
Created Diff never expires
/* SM DEV Zones
* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Francisco 'Franc1sco' García and Totenfluch
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see

#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdktools>
#include <colorvariables>

#define VERSION "3.3.1"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.1.0"
#pragma newdecls required
#pragma newdecls required

#define MAX_ZONES 256
#define MAX_ZONES 256

int beamColorT[4] = { 255, 0, 0, 255 };
int beamColorT[4] = { 255, 0, 0, 255 };
int beamColorCT[4] = { 0, 0, 255, 255 };
int beamColorCT[4] = { 0, 0, 255, 255 };
int beamColorN[4] = { 255, 255, 0, 255 };
int beamColorN[4] = { 255, 255, 0, 255 };
int beamColorM[4] = { 0, 255, 0, 255 };
int beamColorM[4] = { 0, 255, 0, 255 };

int g_CurrentZoneTeam[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_CurrentZoneTeam[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_CurrentZoneVis[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_CurrentZoneVis[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
char g_CurrentZoneName[MAXPLAYERS + 1][64];
char g_CurrentZoneName[MAXPLAYERS + 1][64];
Handle g_Zones = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_Zones = INVALID_HANDLE;
int g_Editing[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = { 0, ... };
int g_Editing[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = { 0, ... };
float g_Positions[MAXPLAYERS + 1][2][3];
float g_Positions[MAXPLAYERS + 1][2][3];
int g_ClientSelectedZone[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = { -1, ... };
int g_ClientSelectedZone[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = { -1, ... };
bool g_bFixName[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
bool g_bFixName[MAXPLAYERS + 1];

int g_BeamSprite;
int g_BeamSprite;
int g_HaloSprite;
int g_HaloSprite;

Handle hOnClientEntry = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle hOnClientEntry = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle hOnClientLeave = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle hOnClientLeave = INVALID_HANDLE;

enum g_eList {
enum struct g_eList {
char liName[64];
bool liThis;

int g_iZones[2048][MAX_ZONES][g_eList]; // max zones = 256
g_eList g_iZones[2048][MAX_ZONES];

// cvars
// cvars

Handle cvar_filter;
Handle cvar_filter;
Handle cvar_mode;
Handle cvar_mode;
Handle cvar_checker;
Handle cvar_checker;
Handle cvar_model;
Handle cvar_model;

bool g_bfilter;
bool g_bfilter;
float checker;
float checker;
bool mode_plugin;
bool mode_plugin;
char sModel[192];
char sModel[192];

Handle cvar_timer = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle cvar_timer = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_SlapDamage = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_PunishDelay = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_PunishFreq = INVALID_HANDLE;

Handle hOnZoneCreated;
Handle hOnZoneCreated;

Handle g_hClientTimers[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {null, ...};
Handle g_hPunishTimers[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {null, ...};
Handle g_hFreqTimers[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {null, ...};
char g_numRepeats[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {0, ...};
Handle cvar_time;

public Plugin myinfo =
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "SM DEV Zones",
name = "Advanced AntiCamp",
author = "Franc1sco, root, Totenfluch",
author = "Sarrus, Franc1sco",
description = "Adds Custom Zones",
description = "Adds zones where players can't camp for more than a specific amount of time.",
version = VERSION,
url = ""
url = ""

public void OnPluginStart() {
public void OnPluginStart() {
cvar_filter = CreateConVar("sm_devzones_filter", "1", "1 = Only allow valid alive clients to be detected in the native zones. 0 = Detect entities and all (you need to add more checkers in the third party plugins).");
cvar_mode = CreateConVar("sm_devzones_mode", "1", "0 = Use checks every X seconds for check if a player join or leave a zone, 1 = hook zone entities with OnStartTouch and OnEndTouch (less CPU consume)");

cvar_checker = CreateConVar("sm_devzones_checker", "5.0", "checks and beambox refreshs per second, low value = more precise but more CPU consume, More hight = less precise but less CPU consume");
CreateConVar("advanced_anticamp_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "Plugin Version", FCVAR_REPLICATED);
cvar_model = CreateConVar("sm_devzones_model", "models/error.mdl", "Use a model for zone entity (IMPORTANT: change this value only on map start)");
cvar_filter = CreateConVar("sm_advancedanticamp_filter", "1", "1 = Only allow valid alive clients to be detected in the native zones. 0 = Detect entities and all (you need to add more checkers in the third party plugins).");
cvar_mode = CreateConVar("sm_advancedanticamp_mode", "1", "0 = Use checks every X seconds for check if a player join or leave a zone, 1 = hook zone entities with OnStartTouch and OnEndTouch (less CPU consume)");
cvar_checker = CreateConVar("sm_advancedanticamp_checker", "5.0", "checks and beambox refreshs per second, low value = more precise but more CPU consume, More hight = less precise but less CPU consume");
cvar_model = CreateConVar("sm_advancedanticamp_model", "models/error.mdl", "Use a model for zone entity (IMPORTANT: change this value only on map start)");
cvar_time = CreateConVar("sm_advancedanticamp_time", "10", "Time in seconds before players must leave the zone or die");
g_SlapDamage = CreateConVar("sm_advancedanticamp_slapdamage", "0", "Damage to inflict to the player when slapping.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 100.0);
g_PunishDelay = CreateConVar("sm_advancedanticamp_punishdelay", "2", "How much time before slapping.", 0, true, 0.0);
g_PunishFreq = CreateConVar("sm_advancedanticamp_punishfreq", "2", "How much time between slaps.", 0, true, 0.0);
g_Zones = CreateArray(256);
g_Zones = CreateArray(256);
RegAdminCmd("sm_zones", Command_CampZones, ADMFLAG_CUSTOM6);
RegAdminCmd("sm_campzones", Command_CampZones, ADMFLAG_CUSTOM6);
RegConsoleCmd("say", fnHookSay);
RegConsoleCmd("say", fnHookSay);

HookEventEx("round_start", Event_OnRoundStart);
HookEventEx("round_start", Event_OnRoundStart);
HookEventEx("round_end", Event_OnRoundEnd, EventHookMode_Pre);
HookEventEx("player_spawn", Event_PlayerSpawn, EventHookMode_Pre);
HookEventEx("player_spawn", Event_PlayerSpawn, EventHookMode_Pre);
HookEventEx("teamplay_round_start", Event_OnRoundStart);
HookEventEx("teamplay_round_start", Event_OnRoundStart);
//HookEvent("round_start", OnRoundStart);
HookConVarChange(cvar_filter, CVarChange);
HookConVarChange(cvar_filter, CVarChange);
HookConVarChange(cvar_checker, CVarChange);
HookConVarChange(cvar_checker, CVarChange);
HookConVarChange(cvar_mode, CVarChange);
HookConVarChange(cvar_mode, CVarChange);
HookConVarChange(cvar_model, CVarChange);
HookConVarChange(cvar_model, CVarChange);
HookConVarChange(g_SlapDamage, CVarChange);
HookConVarChange(g_PunishDelay, CVarChange);


// fixes for Zone_IsClientInZone native
// fixes for Zone_IsClientInZone native
public Action Event_PlayerSpawn(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
public Action Event_PlayerSpawn(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));

public void OnEntityDestroyed(int entity)
public void OnEntityDestroyed(int entity)
if (entity < 0 || entity > 2048)return;
if (entity < 0 || entity > 2048)return;

public void OnPluginEnd()
public void OnPluginEnd()

public void resetClient(int client) {
public void resetClient(int client) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ZONES; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ZONES; i++)
g_iZones[client][i][liThis] = false;
g_iZones[client][i].liThis = false;

public void CVarChange(Handle convar_hndl, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) {
public void CVarChange(Handle convar_hndl, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) {

// Get int values of cvars if they has being changed
// Get int values of cvars if they has being changed
public void GetCVars() {
public void GetCVars() {
g_bfilter = GetConVarBool(cvar_filter);
g_bfilter = GetConVarBool(cvar_filter);
mode_plugin = GetConVarBool(cvar_mode);
mode_plugin = GetConVarBool(cvar_mode);
checker = GetConVarFloat(cvar_checker);
checker = GetConVarFloat(cvar_checker);
GetConVarString(cvar_model, sModel, 192);
GetConVarString(cvar_model, sModel, 192);
if (cvar_timer != INVALID_HANDLE) {
if (cvar_timer != INVALID_HANDLE) {
cvar_timer = INVALID_HANDLE;
cvar_timer = INVALID_HANDLE;
cvar_timer = CreateTimer(checker, BeamBoxAll, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
cvar_timer = CreateTimer(checker, BeamBoxAll, _, TIMER_REPEAT);

public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client) {
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client) {
g_ClientSelectedZone[client] = -1;
g_ClientSelectedZone[client] = -1;
g_Editing[client] = 0;
g_Editing[client] = 0;
g_bFixName[client] = false;
g_bFixName[client] = false;

public Action Event_OnRoundStart(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) {
public Action Event_OnRoundStart(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) {
if (mode_plugin)
if (mode_plugin)

public int CreateZoneEntity(float fMins[3], float fMaxs[3], char sZoneName[64]) {
public int CreateZoneEntity(float fMins[3], float fMaxs[3], char sZoneName[64]) {
float fMiddle[3];
float fMiddle[3];
int iEnt = CreateEntityByName("trigger_multiple");
int iEnt = CreateEntityByName("trigger_multiple");
DispatchKeyValue(iEnt, "spawnflags", "64");
DispatchKeyValue(iEnt, "spawnflags", "64");
Format(sZoneName, sizeof(sZoneName), "sm_devzone %s", sZoneName);
Format(sZoneName, sizeof(sZoneName), "sm_devzone %s", sZoneName);
DispatchKeyValue(iEnt, "targetname", sZoneName);
DispatchKeyValue(iEnt, "targetname", sZoneName);
DispatchKeyValue(iEnt, "wait", "0");
DispatchKeyValue(iEnt, "wait", "0");
GetMiddleOfABox(fMins, fMaxs, fMiddle);
GetMiddleOfABox(fMins, fMaxs, fMiddle);
TeleportEntity(iEnt, fMiddle, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
TeleportEntity(iEnt, fMiddle, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
SetEntityModel(iEnt, sModel);
SetEntityModel(iEnt, sModel);

// Have the mins always be negative
// Have the mins always be negative
fMins[0] = fMins[0] - fMiddle[0];
fMins[0] = fMins[0] - fMiddle[0];
if (fMins[0] > 0.0)
if (fMins[0] > 0.0)
fMins[0] *= -1.0;
fMins[0] *= -1.0;
fMins[1] = fMins[1] - fMiddle[1];
fMins[1] = fMins[1] - fMiddle[1];
if (fMins[1] > 0.0)
if (fMins[1] > 0.0)
fMins[1] *= -1.0;
fMins[1] *= -1.0;
fMins[2] = fMins[2] - fMiddle[2];
fMins[2] = fMins[2] - fMiddle[2];
if (fMins[2] > 0.0)
if (fMins[2] > 0.0)
fMins[2] *= -1.0;
fMins[2] *= -1.0;
// And the maxs always be positive
// And the maxs always be positive
fMaxs[0] = fMaxs[0] - fMiddle[0];
fMaxs[0] = fMaxs[0] - fMiddle[0];
if (fMaxs[0] < 0.0)
if (fMaxs[0] < 0.0)
fMaxs[0] *= -1.0;
fMaxs[0] *= -1.0;
fMaxs[1] = fMaxs[1] - fMiddle[1];
fMaxs[1] = fMaxs[1] - fMiddle[1];
if (fMaxs[1] < 0.0)
if (fMaxs[1] < 0.0)
fMaxs[1] *= -1.0;
fMaxs[1] *= -1.0;
fMaxs[2] = fMaxs[2] - fMiddle[2];
fMaxs[2] = fMaxs[2] - fMiddle[2];
if (fMaxs[2] < 0.0)
if (fMaxs[2] < 0.0)
fMaxs[2] *= -1.0;
fMaxs[2] *= -1.0;
SetEntPropVector(iEnt, Prop_Send, "m_vecMins", fMins);
SetEntPropVector(iEnt, Prop_Send, "m_vecMins", fMins);
SetEntPropVector(iEnt, Prop_Send, "m_vecMaxs", fMaxs);
SetEntPropVector(iEnt, Prop_Send, "m_vecMaxs", fMaxs);
SetEntProp(iEnt, Prop_Send, "m_nSolidType", 2);
SetEntProp(iEnt, Prop_Send, "m_nSolidType", 2);
int iEffects = GetEntProp(iEnt, Prop_Send, "m_fEffects");
int iEffects = GetEntProp(iEnt, Prop_Send, "m_fEffects");
iEffects |= 32;
iEffects |= 32;
SetEntProp(iEnt, Prop_Send, "m_fEffects", iEffects);
SetEntProp(iEnt, Prop_Send, "m_fEffects", iEffects);
HookSingleEntityOutput(iEnt, "OnStartTouch", EntOut_OnStartTouch);
HookSingleEntityOutput(iEnt, "OnStartTouch", EntOut_OnStartTouch);
HookSingleEntityOutput(iEnt, "OnEndTouch", EntOut_OnEndTouch);
HookSingleEntityOutput(iEnt, "OnEndTouch", EntOut_OnEndTouch);
return iEnt;
return iEnt;

public void EntOut_OnStartTouch(const char[] output, int caller, int activator, float delay) {
public void EntOut_OnStartTouch(const char[] output, int caller, int activator, float delay) {
// Ignore dead players
// Ignore dead players
if (g_bfilter)
if (g_bfilter)
if (activator < 1 || activator > MaxClients || !IsClientInGame(activator) || !IsPlayerAlive(activator))
if (activator < 1 || activator > MaxClients || !IsClientInGame(activator) || !IsPlayerAlive(activator))
char sTargetName[256];
char sTargetName[256];
GetEntPropString(caller, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName));
GetEntPropString(caller, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName));
ReplaceString(sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), "sm_devzone ", "");
ReplaceString(sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), "sm_devzone ", "");

// entra
// entra
char nBuf[64];
char nBuf[64];
Entity_GetGlobalName(caller, nBuf, sizeof(nBuf));
Entity_GetGlobalName(caller, nBuf, sizeof(nBuf));
int callerId = StringToInt(nBuf);
int callerId = StringToInt(nBuf);
g_iZones[activator][callerId][liThis] = true;
g_iZones[activator][callerId].liThis = true;
Format(g_iZones[activator][callerId][liName], 64, sTargetName);
Format(g_iZones[activator][callerId].liName, 64, sTargetName);
//PrintToChatAll("E::%i::%s::", callerId, sTargetName);
//PrintToChatAll("E::%i::%s::", callerId, sTargetName);

public void EntOut_OnEndTouch(const char[] output, int caller, int activator, float delay) {
public void EntOut_OnEndTouch(const char[] output, int caller, int activator, float delay) {
// Ignore dead players
// Ignore dead players
if (g_bfilter)
if (g_bfilter)
if (activator < 1 || activator > MaxClients || !IsClientInGame(activator) || !IsPlayerAlive(activator))
if (activator < 1 || activator > MaxClients || !IsClientInGame(activator) || !IsPlayerAlive(activator))
char sTargetName[256];
char sTargetName[256];
GetEntPropString(caller, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName));
GetEntPropString(caller, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName));
ReplaceString(sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), "sm_devzone ", "");
ReplaceString(sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), "sm_devzone ", "");

// sale
// sale
char nBuf[64];
char nBuf[64];
Entity_GetGlobalName(caller, nBuf, sizeof(nBuf));
Entity_GetGlobalName(caller, nBuf, sizeof(nBuf));
int callerId = StringToInt(nBuf);
int callerId = StringToInt(nBuf);
g_iZones[activator][callerId][liThis] = false;
g_iZones[activator][callerId].liThis = false;
Format(g_iZones[activator][callerId][liName], 64, "");
Format(g_iZones[activator][callerId].liName, 64, "");
//PrintToChatAll("EX::%i::%s::", callerId, sTargetName);
//PrintToChatAll("EX::%i::%s::", callerId, sTargetName);

public void OnMapStart() {
public void OnMapStart() {

for (int i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
for (int i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)

g_BeamSprite = PrecacheModel("sprites/laserbeam.vmt");
g_BeamSprite = PrecacheModel("sprites/laserbeam.vmt");
g_HaloSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/halo.vmt");
g_HaloSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/halo.vmt");

public void OnMapEnd() {
public void OnMapEnd() {
for(int iClient = 1; iClient <= MaxClients; iClient++)
g_numRepeats[iClient] = 0;

public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vel[3], float angles[3], int &weapon) {
public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vel[3], float angles[3], int &weapon) {

public Action Command_CampZones(int client, int args) {
public Action Command_CampZones(int client, int args) {

public void getZoneTeamColor(int team, int color[4]) {
public void getZoneTeamColor(int team, int color[4]) {
switch (team)
switch (team)
case 1:
case 1:
color = beamColorM;
color = beamColorM;
case 2:
case 2:
color = beamColorT;
color = beamColorT;
case 3:
case 3:
color = beamColorCT;
color = beamColorCT;
color = beamColorN;
color = beamColorN;

public void ReadZones() {
public void ReadZones() {
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
if(size > 0)
if(size > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
CloseHandle(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i));
CloseHandle(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i));
char Path[512];
char Path[512];
BuildPath(Path_SM, Path, sizeof(Path), "configs/dev_zones");
BuildPath(Path_SM, Path, sizeof(Path), "configs/dev_zones");
if (!DirExists(Path))
if (!DirExists(Path))
CreateDirectory(Path, 0777);
CreateDirectory(Path, 0777);
char map[64];
char map[64];
GetCurrentMap(map, sizeof(map));
GetCurrentMap(map, sizeof(map));
if (StrContains(map, "workshop") != -1) {
if (StrContains(map, "workshop") != -1) {
char mapPart[3][64];
char mapPart[3][64];
ExplodeString(map, "/", mapPart, 3, 64);
ExplodeString(map, "/", mapPart, 3, 64);
strcopy(map, sizeof(map), mapPart[2]);
strcopy(map, sizeof(map), mapPart[2]);
BuildPath(Path_SM, Path, sizeof(Path), "configs/dev_zones/%s.zones.txt", map);
BuildPath(Path_SM, Path, sizeof(Path), "configs/dev_zones/%s.zones.txt", map);
if (!FileExists(Path))
if (!FileExists(Path))
//Handle file = OpenFile(Path, "w");
//Handle file = OpenFile(Path, "w");
Handle kv = CreateKeyValues("Zones");
Handle kv = CreateKeyValues("Zones");
KeyValuesToFile(kv, Path);
KeyValuesToFile(kv, Path);

Handle kv = CreateKeyValues("Zones");
Handle kv = CreateKeyValues("Zones");
FileToKeyValues(kv, Path);
FileToKeyValues(kv, Path);
if (!KvGotoFirstSubKey(kv))
if (!KvGotoFirstSubKey(kv))
PrintToServer("[ERROR] Config file is corrupted: %s", Path);
PrintToServer("[ERROR] Config file is corrupted: %s", Path);
float pos1[3];
float pos1[3];
float pos2[3];
float pos2[3];
char nombre[64];
char nombre[64];
KvGetVector(kv, "cordinate_a", pos1);
KvGetVector(kv, "cordinate_a", pos1);
KvGetVector(kv, "cordinate_b", pos2);
KvGetVector(kv, "cordinate_b", pos2);
KvGetString(kv, "name", nombre, 64);
KvGetString(kv, "name", nombre, 64);
Handle trie = CreateTrie();
Handle trie = CreateTrie();
SetTrieArray(trie, "corda", pos1, 3);
SetTrieArray(trie, "corda", pos1, 3);
SetTrieArray(trie, "cordb", pos2, 3);
SetTrieArray(trie, "cordb", pos2, 3);
SetTrieValue(trie, "team", KvGetNum(kv, "team", 0));
SetTrieValue(trie, "team", KvGetNum(kv, "team", 0));
SetTrieValue(trie, "vis", KvGetNum(kv, "vis", 0));
SetTrieValue(trie, "vis", KvGetNum(kv, "vis", 0));
SetTrieString(trie, "name", nombre);
SetTrieString(trie, "name", nombre);
PushArrayCell(g_Zones, trie);
PushArrayCell(g_Zones, trie);
} while (KvGotoNextKey(kv));
} while (KvGotoNextKey(kv));

public void SaveZones(int client) {
public void SaveZones(int client) {
char Path[512];
char Path[512];
char map[64];
char map[64];
GetCurrentMap(map, sizeof(map));
GetCurrentMap(map, sizeof(map));
if (StrContains(map, "workshop") != -1) {
if (StrContains(map, "workshop") != -1) {
char mapPart[3][64];
char mapPart[3][64];
ExplodeString(map, "/", mapPart, 3, 64);
ExplodeString(map, "/", mapPart, 3, 64);
strcopy(map, sizeof(map), mapPart[2]);
strcopy(map, sizeof(map), mapPart[2]);
BuildPath(Path_SM, Path, sizeof(Path), "configs/dev_zones/%s.zones.txt", map);
BuildPath(Path_SM, Path, sizeof(Path), "configs/dev_zones/%s.zones.txt", map);
Handle file = OpenFile(Path, "w+");
Handle file = OpenFile(Path, "w+");
float pos1[3];
float pos1[3];
float pos2[3];
float pos2[3];
char SectName[64];
char SectName[64];
int Team;
int Team;
int Vis;
int Vis;
char nombre[64];
char nombre[64];
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
Handle kv = CreateKeyValues("Zones");
Handle kv = CreateKeyValues("Zones");
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
IntToString(i, SectName, sizeof(SectName));
IntToString(i, SectName, sizeof(SectName));
Handle trie = GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i);
Handle trie = GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i);
GetTrieArray(trie, "corda", pos1, sizeof(pos1));
GetTrieArray(trie, "corda", pos1, sizeof(pos1));
GetTrieArray(trie, "cordb", pos2, sizeof(pos2));
GetTrieArray(trie, "cordb", pos2, sizeof(pos2));
GetTrieValue(trie, "team", Team);
GetTrieValue(trie, "team", Team);
GetTrieValue(trie, "vis", Vis);
GetTrieValue(trie, "vis", Vis);
GetTrieString(trie, "name", nombre, 64);
GetTrieString(trie, "name", nombre, 64);
//Format(Nombre, 64, "Zone %i", i);
//Format(Nombre, 64, "Zone %i", i);
//SetTrieString(trie, "name", Nombre, true);
//SetTrieString(trie, "name", Nombre, true);
KvJumpToKey(kv, SectName, true);
KvJumpToKey(kv, SectName, true);
KvSetString(kv, "name", nombre);
KvSetString(kv, "name", nombre);
KvSetVector(kv, "cordinate_a", pos1);
KvSetVector(kv, "cordinate_a", pos1);
KvSetVector(kv, "cordinate_b", pos2);
KvSetVector(kv, "cordinate_b", pos2);
KvSetNum(kv, "vis", Vis);
KvSetNum(kv, "vis", Vis);
KvSetNum(kv, "team", Team);
KvSetNum(kv, "team", Team);
KeyValuesToFile(kv, Path);
KeyValuesToFile(kv, Path);
if (client != 0)
if (client != 0)
PrintToChat(client, "All zones are saved in file.");
PrintToChat(client, "All zones are saved in file.");

public bool TraceRayDontHitSelf(int entity, int mask, any data) {
public bool TraceRayDontHitSelf(int entity, int mask, any data) {
if (entity == data)
if (entity == data)
return false;
return false;
return true;
return true;

public Action fnHookSay(int client, int args) {
public Action fnHookSay(int client, int args) {
if (!g_bFixName[client])return;
if (!g_bFixName[client])return;
char sArgs[192];
char sArgs[192];
GetCmdArgString(sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
GetCmdArgString(sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
ReplaceString(sArgs, 192, "'", ".");
ReplaceString(sArgs, 192, "'", ".");
ReplaceString(sArgs, 192, "<", ".");
ReplaceString(sArgs, 192, "<", ".");
//ReplaceString(sArgs, 192, "\"", ".");
//ReplaceString(sArgs, 192, "\"", ".");
if (strlen(sArgs) > 45)
if (strlen(sArgs) > 45)
PrintToChat(client, "the name is too long, try other name");
PrintToChat(client, "the name is too long, try other name");
if (StrEqual(sArgs, "!cancel"))
if (StrEqual(sArgs, "!cancel"))
PrintToChat(client, "Set name action canceled");
PrintToChat(client, "Set name action canceled");
char ZoneId[64];
char ZoneId[64];
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
Handle trie = GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i);
Handle trie = GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i);
GetTrieString(trie, "name", ZoneId, 64);
GetTrieString(trie, "name", ZoneId, 64);
if (StrEqual(ZoneId, sArgs))
if (StrEqual(ZoneId, sArgs))
PrintToChat(client, "The name already exist, write other name");
PrintToChat(client, "The name already exist, write other name");
Format(g_CurrentZoneName[client], 64, sArgs);
Format(g_CurrentZoneName[client], 64, sArgs);
PrintToChat(client, "Zone name set to %s", sArgs);
PrintToChat(client, "Zone name set to %s", sArgs);
g_bFixName[client] = false;
g_bFixName[client] = false;

public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max) {
public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max) {
hOnClientEntry = CreateGlobalForward("Zone_OnClientEntry", ET_Ignore, Param_Cell, Param_String);
hOnClientEntry = CreateGlobalForward("Zone_OnClientEntry", ET_Ignore, Param_Cell, Param_String);
hOnClientLeave = CreateGlobalForward("Zone_OnClientLeave", ET_Ignore, Param_Cell, Param_String);
hOnClientLeave = CreateGlobalForward("Zone_OnClientLeave", ET_Ignore, Param_Cell, Param_String);
hOnZoneCreated = CreateGlobalForward("Zone_OnCreated", ET_Ignore, Param_String);
hOnZoneCreated = CreateGlobalForward("Zone_OnCreated", ET_Ignore, Param_String);
CreateNative("Zone_IsClientInZone", Native_InZone);
CreateNative("Zone_IsClientInZone", Native_InZone);
CreateNative("Zone_GetZonePosition", Native_Teleport);
CreateNative("Zone_GetZonePosition", Native_Teleport);
CreateNative("Zone_CheckIfZoneExists", Native_ZoneExist);
CreateNative("Zone_CheckIfZoneExists", Native_ZoneExist);
CreateNative("Zone_isPositionInZone", Native_isPositionInZone);
CreateNative("Zone_isPositionInZone", Native_isPositionInZone);
@Param1 -> int client
@Param1 -> int client
@Param2 -> char[64] zoneBuffer
@Param2 -> char[64] zoneBuffer
@return true if zone found false if not
@return true if zone found false if not
CreateNative("Zone_getMostRecentActiveZone", Native_getMostRecentActiveZone);
CreateNative("Zone_getMostRecentActiveZone", Native_getMostRecentActiveZone);
return APLRes_Success;
return APLRes_Success;

public int Native_InZone(Handle plugin, int argc) {
public int Native_InZone(Handle plugin, int argc) {
char name[64];
char name[64];
GetNativeString(2, name, 64);
GetNativeString(2, name, 64);
int client = GetNativeCell(1);
int client = GetNativeCell(1);
bool same = GetNativeCell(3);
bool same = GetNativeCell(3);
bool sensitive = GetNativeCell(4);
bool sensitive = GetNativeCell(4);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (same)
if (same)
if (StrEqual(g_iZones[client][i][liName], name, sensitive) && g_iZones[client][i][liThis])
if (StrEqual(g_iZones[client][i].liName, name, sensitive) && g_iZones[client][i].liThis)
return true;
return true;
if (StrContains(g_iZones[client][i][liName], name, sensitive) == 0 && g_iZones[client][i][liThis])
if (StrContains(g_iZones[client][i].liName, name, sensitive) == 0 && g_iZones[client][i].liThis)
return true;
return true;
return false;
return false;

public int Native_getMostRecentActiveZone(Handle plugin, int argc) {
public int Native_getMostRecentActiveZone(Handle plugin, int argc) {
int client = GetNativeCell(1);
int client = GetNativeCell(1);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (g_iZones[client][i][liThis]) {
if (g_iZones[client][i].liThis) {
SetNativeString(2, g_iZones[client][i][liName], 64);
SetNativeString(2, g_iZones[client][i].liName, 64);
return true;
return true;
return false;
return false;

public int Native_Teleport(Handle plugin, int argc) {
public int Native_Teleport(Handle plugin, int argc) {
char name[64];
char name[64];
char namezone[64];
char namezone[64];
float posA[3];
float posA[3];
float posB[3];
float posB[3];
GetNativeString(1, name, 64);
GetNativeString(1, name, 64);
bool sensitive = GetNativeCell(2);
bool sensitive = GetNativeCell(2);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
if (size > 0)
if (size > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
GetTrieString(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "name", namezone, 64);
GetTrieString(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "name", namezone, 64);
if (StrEqual(name, namezone, sensitive))
if (StrEqual(name, namezone, sensitive))
GetTrieArray(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "corda", posA, sizeof(posA));
GetTrieArray(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "corda", posA, sizeof(posA));
GetTrieArray(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "cordb", posB, sizeof(posB));
GetTrieArray(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "cordb", posB, sizeof(posB));
float ZonePos[3];
float ZonePos[3];
AddVectors(posA, posB, ZonePos);
AddVectors(posA, posB, ZonePos);
ZonePos[0] = FloatDiv(ZonePos[0], 2.0);
ZonePos[0] = ZonePos[0]/2.0;
ZonePos[1] = FloatDiv(ZonePos[1], 2.0);
ZonePos[1] = ZonePos[1]/2.0;
ZonePos[2] = FloatDiv(ZonePos[2], 2.0);
ZonePos[2] = ZonePos[2]/2.0;
SetNativeArray(3, ZonePos, 3);
SetNativeArray(3, ZonePos, 3);
return true;
return true;
return false;
return false;

public int Native_ZoneExist(Handle plugin, int argc) {
public int Native_ZoneExist(Handle plugin, int argc) {
char name[64];
char name[64];
char namezone[64];
char namezone[64];
GetNativeString(1, name, 64);
GetNativeString(1, name, 64);
bool same = GetNativeCell(2);
bool same = GetNativeCell(2);
bool sensitive = GetNativeCell(3);
bool sensitive = GetNativeCell(3);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
if (size > 0)
if (size > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
GetTrieString(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "name", namezone, 64);
GetTrieString(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "name", namezone, 64);
if (same)if (StrEqual(name, namezone, sensitive))return true;
if (same)if (StrEqual(name, namezone, sensitive))return true;
else if (StrContains(name, namezone, sensitive) == 0)return true;
else if (StrContains(name, namezone, sensitive) == 0)return true;
return false;
return false;

public int Native_isPositionInZone(Handle plugin, int numParams) {
public int Native_isPositionInZone(Handle plugin, int numParams) {
char zonename[64];
char zonename[64];
float pos[3];
float pos[3];
GetNativeString(1, zonename, 64);
GetNativeString(1, zonename, 64);
pos[0] = view_as<float>(GetNativeCell(2));
pos[0] = view_as<float>(GetNativeCell(2));
pos[1] = view_as<float>(GetNativeCell(3));
pos[1] = view_as<float>(GetNativeCell(3));
pos[2] = view_as<float>(GetNativeCell(4));
pos[2] = view_as<float>(GetNativeCell(4));
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
if (size > 0) {
if (size > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
char name[64];
char name[64];
GetTrieString(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "name", name, sizeof(name));
GetTrieString(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "name", name, sizeof(name));
if (StrEqual(name, zonename)) {
if (StrEqual(name, zonename)) {
float posA[3];
float posA[3];
float posB[3];
float posB[3];
GetTrieArray(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "corda", posA, sizeof(posA));
GetTrieArray(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "corda", posA, sizeof(posA));
GetTrieArray(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "cordb", posB, sizeof(posB));
GetTrieArray(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "cordb", posB, sizeof(posB));
return IsbetweenRect(pos, posA, posB, 0);
return IsbetweenRect(pos, posA, posB, 0);
return 0;
return 0;

public void DrawBeamBox(int client) {
public void DrawBeamBox(int client) {
int zColor[4];
int zColor[4];
getZoneTeamColor(g_CurrentZoneTeam[client], zColor);
getZoneTeamColor(g_CurrentZoneTeam[client], zColor);
TE_SendBeamBoxToClient(client, g_Positions[client][1], g_Positions[client][0], g_BeamSprite, g_HaloSprite, 0, 30, 1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 2, 1.0, zColor, 0);
TE_SendBeamBoxToClient(client, g_Positions[client][1], g_Positions[client][0], g_BeamSprite, g_HaloSprite, 0, 30, 1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 2, 1.0, zColor, 0);
CreateTimer(1.0, BeamBox, client, TIMER_REPEAT);
CreateTimer(1.0, BeamBox, client, TIMER_REPEAT);

public Action BeamBox(Handle timer, any client) {
public Action BeamBox(Handle timer, any client) {
if (IsClientInGame(client))
if (IsClientInGame(client))
if (g_Editing[client] == 2)
if (g_Editing[client] == 2)
int zColor[4];
int zColor[4];
getZoneTeamColor(g_CurrentZoneTeam[client], zColor);
getZoneTeamColor(g_CurrentZoneTeam[client], zColor);
TE_SendBeamBoxToClient(client, g_Positions[client][1], g_Positions[client][0], g_BeamSprite, g_HaloSprite, 0, 30, 1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 2, 1.0, zColor, 0);
TE_SendBeamBoxToClient(client, g_Positions[client][1], g_Positions[client][0], g_BeamSprite, g_HaloSprite, 0, 30, 1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 2, 1.0, zColor, 0);
return Plugin_Continue;
return Plugin_Continue;
return Plugin_Stop;
return Plugin_Stop;

public Action BeamBoxAll(Handle timer, any data) {
public Action BeamBoxAll(Handle timer, any data) {
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
float posA[3];
float posA[3];
float posB[3];
float posB[3];
int zColor[4];
int zColor[4];
int Team;
int Team;
int Vis;
int Vis;
char nombre[64];
char nombre[64];
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
Handle trie = GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i);
Handle trie = GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i);
GetTrieArray(trie, "corda", posA, sizeof(posA));
GetTrieArray(trie, "corda", posA, sizeof(posA));
GetTrieArray(trie, "cordb", posB, sizeof(posB));
GetTrieArray(trie, "cordb", posB, sizeof(posB));
GetTrieValue(trie, "team", Team);
GetTrieValue(trie, "team", Team);
GetTrieValue(trie, "vis", Vis);
GetTrieValue(trie, "vis", Vis);
GetTrieString(trie, "name", nombre, 64);
GetTrieString(trie, "name", nombre, 64);
for (int p = 1; p <= MaxClients; p++)
for (int p = 1; p <= MaxClients; p++)
if (IsClientInGame(p))
if (IsClientInGame(p))
if (g_ClientSelectedZone[p] != i && (Vis == 1 || GetClientTeam(p) == Vis)) {
if (g_ClientSelectedZone[p] != i && (Vis == 1 || GetClientTeam(p) == Vis)) {
getZoneTeamColor(Team, zColor);
getZoneTeamColor(Team, zColor);
TE_SendBeamBoxToClient(p, posA, posB, g_BeamSprite, g_HaloSprite, 0, 30, checker, 5.0, 5.0, 2, 1.0, zColor, 0);
TE_SendBeamBoxToClient(p, posA, posB, g_BeamSprite, g_HaloSprite, 0, 30, checker, 5.0, 5.0, 2, 1.0, zColor, 0);
if (mode_plugin)continue;
if (mode_plugin)continue;
if (IsPlayerAlive(p))
if (IsPlayerAlive(p))
if (IsbetweenRect(NULL_VECTOR, posA, posB, p))
if (IsbetweenRect(NULL_VECTOR, posA, posB, p))
if (!g_iZones[p][i][liThis])
if (!g_iZones[p][i].liThis)
// entra
// entra
g_iZones[p][i][liThis] = true;
g_iZones[p][i].liThis = true;
Format(g_iZones[p][i][liName], 64, nombre);
Format(g_iZones[p][i].liName, 64, nombre);
if (g_iZones[p][i][liThis])
if (g_iZones[p][i].liThis)
// sale
// sale
g_iZones[p][i][liThis] = false;
g_iZones[p][i].liThis = false;
Format(g_iZones[p][i][liName], 64, nombre);
Format(g_iZones[p][i].liName, 64, nombre);
return Plugin_Continue;
return Plugin_Continue;

public void BeamBox_OnPlayerRunCmd(int client) {
public void BeamBox_OnPlayerRunCmd(int client) {
if (g_Editing[client] == 1 || g_Editing[client] == 3)
if (g_Editing[client] == 1 || g_Editing[client] == 3)
float pos[3];
float pos[3];
float ang[3];
float ang[3];
int zColor[4];
int zColor[4];
getZoneTeamColor(g_CurrentZoneTeam[client], zColor);
getZoneTeamColor(g_CurrentZoneTeam[client], zColor);
if (g_Editing[client] == 1)
if (g_Editing[client] == 1)
GetClientEyePosition(client, pos);
GetClientEyePosition(client, pos);
GetClientEyeAngles(client, ang);
GetClientEyeAngles(client, ang);
TR_TraceRayFilter(pos, ang, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, RayType_Infinite, TraceRayDontHitSelf, client);
TR_TraceRayFilter(pos, ang, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, RayType_Infinite, TraceRayDontHitSelf, client);
TE_SendBeamBoxToClient(client, g_Positions[client][1], g_Positions[client][0], g_BeamSprite, g_HaloSprite, 0, 30, 0.1, 5.0, 5.0, 2, 1.0, zColor, 0);
TE_SendBeamBoxToClient(client, g_Positions[client][1], g_Positions[client][0], g_BeamSprite, g_HaloSprite, 0, 30, 0.1, 5.0, 5.0, 2, 1.0, zColor, 0);

stock void TE_SendBeamBoxToClient(int client, float uppercorner[3], const float bottomcorner[3], int ModelIndex, int HaloIndex, int StartFrame, int FrameRate, float Life, float Width, float EndWidth, int FadeLength, float Amplitude, const int Color[4], int Speed) {
stock void TE_SendBeamBoxToClient(int client, float uppercorner[3], const float bottomcorner[3], int ModelIndex, int HaloIndex, int StartFrame, int FrameRate, float Life, float Width, float EndWidth, int FadeLength, float Amplitude, const int Color[4], int Speed) {
// Create the additional corners of the box
// Create the additional corners of the box
float tc1[3];
float tc1[3];
AddVectors(tc1, uppercorner, tc1);
AddVectors(tc1, uppercorner, tc1);
tc1[0] = bottomcorner[0];
tc1[0] = bottomcorner[0];
float tc2[3];
float tc2[3];
AddVectors(tc2, uppercorner, tc2);
AddVectors(tc2, uppercorner, tc2);
tc2[1] = bottomcorner[1];
tc2[1] = bottomcorner[1];
float tc3[3];
float tc3[3];
AddVectors(tc3, uppercorner, tc3);
AddVectors(tc3, uppercorner, tc3);
tc3[2] = bottomcorner[2];
tc3[2] = bottomcorner[2];
float tc4[3];
float tc4[3];
AddVectors(tc4, bottomcorner, tc4);
AddVectors(tc4, bottomcorner, tc4);
tc4[0] = uppercorner[0];
tc4[0] = uppercorner[0];
float tc5[3];
float tc5[3];
AddVectors(tc5, bottomcorner, tc5);
AddVectors(tc5, bottomcorner, tc5);
tc5[1] = uppercorner[1];
tc5[1] = uppercorner[1];
float tc6[3];
float tc6[3];
AddVectors(tc6, bottomcorner, tc6);
AddVectors(tc6, bottomcorner, tc6);
tc6[2] = uppercorner[2];
tc6[2] = uppercorner[2];
// Draw all the edges
// Draw all the edges
TE_SetupBeamPoints(uppercorner, tc1, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(uppercorner, tc1, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(uppercorner, tc2, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(uppercorner, tc2, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(uppercorner, tc3, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(uppercorner, tc3, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc6, tc1, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc6, tc1, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc6, tc2, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc6, tc2, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc6, bottomcorner, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc6, bottomcorner, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc4, bottomcorner, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc4, bottomcorner, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc5, bottomcorner, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc5, bottomcorner, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc5, tc1, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc5, tc1, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc5, tc3, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc5, tc3, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc4, tc3, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc4, tc3, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc4, tc2, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);
TE_SetupBeamPoints(tc4, tc2, ModelIndex, HaloIndex, StartFrame, FrameRate, Life, Width, EndWidth, FadeLength, Amplitude, Color, Speed);

public bool IsbetweenRect(float Pos[3], float Corner1[3], float Corner2[3], int client)
public bool IsbetweenRect(float Pos[3], float Corner1[3], float Corner2[3], int client)
float Entity[3];
float Entity[3];
float field1[2];
float field1[2];
float field2[2];
float field2[2];
float field3[2];
float field3[2];
if (!client)
if (!client)
Entity = Pos;
Entity = Pos;
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, Entity);
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, Entity);

Entity[2] = FloatAdd(Entity[2], 25.0);
Entity[2] = Entity[2]+25.0;

// Sort Floats...
// Sort Floats...
if (FloatCompare(Corner1[0], Corner2[0]) == -1)
if (FloatCompare(Corner1[0], Corner2[0]) == -1)
field1[0] = Corner1[0];
field1[0] = Corner1[0];
field1[1] = Corner2[0];
field1[1] = Corner2[0];
field1[0] = Corner2[0];
field1[0] = Corner2[0];
field1[1] = Corner1[0];
field1[1] = Corner1[0];
if (FloatCompare(Corner1[1], Corner2[1]) == -1)
if (FloatCompare(Corner1[1], Corner2[1]) == -1)
field2[0] = Corner1[1];
field2[0] = Corner1[1];
field2[1] = Corner2[1];
field2[1] = Corner2[1];
field2[0] = Corner2[1];
field2[0] = Corner2[1];
field2[1] = Corner1[1];
field2[1] = Corner1[1];
if (FloatCompare(Corner1[2], Corner2[2]) == -1)
if (FloatCompare(Corner1[2], Corner2[2]) == -1)
field3[0] = Corner1[2];
field3[0] = Corner1[2];
field3[1] = Corner2[2];
field3[1] = Corner2[2];
field3[0] = Corner2[2];
field3[0] = Corner2[2];
field3[1] = Corner1[2];
field3[1] = Corner1[2];

// Check the Vectors ...
// Check the Vectors ...

if (Entity[0] < field1[0] || Entity[0] > field1[1])
if (Entity[0] < field1[0] || Entity[0] > field1[1])
//PrintToChat(client, "first");
//PrintToChat(client, "first");
return false;
return false;
if (Entity[1] < field2[0] || Entity[1] > field2[1])
if (Entity[1] < field2[0] || Entity[1] > field2[1])
//PrintToChat(client, "second");
//PrintToChat(client, "second");
return false;
return false;
if (Entity[2] < field3[0] || Entity[2] > field3[1])
if (Entity[2] < field3[0] || Entity[2] > field3[1])
//PrintToChat(client, "third");
//PrintToChat(client, "third");
return false;
return false;
return true;
return true;

// menus.sp
// menus.sp

public void ZoneMenu(int client)
public void ZoneMenu(int client)
g_ClientSelectedZone[client] = -1;
g_ClientSelectedZone[client] = -1;
g_Editing[client] = 0;
g_Editing[client] = 0;
Handle Menu2 = CreateMenu(Handle_ZoneMenu);
Handle Menu2 = CreateMenu(Handle_ZoneMenu);
SetMenuTitle(Menu2, "Zones");
SetMenuTitle(Menu2, "Zones");
AddMenuItem(Menu2, "", "Create Zone");
AddMenuItem(Menu2, "", "Create Zone");
AddMenuItem(Menu2, "", "Edit Zones");
AddMenuItem(Menu2, "", "Edit Zones");
AddMenuItem(Menu2, "", "Save Zones");
AddMenuItem(Menu2, "", "Save Zones");
AddMenuItem(Menu2, "", "Reload Zones");
AddMenuItem(Menu2, "", "Reload Zones");
AddMenuItem(Menu2, "", "Clear Zones");
AddMenuItem(Menu2, "", "Clear Zones");
SetMenuExitBackButton(Menu2, true);
SetMenuExitBackButton(Menu2, true);
DisplayMenu(Menu2, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
DisplayMenu(Menu2, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);

public int Handle_ZoneMenu(Handle tMenu, MenuAction action, int client, int item) {
public int Handle_ZoneMenu(Handle tMenu, MenuAction action, int client, int item) {
switch (action)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_Select:
case MenuAction_Select:
switch (item)
switch (item)
case 0:
case 0:
case 1:
case 1:
ListZones(client, MenuHandler_ZoneModify);
ListZones(client, MenuHandler_ZoneModify);
case 2:
case 2:
case 3:
case 3:
PrintToChat(client, "Zones are reloaded");
PrintToChat(client, "Zones are reloaded");
case 4:
case 4:
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_End:

public void ListZones(int client, MenuHandler handler)
public void ListZones(int c
Handle Menu2 = CreateMenu(handler);
SetMenuTitle(Menu2, "Avaliable Zones");
char ZoneName[256];
char ZoneId[64];
char Id[64];
int TeamId;
int size = GetArraySize(g_Zones);
if (size > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
GetTrieValue(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "team", TeamId);
GetTrieString(GetArrayCell(g_Zones, i), "name", ZoneId, 64);
IntToString(i, Id, sizeof(Id));
Format(ZoneName, sizeof(ZoneName), ZoneId);
AddMenuItem(Menu2, Id, ZoneId);
} else {
AddMenuItem(Menu2, "", "No zones are avaliable", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);