Untitled diff

Created Diff never expires
73 removals
767 lines
101 additions
786 lines
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sourcemod>
#include <cstrike>
#include <cstrike>

public Plugin:myinfo =
#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required

public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Bot Toggle",
name = "Bot Toggle",
author = "decowboy",
author = "decowboy",
description = "Allow players to enable/disable bots with a simple chat command",
description = "Allow players to enable/disable bots with a simple chat command",
version = "1.0",
version = "1.0.1",
url = "https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=2353510"
url = "https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=2353510"

new Handle:g_Cvar_BotQuota = INVALID_HANDLE; // handle for cvar bot_quota
Handle g_Cvar_BotQuota = INVALID_HANDLE; // handle for cvar bot_quota
new Handle:g_Cvar_BotCommand = INVALID_HANDLE; // handle for cvar bot command
Handle g_Cvar_BotQuotaMode = INVALID_HANDLE; // handle for cvar bot command
new Handle:g_Cvar_BotQuotaMode = INVALID_HANDLE; // handle for cvar bot command

new botQuota = 0; // desired bot quota according to cvar
int botQuota = 0; // desired bot quota according to cvar
new botQuotaMode = -1 // bot quota mode according to cvar
int botQuotaMode = -1; // bot quota mode according to cvar
new botEnabled = true; // whether bots are currently toggled on
int botEnabled = true; // whether bots are currently toggled on
new humanCount = 0; // current number of human players
int humanCount = 0; // current number of human players

new botMemory = -1; // value of the bot_quota cvar before overriding it
int botMemory = -1; // value of the bot_quota cvar before overriding it
new currentGeneration = 0; // current generation of timers
int currentGeneration = 0; // current generation of timers

new toggleStamp = 0; // timestamp of last toggle
int toggleStamp = 0; // timestamp of last toggle

String:toggleCommand[33]; // current bot command
char toggleCommand[33]; // current bot command

ConVar sm_bot_toggle = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_default = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_default = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_command = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_command = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_chat = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_chat = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_announce = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_announce = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_rounds = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_rounds = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_cooldown = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_cooldown = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_flag = null;
ConVar sm_bot_toggle_flag = null;


#define MODE_FILL 1
#define MODE_FILL 1
#define MODE_NORMAL 0
#define MODE_NORMAL 0
#define MODE_DISABLED -1
#define MODE_DISABLED -1

#define MAX_INT 2147483647
#define MAX_INT 2147483647

// Main function
// Main function
public OnPluginStart()
public void OnPluginStart()
// Get and store the bot_quota and bot_quota_mode cvars
// Get and store the bot_quota and bot_quota_mode cvars
g_Cvar_BotQuota = FindConVar("bot_quota");
g_Cvar_BotQuota = FindConVar("bot_quota");
botQuota = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_BotQuota);
botQuota = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_BotQuota);
g_Cvar_BotQuotaMode = FindConVar("bot_quota_mode");
g_Cvar_BotQuotaMode = FindConVar("bot_quota_mode");
decl String:mode[33];
char mode[33];
GetConVarString(g_Cvar_BotQuotaMode, mode, sizeof(mode));
GetConVarString(g_Cvar_BotQuotaMode, mode, sizeof(mode));
// Keep track of future cvar bot_quota and bot_quota_mode changes
// Keep track of future cvar bot_quota and bot_quota_mode changes
HookConVarChange(g_Cvar_BotQuota, BotQuotaChanged);
HookConVarChange(g_Cvar_BotQuota, BotQuotaChanged);
HookConVarChange(g_Cvar_BotQuotaMode, BotQuotaModeChanged);
HookConVarChange(g_Cvar_BotQuotaMode, BotQuotaModeChanged);
// Hook up to round start events
// Hook up to round start events
HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart);
HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart);
// Hook up to (post) player team switch
// Hook up to (post) player team switch
HookEvent("player_team", Event_PlayerTeam, EventHookMode_Post);
HookEvent("player_team", Event_PlayerTeam, EventHookMode_Post);
// Hook up to bot add commands
// Hook up to bot add commands
RegServerCmd("bot_add", BotAdd);
RegServerCmd("bot_add", BotAdd);
RegServerCmd("bot_add_t", BotAdd);
RegServerCmd("bot_add_t", BotAdd);
RegServerCmd("bot_add_ct", BotAdd);
RegServerCmd("bot_add_ct", BotAdd);
// Register all plugin cvars
// Register all plugin cvars
sm_bot_toggle = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle", "1", "Should players be allowed to toggle bots? (0/1)");
sm_bot_toggle = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle", "1", "Should players be allowed to toggle bots? (0/1)");
sm_bot_toggle_default = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_default", "1", "Should bots spawn when a new map is loaded? (0/1)");
sm_bot_toggle_default = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_default", "1", "Should bots automatically spawn when a new map is loaded? (0/1)");
sm_bot_toggle_command = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_command", "bots", "Command for players to toggle bots with (do *not* prepend with exclamation mark or slash; max. 32 characters)");
sm_bot_toggle_command = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_command", "bots", "Command for players to toggle bots with (do *not* prepend with exclamation mark or slash; max. 32 characters)");
sm_bot_toggle_chat = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_chat", "0", "Should the use of the toggle command without an exclamation mark or slash in front of it be allowed? (0/1)");
sm_bot_toggle_chat = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_chat", "0", "Should the use of the toggle command in chat without an exclamation mark or slash in front of it be allowed? (0/1)");
sm_bot_toggle_announce = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_announce", "1", "Announce the toggle command to players in chat? (0/1)");
sm_bot_toggle_announce = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_announce", "1", "Announce the toggle command to players in chat? (0/1)");
sm_bot_toggle_rounds = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_rounds", "2", "Only allow players to toggle bots during the first x rounds (-1 or 0 = always allow)");
sm_bot_toggle_rounds = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_rounds", "2", "Only allow players to toggle bots during the first x rounds of the match (-1 or 0 = always allow)");
sm_bot_toggle_cooldown = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_cooldown", "6", "Do not allow players to toggle bots for x seconds after a toggle (-1 or 0 = always allow)");
sm_bot_toggle_cooldown = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_cooldown", "6", "Do not allow players to toggle bots for x seconds after the previous toggle (-1 or 0 = always allow)");
sm_bot_toggle_flag = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_flag", "generic", "Allow admins with this flag to toggle even if other players can't (e.g. \"kick\" for ADMIN_KICK; max. 32 characters; leave empty to disable)");
sm_bot_toggle_flag = CreateConVar("sm_bot_toggle_flag", "generic", "Allow admins with this flag to toggle even if other players can't (e.g. \"kick\" for admin kick flag; max. 32 characters; leave empty to disable)");
// Keep track of future cvar bot command changes
// Keep track of future cvar bot command changes
g_Cvar_BotCommand = FindConVar("sm_bot_toggle_command");
HookConVarChange(sm_bot_toggle_command, BotCommandChanged);
HookConVarChange(g_Cvar_BotCommand, BotCommandChanged);
// Execute the config-file
// Execute the config-file
AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin_bot_toggle");
AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin_bot_toggle");
// Get the command set by cvar
// Get the command set by cvar
GetConVarString(sm_bot_toggle_command, toggleCommand, sizeof(toggleCommand));
GetConVarString(sm_bot_toggle_command, toggleCommand, sizeof(toggleCommand));
// And register that command
// And register that command
RegConsoleCmd(toggleCommand, Command_Toggle);
RegConsoleCmd(toggleCommand, Command_Toggle);
// Check whether the admin flag set by cvar exists

// This function is called when a bot is added
// This function is called when a bot is added
public Action BotAdd(int args)
public Action BotAdd(int args)
// If the current bot quota is zero, then this is the first bot
// If the current bot quota is zero, then this is the first bot
// If the bot_quota_mode cvar is also set to fill,
// If the bot_quota_mode cvar is also set to fill,
// then we need to first normalize the value of the bot quota cvar
// then we need to first normalize the value of the bot quota cvar
// to maintain: bot quota = bot count + player count
// to maintain: bot quota = bot count + player count
// If the bot quota mode cvar is set to normal,
// If the bot quota mode cvar is set to normal,
// then the server will itself maintain: bot quota = bot count
// then the server will itself maintain: bot quota = bot count
if (botQuota == 0 && botQuotaMode == MODE_FILL) {
if (botQuota == 0 && botQuotaMode == MODE_FILL) {
// Set the bot_quota cvar to the amount of human players
// Set the bot_quota cvar to the amount of human players
// This shouldn't spawn any bots
// This shouldn't spawn any bots
SetConVarInt(g_Cvar_BotQuota, humanCount);
SetConVarInt(g_Cvar_BotQuota, humanCount);
// A bot was added, so bots are enabled
// A bot was added, so bots are enabled
botEnabled = true;
botEnabled = true;
botMemory = -1;
botMemory = -1;
return Plugin_Continue;
return Plugin_Continue;

// This function is called when the value of cvar bot_quota_mode changes
// This function is called when the value of cvar bot_quota_mode changes
public BotQuotaModeChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[]) {
public void BotQuotaModeChanged(Handle cvar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) {

// Update the bot quota mode
// Update the bot quota mode
public setQuotaMode(const String:value[]) {
public void setQuotaMode(const char[] value) {

if (strcmp(value, "fill", false) == 0) {
if (strcmp(value, "fill", false) == 0) {
botQuotaMode = MODE_FILL;
botQuotaMode = MODE_FILL;
} else if (strcmp(value, "normal", false) == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(value, "normal", false) == 0) {
botQuotaMode = MODE_NORMAL;
botQuotaMode = MODE_NORMAL;
} else {
} else {
botQuotaMode = MODE_DISABLED;
botQuotaMode = MODE_DISABLED;

// This function is called when a round ends
// This function is called when a round ends
public Action:CS_OnTerminateRound(&Float:delay, &CSRoundEndReason:reason) {
public Action CS_OnTerminateRound(float &delay, CSRoundEndReason &reason) {
// Check if the game is commencing
// Check if the game is commencing
if (reason == CSRoundEnd_GameStart) {
if (reason == CSRoundEnd_GameStart) {
// If bots should not spawn at map start, then set a timer to despawn them
// If bots should not spawn at map start, then set a timer to despawn them
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_default) != 1) {
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_default) != 1) {
CreateTimer(5.0, TimerDespawn);
CreateTimer(5.0, TimerDespawn);

// This timer despawns bots if possible
// This timer despawns bots if possible
public Action:TimerDespawn(Handle:timer) {
public Action TimerDespawn(Handle timer) {
// If there are bots in the server
// If there are bots in the server
if (botEnabled && botQuota > 0) {
if (botEnabled && botQuota > 0) {
PrintToServer("[SM] Despawning bots on cvar request");
PrintToServer("[SM] Despawning bots on cvar request");
// Despawn them
// Despawn them
botEnabled = false;
botEnabled = false;

// This function is called when the value of cvar bot_quota changes
// This function is called when the value of cvar bot_quota changes
public BotQuotaChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[]) {
public void BotQuotaChanged(Handle cvar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) {
new newQuota = StringToInt(newValue);
int newQuota = StringToInt(newValue);
// Store the new value of the bot_quota cvar
// Store the new value of the bot_quota cvar
botQuota = newQuota;
botQuota = newQuota;
// If the value is higher than zero and the bot_mode cvar is set to 'fill',
// If the value is higher than zero and the bot_mode cvar is set to 'fill',
// then bots have been enabled by a map change, another plugin or a server admin
// then bots have been enabled by a map change, another plugin or a server admin
if (botQuota > 0) {
if (botQuota > 0) {
// So update accordingly
// So update accordingly
botEnabled = true;
botEnabled = true;
botMemory = -1;
botMemory = -1;

// This function is called when the value of the bot toggle command cvar changes
// This function is called when the value of the bot toggle command cvar changes
public BotCommandChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[]) {
public void BotCommandChanged(Handle cvar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) {
// As the command is registered on plugin start, changing the bot command cvar won't
// Register the new command
// have any affect until the plugin is restarted.
strcopy(toggleCommand, sizeof(toggleCommand), newValue);
RegConsoleCmd(toggleCommand, Command_Toggle);
PrintToServer("[SM] Changes to the bot command will be applied when this plugin restarts");

// This function is called when a round starts
// This function is called when a round starts
public Event_RoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
public void Event_RoundStart(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
// Announce to players if instructed to do so by cvar
// Announce to players if instructed to do so by cvar
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_announce) == 1 && PluginActive()) {
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_announce)) {

// This function is called when a player joins
// This function is called when a player joins
public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client)
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
// Update the number of current players
// Update the number of current players
// Set timers to announce the plugin to this player
// Set timers to announce the plugin to this player

// This function is called when a player leaves
// This function is called when a player leaves
public OnClientDisconnect(client) {
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) {
// Update the number of current players
// Update the number of current players

public Action:Event_PlayerTeam(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
public Action Event_PlayerTeam(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
// Update the number of current players
// Update the number of current players

// This function checks whether a player is human and non-spectator
// This function checks whether a player is human and non-spectator
public IsParticipatingPlayer(client) {
public bool IsParticipatingPlayer(int client) {
if (client < 1 || client > MaxClients) {
return false;
if (!IsClientInGame(client) || IsFakeClient(client)) {
if (!IsClientInGame(client) || IsFakeClient(client)) {
return false;
return false;
if (GetClientTeam(client) <= CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) {
if (GetClientTeam(client) <= CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) {
return false;
return false;
return true;
return true;

// This function updates the number of current players
// This function updates the number of current players
public UpdatePlayerCount() {
public void UpdatePlayerCount() {
new newCount = 0;
int newCount = 0;
// Loop through players
// Loop through players
for (new i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
// If the client is in-game and not a bot
// If the client is in-game and not a bot
if (IsParticipatingPlayer(i)) {
if (IsParticipatingPlayer(i)) {
// Store the updated count of human players
// Store the updated count of human players
humanCount = newCount;
humanCount = newCount;

// This function handles the toggling of bots
// This function handles the toggling of bots
public HandleChanges() {
public void HandleChanges() {
new processedChanges = false;
int processedChanges = false;
// If bots are toggled on
// If bots are toggled on
if (botEnabled) {
if (botEnabled) {
// If the bot_quota cvar hasn't been restored yet
// If the bot_quota cvar hasn't been restored yet
if (botMemory > -1) {
if (botMemory > -1) {
// Calculate the amount of bots to add based on the bot quota cvar
// Calculate the amount of bots to add based on the bot quota cvar
new addBots = botMemory;
int addBots = botMemory;
// If the bot quota mode cvar is set to "fill", then this value
// If the bot quota mode cvar is set to "fill", then this value
// also includes the human players, so we should subtract that
// also includes the human players, so we should subtract that
if (botQuotaMode == MODE_FILL) {
if (botQuotaMode == MODE_FILL) {
addBots = addBots - humanCount;
addBots = addBots - humanCount;
// Add enough bots
// Add enough bots
// This should raise the bot_quota cvar back to its original value
// This should raise the bot_quota cvar back to its original value
for (new i = 1; i <= addBots; i++) {
for (int i = 1; i <= addBots; i++) {
// Remember that changes have been processed
// Remember that changes have been processed
processedChanges = true;
processedChanges = true;
} else { // If bots are toggled off
} else { // If bots are toggled off
// If the bot_quota hasn't been set to zero yet
// If the bot_quota hasn't been set to zero yet
if (botQuota > 0) {
if (botQuota > 0) {
// Remember the current bot_quota for later
// Remember the current bot_quota for later
botMemory = botQuota;
botMemory = botQuota;
// Set the bot_quota to zero
// Set the bot_quota to zero
SetConVarInt(g_Cvar_BotQuota, botMemory);
SetConVarInt(g_Cvar_BotQuota, botMemory);
// Kick all bots
// Kick all bots
// Remember that changes have been processed
// Remember that changes have been processed
processedChanges = true;
processedChanges = true;
// If we just processed any changes
// If we just processed any changes
if (processedChanges) {
if (processedChanges) {
// Update the timestamp of the last toggle to right now
// Update the timestamp of the last toggle to right now
toggleStamp = GetTime();
toggleStamp = GetTime();
// Create timers to once more announce the plugin to all human players
// Create timers to once more announce the plugin to all human players

// This function is called when a player gives the bot toggle command
// This function is called when a player gives the bot toggle command
public Action Command_Toggle(int client, int args)
public Action Command_Toggle(int client, int args)
// Get the bot toggle command used
char buffer[33];
GetCmdArg(0, buffer, 33);
// Discard if an outdated bot toggle command was used
if (strcmp(buffer, toggleCommand) < 0) {
return Plugin_Handled;
// Ignore commands from spectators, bots and the likes
// Ignore commands from spectators, bots and the likes
if (!IsParticipatingPlayer(client)) {
if (!IsParticipatingPlayer(client)) {
return Plugin_Continue;
return Plugin_Handled;
// Process this toggle
// Process this toggle
return processToggle(client);
return Plugin_Handled;

// This function is called when a player sends a chat message
// This function is called when a player sends a chat message
public Action OnClientSayCommand(int client, const char[] command, const char[] sArgs)
public Action OnClientSayCommand(int client, const char[] command, const char[] sArgs)
// Check if command without a ! or / is permitted by cvar
// Check if command without a ! or / is permitted by cvar
// If not, we don't have to get involved with chat messages
// If not, we don't have to get involved with chat messages
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_chat) != 1) {
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_chat) != 1) {
return Plugin_Continue;
return Plugin_Continue;
// Ignore chats from spectators, bots and the likes
// Ignore chats from spectators, bots and the likes
if (!IsParticipatingPlayer(client)) {
if (!IsParticipatingPlayer(client)) {
return Plugin_Continue;
return Plugin_Continue;
// If the player is asking to toggle the bots
// If the player is asking to toggle the bots
if (strcmp(sArgs, toggleCommand, false) == 0)
if (strcmp(sArgs, toggleCommand, false) == 0)
// Process this toggle
// Process this toggle
return processToggle(client);
// Block the message from broadcasting
return Plugin_Handled;
// Otherwise, let the chat message continue
// Otherwise, let the chat message continue
return Plugin_Continue;
return Plugin_Continue;

// This function is called when a player requests to toggle bots
// This function is called when a player requests to toggle bots
public Action processToggle(client) {
public Action processToggle(int client) {

// Calculate the remaining cooldown if one is set by cvar
// Calculate the remaining cooldown if one is set by cvar
new cooldownRemaining = GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_cooldown);
int cooldownRemaining = GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_cooldown);
if (cooldownRemaining > 0) {
if (cooldownRemaining > 0) {
cooldownRemaining += toggleStamp - GetTime();
cooldownRemaining += toggleStamp - GetTime();
// Discard when we are still in cooldown from the last toggle
// Discard when we are still in cooldown from the last toggle
// But make an exception for admins if instructed so by cvar
// But make an exception for admins if instructed so by cvar
if (cooldownRemaining > 0 && !isAdmin(client)) {
if (cooldownRemaining > 0 && !IsAdmin(client)) {
// Sneaky little hack.
// Sneaky little hack.
// If we raise the remaining time by one second, the resulting number will always be larger than 1.
// If we raise the remaining time by one second, the resulting number will always be larger than 1.
// That way our language string can be phrased in plural without it leading to "1 seconds remaining"
// That way our language string can be phrased in plural without it leading to "1 seconds remaining"
// Plus, it's one second. Who will know the difference?
// Plus, it's one second. Who will know the difference?
if (botEnabled) {
if (botEnabled) {
PrintToChat(client,"You need to wait %d seconds before disabling bots.", cooldownRemaining);
PrintToChat(client,"You need to wait %d seconds before disabling bots.", cooldownRemaining);
} else {
} else {
PrintToChat(client,"You need to wait %d seconds before enabling bots.", cooldownRemaining);
PrintToChat(client,"You need to wait %d seconds before enabling bots.", cooldownRemaining);
return Plugin_Handled;
// If it is too late in the match to toggle bots, do not allow to toggle
// If it is too late in the match to toggle bots, do not allow to toggle
// But make an exception for admins if instructed to do so by cvar
// But make an exception for admins if instructed to do so by cvar
if (PluginActive() == TOGGLE_EXPIRED && !isAdmin(client)) {
if (PluginActive() == TOGGLE_EXPIRED && !IsAdmin(client)) {
// Notify the player that his command was discarded
// Notify the player that his command was discarded
if (botEnabled) {
if (botEnabled) {
PrintToChat(client,"You can't disable bots this late in the match.");
PrintToChat(client,"You can't disable bots this late in the match.");
} else {
} else {
PrintToChat(client,"You can't enable bots this late in the match.");
PrintToChat(client,"You can't enable bots this late in the match.");
} else { // Or if this plugin is currently active
} else { // Or if this plugin is currently active
// If bots are currently enabled
// If bots are currently enabled
if (botEnabled) {
if (botEnabled) {
// Log to the server
// Log to the server
PrintToServer("[SM] %N just disabled the bots", client);
PrintToServer("[SM] %N just disabled the bots", client);
// Notify all players that bots will be disabled
// Notify all players that bots will be disabled
PrintCenterTextAll("%N just disabled the bots", client);
PrintCenterTextAll("%N just disabled the bots", client);
// Disable the bots
// Disable the bots
botEnabled = false;
botEnabled = false;
} else { // Or if they are currently disabled
} else { // Or if they are currently disabled
// Log to the server
// Log to the server
PrintToServer("[SM] %N just enabled the bots", client);
PrintToServer("[SM] %N just enabled the bots", client);
// Notify all players that bots will be enabled
// Notify all players that bots will be enabled
PrintCenterTextAll("%N just enabled the bots", client);
PrintCenterTextAll("%N just enabled the bots", client);
// Enable the bots
// Enable the bots
botEnabled = true;
botEnabled = true;
// Perform additional operations to handle the change
// Perform additional operations to handle the change
// Block the client's messsage from broadcasting
return Plugin_Handled;

// This function checks whether a player is an admin
// This function checks whether a player is an admin
// May also be called to verify if the admin flag exists
// May also be called to verify if the admin flag exists
public bool isAdmin(client) {
public bool IsAdmin(int client) {
// Get the admin flag set by cvar
// Get the admin flag set by cvar
decl String:toggleFlag[33];
char toggleFlag[33];
GetConVarString(sm_bot_toggle_flag, toggleFlag, sizeof(toggleFlag));
GetConVarString(sm_bot_toggle_flag, toggleFlag, sizeof(toggleFlag));
// Cancel if no admin flag was set
// Cancel if no admin flag was set
if (strcmp(toggleFlag, "", false) == 0) {
if (strcmp(toggleFlag, "", false) == 0) {
return false;
return false;
new AdminFlag:flag;
AdminFlag flag;
bool result = FindFlagByName(toggleFlag, flag);
bool result = FindFlagByName(toggleFlag, flag);
// If the admin flag does not exist
// If the admin flag does not exist
if (result == false) {
if (result == false) {
PrintToServer("[SM] Admin flag '%s' does not exist", toggleFlag);
PrintToServer("[SM] Admin flag '%s' does not exist", toggleFlag);
return false;
return false;
// Check whether the player is in-game and not a bot
// Check whether the player is in-game and not a bot
if (!IsParticipatingPlayer(client)) {
if (!IsParticipatingPlayer(client)) {
return false;
return false;
// Check whether the player has the admin flag
// Check whether the player has the admin flag
new AdminId:admin = GetUserAdmin(client);
AdminId admin = GetUserAdmin(client);
if((admin != INVALID_ADMIN_ID) && (GetAdminFlag(admin, flag, Access_Real) == true))
if((admin != INVALID_ADMIN_ID) && (GetAdminFlag(admin, flag, Access_Real) == true))
return true;
return true;
return false;
return false;

// This function starts timers to announce the plugin to all players
// This function starts timers to announce the plugin to all players
public AnnounceToAll() {
public void AnnounceToAll() {
// Prevent the timer generation counter from overflowing
// Prevent the timer generation counter from overflowing
if (currentGeneration == MAX_INT) {
if (currentGeneration == MAX_INT) {
currentGeneration = -1;
currentGeneration = -1;
// Raise the timer generation counter
// Raise the timer generation counter

// If the plugin is active, create new timers
// If the plugin is active, create new timers
if (PluginActive() == TOGGLE_ACTIVE) {
if (PluginActive() == TOGGLE_ACTIVE) {
CreateTimer(getTimerIntervals(0),TimerAnnounceAll, currentGeneration);
CreateTimer(getTimerIntervals(0),TimerAnnounceAll, currentGeneration);
CreateTimer(getTimerIntervals(1),TimerAnnounceAll, currentGeneration);
CreateTimer(getTimerIntervals(1),TimerAnnounceAll, currentGeneration);

// This function starts timer to announce the plugin to a certain player
// This function starts timer to announce the plugin to a certain player
public AnnounceToPlayer(client) {
public void AnnounceToPlayer(int client) {
// If the plugin is active, create new timers
// If the plugin is active, create new timers
if (PluginActive() == TOGGLE_ACTIVE) {
if (PluginActive() == TOGGLE_ACTIVE) {
DataPack pack1;
DataPack pack1;
CreateDataTimer(getTimerIntervals(0),TimerAnnouncePlayer, pack1);
CreateDataTimer(getTimerIntervals(0),TimerAnnouncePlayer, pack1);
DataPack pack2;
DataPack pack2;
CreateDataTimer(getTimerIntervals(1),TimerAnnouncePlayer, pack2);
CreateDataTimer(getTimerIntervals(1),TimerAnnouncePlayer, pack2);

// Calculate the timer intervals
// Calculate the timer intervals
public float getTimerIntervals(index) {
public float getTimerIntervals(int index) {
float interval = 0.0;
float interval = 0.0;
// Set the interval based on the index
// Set the interval based on the index
if (index == 0) {
if (index == 0) {
interval = 5.0;
interval = 5.0;
if (index == 1) {
if (index == 1) {
interval = 30.0;
interval = 30.0;
// The timer interval must be greater than the cooldown
// The timer interval must be greater than the cooldown
// to avoid annoucing this plugin when players can't use it
// to avoid annoucing this plugin when players can't use it
new cooldown = GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_cooldown) + 1;
int cooldown = GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_cooldown) + 1;
if (interval < cooldown) {
if (interval < cooldown) {
interval = float(cooldown);
interval = float(cooldown);
return interval;
return interval;

// This timer announces the plugin to a player
// This timer announces the plugin to a player
public Action:TimerAnnouncePlayer(Handle:timer,Handle:pack)
public Action TimerAnnouncePlayer(Handle timer, Handle pack)
// Parse the data pack
// Parse the data pack
new client = ReadPackCell(pack);
int client = ReadPackCell(pack);
new generation = ReadPackCell(pack);
int generation = ReadPackCell(pack);
// Cancel if there is a newer generation of timers
// Cancel if there is a newer generation of timers
if (!CheckGeneration(generation)) {
if (!CheckGeneration(generation)) {
// Cancel if announcing is disabled by cvar
// Cancel if announcing is disabled by cvar
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_announce) != 1) {
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_announce) != 1) {
// Announce the plugin to the given player
// Announce the plugin to the given player

// This timer announces the plugin to all players
// This timer announces the plugin to all players
public Action:TimerAnnounceAll(Handle:timer,any:generation)
public Action TimerAnnounceAll(Handle timer, any generation)
// Cancel if there is a newer generation of timers
// Cancel if there is a newer generation of timers
if (!CheckGeneration(generation)) {
if (!CheckGeneration(generation)) {
// Cancel if announcing is disabled by cvar
// Cancel if announcing is disabled by cvar
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_announce) != 1) {
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_announce) != 1) {
// Loop through players
// Loop through players
for (new i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
// If the client is in-game and not a bot
// If the client is in-game and not a bot
if (IsParticipatingPlayer(i)) {
if (IsParticipatingPlayer(i)) {
// Announce the plugin to that player
// Announce the plugin to that player

// Check whether a generation is still current
// Check whether a generation is still current
public bool CheckGeneration(generation) {
public bool CheckGeneration(int generation) {
if (generation == currentGeneration) {
if (generation == currentGeneration) {
return true;
return true;
} else {
} else {
return false;
return false;

// This function return whether this plugin should be active
// This function return whether this plugin should be active
// 1 = active
// 1 = active
// <=0 = inactive
// <=0 = inactive
public int PluginActive() {
public int PluginActive() {
// Check whether this plugin is disabled by cvar
// Check whether this plugin is disabled by cvar
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle) != 1) {
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle) != 1) {
// In case the bot_quota_mode cvar is set to "fill"
// In case the bot_quota_mode cvar is set to "fill"
if (botQuotaMode == MODE_FILL) {
if (botQuotaMode == MODE_FILL) {
// Only if the bot quota is higher than the current number of human players,
// Only if the bot quota is higher than the current number of human players,
// it is useful for the plugin to be active
// it is useful for the plugin to be active
// Otherwise there wouldn't be any bots anyway, regardless of whether bots are toggled on
// Otherwise there wouldn't be any bots anyway, regardless of whether bots are toggled on
// As consequence, this will effectively disable this plugin if the bot_quota_mode cvar is set to "fill"
// As consequence, this will effectively disable this plugin if the bot_quota_mode cvar is set to "fill"
// and the bot_quota cvar is set to zero by something other than this plugin itself
// and the bot_quota cvar is set to zero by something other than this plugin itself
if (botQuota <= humanCount && botMemory <= humanCount) {
if (botQuota <= humanCount && botMemory <= humanCount) {
// If a cvar was set to only allow toggling of bots during the first x rounds, then verify that
// If a cvar was set to only allow toggling of bots during the first x rounds, then verify that
// This is to prevent players griefing
// This is to prevent players griefing
// As an alternative, players could vote to restart the match or change the map,
// As an alternative, players could vote to restart the match or change the map,
// which will trigger a new warmup round and thus allow players to toggle the bots again
// which will trigger a new warmup round and thus allow players to toggle the bots again
new maxRounds = GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_rounds);
int maxRounds = GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_rounds);
if (maxRounds > 0) {
if (maxRounds > 0) {
// Count the number of rounds won so far
// Count the number of rounds won so far
new currentRounds = CS_GetTeamScore(CS_TEAM_CT) + CS_GetTeamScore(CS_TEAM_T);
int currentRounds = CS_GetTeamScore(CS_TEAM_CT) + CS_GetTeamScore(CS_TEAM_T);
// If more rounds passed than allowed by cvar, this plugin should be inactive
// If more rounds passed than allowed by cvar, this plugin should be inactive
if (maxRounds > 0 && maxRounds <= currentRounds) {
if (currentRounds >= maxRounds) {
// If none of the above, this plugin should be active
// If none of the above, this plugin should be active

// This function announces the plugin to a player
// This function announces the plugin to a player
public SendAnnouncement(client)
public void SendAnnouncement(int client)

// If the client is in-game and not a bot
// If the client is in-game and not a bot
// If this plugin is currently active
// If this plugin is currently active
if (PluginActive() == 1) {
if (PluginActive() == TOGGLE_ACTIVE) {
// Get the bot toggle command and check whether a ! or / is required
// Get the bot toggle command and check whether a ! or / is required
decl String:togglePrepend[1] = "";
char togglePrepend[2] = "";
GetConVarString(sm_bot_toggle_command, toggleCommand, sizeof(toggleCommand));
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_chat) != 1) {
if (GetConVarInt(sm_bot_toggle_chat) != 1) {
togglePrepend[0] = '!';
togglePrepend[0] = '!';
// If bots are currently toggled on
// If bots are currently toggled on
if (botEnabled) {
if (botEnabled) {
// Announce how to disable bots
// Announce how to disable bots
PrintToChat(client,">> Want to play without bots? Say: %s%s", togglePrepend, toggleCommand);
PrintToChat(client,">> Want to play without bots? Say: %s%s", togglePrepend, toggleCommand);
} else {
} else {
// Announce how to enable bots
// Announce how to enable bots
PrintToChat(client,">> Want to play with bots? Say: %s%s", togglePrepend, toggleCommand);
PrintToChat(client,">> Want to play with bots? Say: %s%s", togglePrepend, toggleCommand);