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Australian Medical Association Limited ABN 37 008 426 793 1
Australian Medical Association Limited ABN 37 008 426 793
AMA Code of Ethics
AMA Code of Ethics 2004. Editorially Revised 2006. Revised 2016
2004. Editorially Revised 2006
Members are advised of the importance of seeking the advice of colleagues should they be facing difficult ethical situations.
Members are advised of the importance of seeking the advice of colleagues should they be facing
difficult ethical situations.
1.1 Medical professionalism embodies the values and skills that the profession and society expects
of doctors (medical practitioners). A Code of Ethics is essential for setting and maintaining the
The AMA Code of Ethics articulates and promotes a body of ethical principles to guide doctors’
expected standards of ethical behaviour within the medical profession.
1.2 The AMA Code of Ethics articulates and promotes a body of ethical principles to guide doctors’
conduct in their relationships with patients, colleagues and society.
conduct in their relationships with patients, colleagues and society.
This Code has grown out of other similar ethical codes stretching back into history including the
1.3 This Code has grown out of other similar ethical codes stretching back into history including the
Hippocratic Oath.
Hippocratic Oath and those from other cultures. 1.4 Because of their particular knowledge and expertise, doctors have a responsibility to patients who
Because of their special knowledge and expertise, doctors have a responsibility to improve and
entrust themselves to medical care.
maintain the health of their patients who, either in a vulnerable state of illness or for the maintenance
1.5 The doctor-patient relationship is a partnership based on mutual respect, collaboration and trust. Within the partnership, both the doctor and the patient have rights as well as responsibilities.
of their health, entrust themselves to medical care.
1.6 While doctors have a primary duty to individual patients, they also have responsibilities to other
The doctor-patient relationship is itself a partnership based on mutual respect and collaboration.
patients and the wider community.
Within the partnership, both the doctor and the patient have rights as well as responsibilities.
1.7 The principles in the AMA Code of Ethics apply to all doctors regardless of their professional
Changes in society, science and the law constantly raise new ethical issues and may challenge
existing ethical perspectives.
2. The Doctor and the Patient
The AMA accepts the responsibility for setting the standards of ethical behaviour expected of
2.1 Patient care
2.1.1 Consider first the well-being of the patient. 2.1.2 Treat the patient as an individual, with respect, dignity and compassion in a culturally and
linguistically appropriate manner.
1.1 Patient Care
2.1.3 Respect the patient’s right to choose their doctor freely.
a. Consider first the well-being of your patient.
2.1.4 Communicate effectively with the patient and obtain their consent before undertaking any tests,
b. Treat your patient with compassion and respect.
treatments or procedures (there may be an exception in emergency circumstances) or involving them
c. Approach health care as a collaboration between doctor and patient.
in research, teaching or disclosing their personal information to others.3,4
d. Practise the science and art of medicine to the best of your ability.
2.1.5 Respect the patient’s right to make their own health care decisions. This includes the right to
e. Continue lifelong self-education to improve your standard of medical care.
accept, or reject, advice regarding treatments and procedures including life-sustaining treatments. 2.1.6 Respect the patient’s right to refuse consent or to withdraw their consent.
f. Maintain accurate contemporaneous clinical records.
2.1.7 Encourage and support the patient to take an interest in managing their health.
g. Ensure that doctors and other health professionals upon whom you call to assist in the care
1 The AMA has a range of position statements, guidelines and other resources that provide detailed information on many of the
of your patients are appropriately qualified.
issues raised in the Code of Ethics. These can be found at www.ama.com.au. 2 The AMA Code of Ethics complements the Medical Board of Australia’s code of conduct for doctors. All doctors are strongly
h. Make sure that you do not exploit your patient for any reason.
encouraged to familiarise themselves, and keep up-to-date, with any guidelines, regulations and legislation relevant to their
i. Avoid engaging in sexual activity with your patient.
professional roles. 3There may be circumstances where the law authorises or requires the disclosure of a patient’s personal information regardless
j. Refrain from denying treatment to your patient because of a judgement based on
of whether or not the patient has provided consent. 4 For consent to be valid, it must be informed, voluntary and made with appropriate decision-making capacity. To ensure
consent is fully informed, the patient should be provided with sufficient information relevant to the decision at hand.
k. Respect your patient’s right to choose their doctor freely, to accept or reject advice and to
Australian Medical Association Limited ABN 37 008 426 793
make their own decisions about treatment or procedures.
2.1.8 Respect the patient’s request for a support person.
l. Maintain your patient’s confidentiality. Exceptions to this must be taken very seriously. They
2.1.9 Facilitate coordination and continuity of care.
may include where there is a serious risk to the patient or another person, where required by
2.1.10 Respect the fact that a patient may have more than one established doctor-patient
law, where part of approved research, or where there are overwhelming societal interests.
m. Upon request by your patient, make available to another doctor a report of your findings and
2.1.11 Recognise that you may decline to enter into a therapeutic relationship where an alternative
health care provider is available and the situation is not an emergency one.
2.1.12 Recognise that you may decline to continue a therapeutic relationship if it becomes ineffective
or compromised. Under such circumstances, you can discontinue the relationship if an alternative
health care provider is available and the situation is not an emergency one. You must inform the
patient so that they may seek care elsewhere and assist in facilitating arrangements for their
continuing care. 2.1.13 If you refuse to provide or participate in some form of diagnosis or treatment based on a
conscientious objection, inform the patient so that they may seek care elsewhere. Do not use your
conscientious objection to impede patients’ access to medical treatments including in an emergency
2.1.14 Where a patient’s death is deemed to be imminent and where curative or life-prolonging
treatment appears to be of no medical benefit, try to ensure that death occurs with comfort and
2.1.15 Respect the right of a terminally ill patient to receive relief from pain and suffering, even where
that may shorten their life.
2.1.16 Avoid providing care to anyone with whom you have a close personal relationship, where
2.1.17 Facilitate the ongoing care of your patients, including the management of their medical
records, if closing or relocating your practice.
2.1.18 Recognise the patient’s right to make a complaint in relation to their health care. Ensure they
are provided with information on the complaints process and do not let a complaint adversely affect
the patient’s care.
2.2 Protection of patient information
2.2.1 Respect the patient’s right to know what information is held about them, their right to access
their medical records and their right to have control over its use and disclosure, with limited
exceptions. 2.2.2 Maintain the confidentiality of the patient’s personal information including their medical records,
disclosing their information to others only with the patient’s express up-to-date consent or as required
or authorised by law. This applies to both identified and de-identified patient data.
2.2.3 Maintain accurate, contemporaneous medical records.
2.2.4 Ensure patient information is kept secure.
2.2.5 Facilitate arrangements for accessing, transferring and storing medical records upon
2.3 Patients with limited, impaired or fluctuating decision-making capacity
5 When a doctor refuses to provide, or participate in, a legally recognised treatment or procedure because it conflicts with his or
her own personal beliefs and values, this constitutes a ‘conscientious objection’.
Australian Medical Association Limited ABN 37 008 426 793
2.3.1 Presume an adult patient has decision-making capacity, the ability to make and communicate a
decision, unless there is evidence to the contrary.6
2.3.2 Recognise that some patients may have limited, impaired or fluctuating decision-making
capacity. As such, any assessment of capacity for health care decision-making is relevant to a
specific decision at a specific point in time.
2.3.3 Respect the patient’s ability to participate in decisions consistent with their level of capacity at
the time a decision needs to be made. This includes decisions involving their health care as well as
the use and disclosure of their personal information.
2.3.4 Recognise that some patients will have capacity to make a supported decision while others will
require a substitute decision-maker.
2.3.5 Recognise that a competent minor may have the capacity to make a specific health care
decision on their own behalf. 2.4 Patients’ family members, carers and significant others
2.4.1 Treat the patient’s family members, carers and significant others with respect.
2.4.2 Recognise that the patient’s family members and carers may also need support, particularly
where the patient’s condition is serious or life-limiting. Provide them with information regarding
respite care, bereavement care, carer’s support and other relevant services, where appropriate. 2.5 Clinical research
2.5.1 Endeavour to participate in properly designed, ethically approved research involving human
participants in order to advance medical progress. 2.5.2 Recognise that the rights and interests of the individual research participant takes precedence
over the interests of others including the research team, affiliated institutions, funders and the
broader community.
2.5.3 Make sure that all research participants are fully informed and have consented to participate in
the study.
2.5.4 Seek patient consent to inform treating doctors of the involvement of patients under their care in
any research project, the nature of the project and its ethical basis.
2.5.5 Respect the patient's right to withdraw from a study at any time without prejudice to medical
n. Recognise that an established therapeutic relationship between doctor and patient must be
2.5.6 Make sure that the patient's decision not to participate in a study does not compromise the
o. Having initiated care in an emergency setting, continue to provide that care until your
services are no longer required.
p. When a personal moral judgement or religious belief alone prevents you from recommending
some form of therapy, inform your patient so that they may seek care elsewhere.
Australian Medical Association Limited ABN 37 008 426 793 2
q. Recognise that you may decline to enter into a therapeutic relationship where an alternative
health care provider is available, and the situation is not an emergency one.
r. Recognise that you may decline to continue a therapeutic relationship. Under such
circumstances, you can discontinue the relationship only if an alternative health care provider
is available and the situation is not an emergency one. You must inform your patient so that
they may seek care elsewhere.
s. Recognise your professional limitations and be prepared to refer as appropriate.
t. Place an appropriate value on your services when determining any fee. Consider the time,
skill, and experience involved in the performance of those services together with any special
u. Ensure that your patient is aware of your fees where possible. Encourage open discussion of
health care costs.
v. When referring your patient to institutions or services in which you have a direct financial
interest, provide full disclosure of such interest.
w. If you work in a practice or institution, place your professional duties and responsibilities to
your patients above the commercial interests of the owners or others who work within these
x. Ensure security of storage, access and utilisation of patient information.
y. Protect the right of doctors to prescribe, and any patient to receive, any new treatment, the
demonstrated safety and efficacy of which offer hope of saving life, re-establishing health or
alleviating suffering. In all such cases, fully inform the patient about the treatment, including
the new or unorthodox nature of the treatment, where applicable.
1.2 Clinical Research
a. Accept responsibility to advance medical progress by participating in properly developed
research involving human participants.
b. Ensure that responsible human research committees appraise the scientific merit and the
ethical implications of the research.
c. Recognise that considerations relating to the well-being of individual participants in research
take precedence over the interests of science or society.
d. Make sure that all research participants or their agents are fully informed and have
consented to participate in the study. Refrain from using coercion or unconscionable
inducements as a means of obtaining consent.
e. Inform treating doctors of the involvement of their patients in any research project, the nature
of the project and its ethical basis.
f. Respect the participant's right to withdraw from a study at any time without prejudice to
medical treatment.
g. Make sure that the patient's decision not to participate in a study does not compromise the
doctor-patient relationship or appropriate treatment and care.
doctor-patient relationship or appropriate treatment and care.
h. Ensure that research results are reviewed by an appropriate peer group before public
2.5.7 Ensure that research results are reviewed by an appropriate peer group before public release.
2.6 Clinical teaching
1.3 Clinical Teaching
2.6.1 Honour your obligation to pass on your professional knowledge and skills to colleagues and
a. Honour your obligation to pass on your professional knowledge and skills to colleagues and
students, where appropriate. 2.6.2. Before conducting clinical teaching involving patients, ensure that the patient is fully informed
and has consented to participate.
b. Before embarking on any clinical teaching involving patients, ensure that patients are fully
6 Legal definitions of capacity and capacity assessments may vary across jurisdictions.
informed and have consented to participate.
Australian Medical Association Limited ABN 37 008 426 793
c. Respect the patient’s right to refuse or withdraw from participating in clinical teaching at any
2.6.3 Respect the patient’s right to refuse or withdraw from participating in clinical teaching at any
time without compromising the doctor-patient relationship or appropriate treatment and care.
time without compromising the doctor-patient relationship or appropriate treatment and care.
d. Avoid compromising patient care in any teaching exercise. Ensure that your patient is
2.6.4 Avoid compromising patient care in any teaching exercise. Ensure that the patient is managed
managed according to the best-proven diagnostic and therapeutic methods and that your
according to the best-proven diagnostic and therapeutic methods and that the patient’s comfort and
patient’s comfort and dignity are maintained at all times.
dignity are maintained at all times.
e. Where relevant to clinical care, ensure that it is the treating doctor who imparts feedback to
2.7 Fees
the patient.
2.7.1 Set a fair and reasonable fee having regard to the time, skill and experience involved in the
f. Refrain from exploiting students or colleagues under your supervision in any way.
performance of your services, the relevant practice costs and the particular circumstances of the
1.4 The Dying Patient
case and the patient.
a. Remember the obligation to preserve life, but, where death is deemed to be imminent and
2.7.2 Recognise the importance of informed financial consent, ensuring that the patient is informed of
where curative or life-prolonging treatment appears to be futile, try to ensure that death
and consents to your fees prior to the medical service being provided, where possible. Where a
occurs with dignity and comfort.
service you provide is in conjunction with other doctors or hospitals who will charge separate fees,
Australian Medical Association Limited ABN 37 008 426 793 3
advise the patient of this and how they can obtain information on those separate fees.
b. Respect the patient’s autonomy regarding the management of their medical condition
2.7.3 Encourage open discussion of health care costs with the patient.
including the refusal of treatment.
3 The Doctor and the Profession
c. Respect the right of a severely and terminally ill patient to receive treatment for pain and
3.1 Professional conduct
suffering, even when such therapy may shorten a patient’s life.
3.1.1 Practise medicine to the best of your ability, recognising and working within your ability and
d. Recognise the need for physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual support for the
scope of practice.
patient, the family and other carers not only during the life of the patient, but also after their
3.1.2 Build a professional reputation based on integrity and ability.
3.1.3 Recognise that your personal conduct may affect your reputation and that of your profession.
1.5 Transplantation
3.1.4 Take responsibility for your own health and well-being including having your own general
a. Recognise that a potential donor is entitled to the same standard of care as any other
3.1.5 Continue lifelong professional development to keep your knowledge, skills and performance upto-date
b. Inform the donor and family fully of the proposal to transplant organs, the purpose and the
and improve your standard of medical care.
risks of the procedure.
3.1.6 Keep up-to-date on relevant codes of practice and legal responsibilities.
c. Exercise sensitivity and compassion when discussing the option to donate organs with the
3.1.7 Accept responsibility for maintaining and improving the standards of the profession.
potential donor and family.
3.1.8 Maintain appropriate professional boundaries with patients and their close family members, not
d. Refrain from using coercion when obtaining consent to all organ donations.
entering into sexual, exploitative or other inappropriate relationships. 3.1.9. Refrain from offering inducements to patients, accepting inducements from patients or
e. Explain brain death to potential donor families. Similarly explain that continued artificial organ
encouraging patients to give, lend or bequeath you money or gifts. 3.1.10 Report suspected unethical or unprofessional conduct by a colleague to the appropriate
support is necessary to enable subsequent organ transplantation.
f. Ensure that the determination of the death of any donor is made by doctors who are neither
3.1.11 Report any form of bullying or harassment of, or by, students, colleagues or other health care
involved with the transplant procedure nor caring for the proposed recipient.
professionals. 3.2 Working with colleagues
g. Recognise the important contribution donor families make in difficult circumstances. Ensure
3.2.1 Treat your colleagues with respect and dignity.
that they are given the opportunity to receive counselling and support.
3.2.2 Recognise colleagues who are unwell or under stress. Know how and when to respond if you
are concerned about a colleague’s health and take action to minimise the risk to patients and the
2.1 Professional Conduct
doctor’s health.
a. Build a professional reputation based on integrity and ability.
Australian Medical Association Limited ABN 37 008 426 793
b. Recognise that your personal conduct may affect your reputation and that of your profession.
3.2.3 Refrain from undertaking actions such as making comments which may unfairly damage the
c. Refrain from making comments which may needlessly damage the reputation of a colleague.
reputation of a colleague.
d. Report suspected unethical or unprofessional conduct by a colleague to the appropriate peer
3.2.4 Treat those under your supervision with respect, care and patience.
review body.
3.3 Referral to colleagues
e. Where a patient alleges unethical or unprofessional conduct by another doctor, respect the
3.3.1 Recognise your professional limitations and be prepared to refer as appropriate. 3.3.2 Obtain the opinion of an appropriate colleague acceptable to the patient if diagnosis or
patient’s right to complain and assist them in resolving the issue.
treatment is difficult or in response to a reasonable request by the patient. 3.3.3 When referring a patient, make available to your colleague, with the patient’s knowledge and
f. Accept responsibility for your psychological and physical well-being as it may affect your
consent, all relevant information and indicate whether or not they are to assume the continuing care
professional ability.
of the patient during their illness.
g. Keep yourself up to date on relevant medical knowledge, codes of practice and legal
3.3.4 When an opinion has been requested by a colleague, report in detail your findings and
recommendations to that doctor.
2.2 Advertising (editorially revised in November 2006)
3.3.5 Respect the central role of the general practitioner in patient care. Should a patient require a
a. Confine advertising of professional services to the presentation of information reasonably
referral to another specialist, ideally the referral should be made following consultation with the
patient’s general practitioner – except in an emergency situation. Any decision should be
communicated to the general practitioner in a timely fashion.
3.4 Working with other health care professionals and as part of a health care team
3.4.1 Treat other health care professionals with respect and dignity.
3.4.2 Ensure that doctors and other health care professionals upon whom you call to assist in the
care of the patient are appropriately qualified.
3.4.3 Work collaboratively with other members of the patient’s health care team.
3.4.4 Adhere to your responsibility in delegation and handover of care of the patient.
3.4.5 Recognise the role of other support services including translators, Indigenous community
members, religious, spiritual and cultural advisers.
3.5 Managing conflicts of interests
3.5.1 Ensure your financial or other interests are secondary to your primary duty to serve patients’
interests. Financial and other interests should not compromise, or be perceived to compromise, your
professional judgement, capacity to serve patients’ interests or the community’s trust in the integrity
of the medical profession.
3.5.2 Disclose your financial or other interests that may affect, or be perceived to affect, patient care. 3.5.3 If you refer a patient to a facility, or recommend a treatment or product in which you have a
financial interest, inform them of that interest and provide the patient with other options, where
3.5.4 If you work in a practice or institution, place your professional duties and responsibilities to
patients above the commercial interests of the owners or others who work within these practices.
3.6 Advertising
3.6.1 Confine advertising of professional services to the presentation of information reasonably
needed by patients or colleagues to make an informed decision about the availability and
needed by patients or colleagues to make an informed decision about the availability and
appropriateness of your medical services.
appropriateness of your medical services.
b. Make sure that any announcement or advertisement directed towards patients or colleagues
Australian Medical Association Limited ABN 37 008 426 793
is demonstrably true in all respects. Advertising should not bring the profession into
3.6.2 Ensure that any announcement or advertisement directed towards patients or colleagues is
demonstrably true in all respects. Advertising should not bring the profession into disrepute.
c. Do not endorse therapeutic goods in public advertising.
3.6.3 Do not endorse therapeutic goods in public advertising.
d. Exercise caution in endorsing non-therapeutic goods in public advertising.
3.6.4 Exercise caution in endorsing non-therapeutic goods in public advertising.
e. Do not have any public association with products that clearly affect health adversely.
3.6.5 Do not have any public association with products that clearly affect health adversely.
f. Ensure that any therapeutic or diagnostic advance is described and examined through
4. The Doctor and Society
professional channels, and, if proven beneficial, is made available to the profession at large.
4.1 Responsibility to society
2.3 Referral to Colleagues
4.1.1 Participate in activities that contribute to the health of the community and the wider public
a. Obtain the opinion of an appropriate colleague acceptable to your patient if diagnosis or
health. These can include matters relating to health education, environmental protection, public health
treatment is difficult or obscure, or in response to a reasonable request by your patient.
and legislation impacting on health.
b. When referring a patient, make available to your colleague, with the patient’s knowledge and
4.2 Professional autonomy and clinical independence
consent, all relevant information and indicate whether or not they are to assume the
4.2.1 Uphold professional autonomy and clinical independence and advocate for the freedom to
continuing care of your patient during their illness.
exercise professional judgement in the care and treatment of patients without undue influence by
c. When an opinion has been requested by a colleague, report in detail your findings and
individuals, governments or third parties. 4.2.2 Refrain from entering into any contract with a colleague or organisation which you consider may
recommendations to that doctor.
conflict with your professional autonomy, clinical independence or your primary obligation to the
Australian Medical Association Limited ABN 37 008 426 793 4
d. Should a consultant or specialist find a condition which requires referral of the patient to a
4.2.3 Recognise your right to refuse to carry out services which you consider to be professionally
consultant in another field, only make the referral following discussion with the patient’s
unethical, against your moral convictions, imposed on you for either administrative reasons or for
general practitioner – except in an emergency situation.
financial gain or which you consider are not in the best interests of the patient.
4.2.4 Alert appropriate authorities when the health care service or environment within which you work
a. In order to provide high quality healthcare, you must safeguard clinical independence and
is inadequate or poses a threat to health.
professional integrity from increased demands from society, third parties, individual patients
4.2.5 The doctor who reasonably believes that significant harm will occur to the public as a result of
and governments.
the delivery or non-delivery of health care, despite the process mentioned in paragraph 4.2.4, would
b. Protect clinical independence as it is essential when choosing the best treatment for patients
be open to taking whistleblowing action. Contemporary protections for whistleblowers should be
and defending their health needs against all who would deny or restrict necessary care.
supported by doctors.
c. Refrain from entering into any contract with a colleague or organisation which may conflict
4.3 Health standards, quality and safety
with professional integrity, clinical independence or your primary obligation to the patient.
4.3.1 Participate in risk management, quality assurance and improvement activities.
d. Recognise your right to refuse to carry out services which you consider to be professionally
4.3.2 Accept a share of the profession’s responsibility to society in matters relating to the health and
unethical, against your moral convictions, imposed on you for either administrative reasons
safety of the public, health education and literacy and legislation affecting the health of the
or for financial gain or which you consider are not in the best interest of the patient.
a. Endeavour to improve the standards and quality of, and access to, medical services in the
b. Accept a share of the profession’s responsibility to society in matters relating to the health
4.3.3 When providing scientific information to the public, recognise a responsibility to give the
and safety of the public, health education and legislation affecting the health of the
generally held opinions of the profession in a form that is readily understood. When presenting any
personal opinion which is contrary to the generally held opinion of the profession, indicate that this is
the case.
4.4 Stewardship
4.4.1 Practise effective stewardship, the avoidance or elimination of wasteful expenditure in health
care, in order to maximise quality of care and protect patients from harm while ensuring affordable
care in the future. Remember, however, that your primary duty is to provide the patient(s) with the
best available care.
Australian Medical Association Limited ABN 37 008 426 793
4.4.2 Practise effective stewardship in any setting in which your work, whether clinical, research or
4.4.3 Use your knowledge and skills to assist those responsible for allocating health care resources, advocating for their transparent and equitable allocation. 4.5 Medico-legal responsibilities
4.5.1 Recognise your responsibility when preparing medico-legal documents such as medical
certificates or independent medical assessments. The information you provide must be honest,
accurate and not misleading.
4.5.2 Recognise your responsibility to assist the courts, tribunals (or similar forums) by providing
informed, fair opinion based on impartial, expert evidence when reasonably called upon to do so.
4.5.3 Ensure the patient understands your medico-legal role and responsibilities as it relates to their
4.6 Health equity and human rights
4.6.1 Endeavour to improve the standards and quality of, and access to, medical services in the
c. Use your special knowledge and skills to minimise wastage of resources, but remember that
4.6.2 Provide care impartially and without discrimination on the basis of age, disease or disability,
your primary duty is to provide your patient with the best available care.
creed, religion, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, criminal
d. Make available your special knowledge and skills to assist those responsible for allocating
history, social standing or any other similar criteria. 4.6.3 Do not countenance, condone or participate in the practice of torture or other forms of cruel,
healthcare resources.
inhuman or degrading procedures.
e. Recognise your responsibility to give expert evidence to assist the courts or tribunals.
f. When providing scientific information to the public, recognise a responsibility to give the
generally held opinions of the profession in a form that is readily understood. When
presenting any personal opinion which is contrary to the generally held opinion of the
profession, indicate that this is the case.
g. Regardless of society’s attitudes, ensure that you do not countenance, condone or
participate in the practice of torture or other forms of cruel, inhuman, or degrading
procedures, whatever the offence of which the victim of such procedures is suspected,
accused or convicted.
Canadian Medical Association (1996). Code of Ethics of the Canadian Medical Association.
World Medical Association International Code of Medical Ethics, as amended by the 35
th World
Medical Assembly, Venice, Italy, October 1983.
World Medical Association Declaration on the Rights of the Patient, as amended by the 47
th WMA
General Assembly, Bali, Indonesia, September 1995.
World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, as amended by the 52
nd WMA General Assembly,
Edinburgh, Scotland, October 2000.
World Medical Association Statement on Human Organ & Tissue Donation and Transplantation,
adopted by the 52
nd WMA General Assembly in Edinburgh, Scotland, October 2000.
World Medical Association Declaration with Guidelines for Continuous Quality Improvement in Health
Care, as adopted by the 49
th World Medical Assembly, Hamburg, Germany, November 1997.