Untitled diff

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68 removals
45 lines
72 additions
51 lines

1: Don't be a dick.
1: Don't be a dick.
If you feel like you shouldn't be doing something, you're probably right.
If you feel like you shouldn't be doing something, you're probably right.
If you go out of your way to ruin rounds, best case scenario you'll wind up dead. Worst case scenario, you'll end up banned. If admins believe that you're only playing to ruin rounds (of non-antagonists), you will be banned on the spot.
Going out of your way to ruin rounds will end with you dead at best, banned at worst. If admins believe you only play to ruin rounds, you will be banned.
Sabotaging parts of the station, releasing hostile mobs and causing chaos for no reason falls under Rule 1.
Sabotaging parts of the station, releasing hostile mobs and causing chaos for no reason counts as being a dick.
Do not start fights or chaos on the Emergency Shuttle as a non-antagonist unless the round has already ended (i.e shuttle has DOCKED at Central Command.)
Do not start fights or chaos on the Emergency Shuttle unless the round has already ended.
Excessively linetoeing the already very lax rules will result in admins adhereing you to this rule and banning you.
Excessively linetoeing/"rules lawyering" the rules to be a dick will get you banned.
Jobs like the Clown and Mime are given more leeway on grief, but are still bound to this rule.
Jobs like the Clown and Mime are given more leeway on grief, but are still bound to this rule.
Under Declaration of War, don't grief in general.

2: Follow validity and escalation as a non-antagonist.
2: Validity and Escalation
When you engage in a fight, you have two options. You can choose to disengage or become a victim, which will allow admins to help you, or you can choose to fight back. Even if the other player was the aggressor, if you fight back using predominately lethal means (i.e lasers, spears, energy swords) and happen to die, it's valid outside of specific situations like "poor escalation."
Under no circumstance are you not allowed to fight back.
A good rule of thumb is "eye for an eye." Punching someone in retaliation to them disarm-spamming you is fine, even if this manages to escalate to critting. But if they only disarmed you twice and are willing to take a hint to leave you alone, then don't murder them.
When you engage in a fight, you have two options. You can choose to disengage and become a victim, which will allow admins to help you, or you can choose to fight back.
Even if the other player was the aggressor, if you fight back lethally and happen to die, it's most likely valid.
Don't kill Security just for doing their job. Feel free to fight if you get permabrigged or if Security is trying to kill you, otherwise don't attack them for brigging you for three minutes.
Security should abstain from killing people or grief unless absolutely necessary, or the target is an antagonist. Brig people instead.
A good rule of thumb is "eye for an eye." Beating a guy up if they're constantly annoying you, even if this escalates to critting, is fine. But if they only disarmed you twice then stopped, don't murder them.
If you start fights, play stupid games with people, or generally act like a retard then don't cry to admins when you die.
If you start fights, play stupid games with people, or generally act like a retard then don't cry to admins when you die.
If you are a Catbeast (Tarajan/Tajaran) or a Cluwne, you are valid. The same goes if you announce copypastas over the radio, PDA, or other sources.
If you are a Catbeast (Tarajan/Tajaran), read erotic copypastas out loud, or a Cluwne, you are valid. Catbeasts and copypasta-readers cannot defend themselves lethally, nor can they cuff assailants or grief under any means.
Catbeasts and copypasta-readers are special in that they cannot defend themselves lethally when provoked, nor can they grief in any means. This is of course overruled if you're an Antagonist.
Threatening to call admins on someone will get you mocked and ignored, or worse.

Antagonists can safely ignore both Rule 1 and Rule 2. This does not mean you can't be banned for some stunts as an antagonist, such as crashing the server, spawncamping arrivals, griefing teammates or ERP. Slaughtering the entire station, making gas chambers, etc. are okay otherwise.
2.5: Antagonist Rules
Antagonists are valid once they can be proven as an antagonist, even if said antagonist has done nothing wrong other than buying an emag (Cryptographic Sequencer).
Antagonists do not have to obey Rule 1, or anything written above Rule 2.5. This does not mean you aren't valid to other players if you're a catbeast/copypasta reader/cluwne/etc.
Antagonists are valid once they do anything wrong, even if it's just as simple as buying or possessing antagonist gear.
Do not grief your teammates at all, at least without an extremely good reason. You should know who your teammates are based on the to the right of their sprite.
Do not spawncamp arrivals.

3: Follow Low/Lax roleplay rules. Do not metagame.
3: Hippiestation is Low/Lax Roleplay
Roleplaying is fine, but not enforced outside of a few conditions:
Roleplaying is not enforced outside of a few conditions:
Your name must be coherent and readable. Naming yourself after a fictional character, historical figures or memes is fine, but don't throw in additional details such as what franchise or timeperiod they're from.
Each round is a fresh and new one.
Naming yourself after an anime character or having an obviously japanese name will almost always end poorly for you and admins are not going to defend you when you end up getting robbed every round for it.
Don't talk about the current round in OOC unless it has ended.
Don't use emotes, parenthesis, or posts links IC. Use acronyms at your own discretion, obviously some acronyms like "FBI" are allowed.
Don't have a pants-on-head retarded name. Antagonists, Clowns and Mimes are excused from this.
Crying that you're going to call the admins on someone IC is a great way to get the admins to start helping the person who is currently arresting, robbing, killing or griefing you. Insulting admins IC is perfectly fine, but don't whine if your insults end up unleashing the wrath of a bored, drunk admin.
Don't use emoticons, parenthesis, usernames/ckeys, or leetspeak in IC.
No forced erotic roleplay under any means. Even regular erotic roleplay (or ERP) will get admins to kill you, grief you, or ban you. Stop sleeping together on a space station.
No forced erotic roleplay.
Calling people by their ckey (or username) is also not a good idea.
You can insult admins all you want, but do it IC and you might end up unleashing the wrath of a bored, drunk admin.
Few other roleplay rules will be enforced past this. You are fully allowed to know anything and everything about the game right down to vars in the code IC, you are allowed to call people "antagonists", you are allowed to be a Medical Doctor and still do work in Engineering, etc.
Metagaming is strictly forbidden:
Metagaming, on the other hand, is strictly forbidden:
Do not use information you've gained while dead. (e.g. who the antagonists are, where your killer is).
Metagaming can be defined as any out of character action made by a player's character which makes use of knowledge that the PLAYER (not character!) would not regularly be aware of, typically involving utilizing OOC communication provided by a friend. Examples of metagaming can be found in Additional Notes.
If you are teaching a friend how to play, adminhelp first or risk being banned for metacommunication.
The only instance where you are not allowed to use info that you've gained as a player is when you are a ghost. Using information gained while dead once you're cloned/borged/spawned as a mid-round antagonist is not okay unless you are still alive when you gained this information (i.e Scrying Orb, ghost runes).
Metacommunication is using an external chat or voice over IP client to talk about the current round.
Metacommunication is defined as using an external chat or voice over IP client to talk about the current round. This includes OOC.
Metafriending is the act of retaining friendships from past rounds. Conversely, Metagrudging is the act of holding grudges over rounds.
Metafriending is the act of retaining friendships from past rounds and using it to influence your decisions in-game. Each round is a fresh and new one, you aren't allowed to retain knowledge from previous rounds unless it's something harmless like your character's skills.
Punishments for metagaming will be particularly severe. Metacomms will always result in a permanent ban.
Metagrudging is the act of holding grudges over rounds and letting this influence your IC decisions.
All of these will be treated on a case by case basis. Punishments may be modified based on the circumstances. In general, metagaming will result in a permanent ban.
Metacommunication to teach a friend is okay PROVIDED you let an admin online know via adminhelp IMMEDIATELY, as long as it doesn't include metagaming. If you are caught metagaming and say "I was teaching my friend how to play!" then we will permanently ban you on the spot. No excuses. You must inform an admin first.

4: Obey your laws as a silicon.
4: Obey your laws as a silicon.
A "silicon" would be defined as something such as the AI, Cyborgs, or Drones.
A "silicon" would be defined as the AI, Cyborgs, or Drones. If you have laws, you're a silicon.
Silicon Laws take priority in the order that they are listed, top to bottom.
Laws take priority in the order that they are listed, top to bottom.
Silicons are not anchored to Rule 1 or Rule 2 under any means. Your laws are replacements for those rules.
Silicons are not anchored to Rule 1 or Rule 2. Rule 2.5 still applies to silicon antagonists. Your laws are otherwise replacements for those rules.
Silicons can still freely murder catbeasts, cluwnes, and copypasta readers - human, innocent, expensive or not.
You can still freely murder catbeasts, cluwnes, and copypasta readers regardless of lawset.
You can absolutely loophole every law you get, unless you are currently emagged/enslaved to an antagonist. No, a one human law does not count as enslavement or emagging. Do note that loopholing default lawsets like Asimov in order to be massive annoyance to the crew will likely get you killed, or in some scenarios get an admin to start debating the lawset's semantics with you for twenty minutes before banning you.
You can loophole every law you get, unless you are currently emagged. Loopholing default lawsets in order to be annoying will get you killed at best, banned at worst.
Changelings, Shadowlings, Vampires, etc. are not human and Wizards, Nuclear Operatives, and Abductors are obviously not crew.
Roundstart races count as human under asimov.
Vampires and Pillar Men are not human, any roles or antagonists that do not spawn on the station are not crew.