EUDEC's logo and any other branding materials. Recognised Regional Chapters (see Article 3:40) are authorised to use and approve brand use in their region. The approval awarded by Council or by a Chapter can be retracted at any time. Council may delegate a specific Workgroup with branding rights. Council
2:80 For all intents and purposes Council represents EUDEC as regarding the use of EUDEC's logo and any other branding materials. Recognised Regional Chapters (see Article 3:40) are authorised to use and approve brand use in their region. The approval awarded by Council or by a Chapter can be retracted at any time. Council may delegate a specific Workgroup with branding rights. Council
decisions on branding override Chapter and Workgroup decisions, and Assembly decisions override all others.
decisions on branding override Chapter and Workgroup decisions, and Assembly decisions override all others.
Section 3: Organs of the Community
Section 3: Organs of the Community
Article 3:10 Assembly of Members
Article 3:10 Assembly of Members
3:10.10 The governing assembly of the Community is the Assembly of members. All members may participate and vote in the Assembly, as defined in Section 2. The Assembly determines the course of the Community democratically in decisions
3:10.10 The governing assembly of the Community is the Assembly of members. All members may participate and vote in the Assembly, as de