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Created Diff never expires
26 removals
339 lines
134 additions
448 lines
os.(*File).close STEXT dupok nosplit size=26 args=0x18 locals=0x0
os.(*File).close STEXT dupok nosplit size=26 args=0x18 locals=0x0
0x0000 00000 (<autogenerated>:1) TEXT os.(*File).close(SB), DUPOK|NOSPLIT|ABIInternal, $0-24
0x0000 00000 (<autogenerated>:1) TEXT os.(*File).close(SB), DUPOK|NOSPLIT|ABIInternal, $0-24
0x0000 00000 (<autogenerated>:1) FUNCDATA $0, gclocals·e6397a44f8e1b6e77d0f200b4fba5269(SB)
0x0000 00000 (<autogenerated>:1) FUNCDATA $0, gclocals·e6397a44f8e1b6e77d0f200b4fba5269(SB)
0x0000 00000 (<autogenerated>:1) FUNCDATA $1, gclocals·69c1753bd5f81501d95132d08af04464(SB)
0x0000 00000 (<autogenerated>:1) FUNCDATA $1, gclocals·69c1753bd5f81501d95132d08af04464(SB)
0x0000 00000 (<autogenerated>:1) MOVQ ""..this+8(SP), AX
0x0000 00000 (<autogenerated>:1) MOVQ ""..this+8(SP), AX
0x0005 00005 (<autogenerated>:1) MOVQ (AX), AX
0x0005 00005 (<autogenerated>:1) MOVQ (AX), AX
0x0008 00008 (<autogenerated>:1) MOVQ AX, ""..this+8(SP)
0x0008 00008 (<autogenerated>:1) MOVQ AX, ""..this+8(SP)
0x000d 00013 (<autogenerated>:1) XORPS X0, X0
0x000d 00013 (<autogenerated>:1) XORPS X0, X0
0x0010 00016 (<autogenerated>:1) MOVUPS X0, "".~r0+16(SP)
0x0010 00016 (<autogenerated>:1) MOVUPS X0, "".~r0+16(SP)
0x0015 00021 (<autogenerated>:1) JMP os.(*file).close(SB)
0x0015 00021 (<autogenerated>:1) JMP os.(*file).close(SB)
0x0000 48 8b 44 24 08 48 8b 00 48 89 44 24 08 0f 57 c0 H.D$.H..H.D$..W.
0x0000 48 8b 44 24 08 48 8b 00 48 89 44 24 08 0f 57 c0 H.D$.H..H.D$..W.
0x0010 0f 11 44 24 10 e9 00 00 00 00 ..D$......
0x0010 0f 11 44 24 10 e9 00 00 00 00 ..D$......
rel 22+4 t=8 os.(*file).close+0
rel 22+4 t=8 os.(*file).close+0
"".(*Bar).Print STEXT size=138 args=0x8 locals=0x58
"".Bar.Print STEXT size=138 args=0x0 locals=0x58
0x0000 00000 (bar.go:7) TEXT "".(*Bar).Print(SB), ABIInternal, $88-8
0x0000 00000 (bar.go:7) TEXT "".Bar.Print(SB), ABIInternal, $88-0
0x0000 00000 (bar.go:7) MOVQ (TLS), CX
0x0000 00000 (bar.go:7) MOVQ (TLS), CX
0x0009 00009 (bar.go:7) CMPQ SP, 16(CX)
0x0009 00009 (bar.go:7) CMPQ SP, 16(CX)
0x000d 00013 (bar.go:7) PCDATA $0, $-2
0x000d 00013 (bar.go:7) PCDATA $0, $-2
0x000d 00013 (bar.go:7) JLS 128
0x000d 00013 (bar.go:7) JLS 128
0x000f 00015 (bar.go:7) PCDATA $0, $-1
0x000f 00015 (bar.go:7) PCDATA $0, $-1
0x000f 00015 (bar.go:7) SUBQ $88, SP
0x000f 00015 (bar.go:7) SUBQ $88, SP
0x0013 00019 (bar.go:7) MOVQ BP, 80(SP)
0x0013 00019 (bar.go:7) MOVQ BP, 80(SP)
0x0018 00024 (bar.go:7) LEAQ 80(SP), BP
0x0018 00024 (bar.go:7) LEAQ 80(SP), BP
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:7) FUNCDATA $0, gclocals·2a5305abe05176240e61b8620e19a815(SB)
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:7) FUNCDATA $0, gclocals·33cdeccccebe80329f1fdbee7f5874cb(SB)
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:7) FUNCDATA $1, gclocals·f207267fbf96a0178e8758c6e3e0ce28(SB)
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:7) FUNCDATA $1, gclocals·f207267fbf96a0178e8758c6e3e0ce28(SB)
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:7) FUNCDATA $3, "".(*Bar).Print.stkobj(SB)
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:7) FUNCDATA $3, "".Bar.Print.stkobj(SB)
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:8) XORPS X0, X0
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:8) XORPS X0, X0
0x0020 00032 (bar.go:8) MOVUPS X0, ""..autotmp_12+64(SP)
0x0020 00032 (bar.go:8) MOVUPS X0, ""..autotmp_12+64(SP)
0x0025 00037 (bar.go:8) LEAQ type.string(SB), AX
0x0025 00037 (bar.go:8) LEAQ type.string(SB), AX
0x002c 00044 (bar.go:8) MOVQ AX, ""..autotmp_12+64(SP)
0x002c 00044 (bar.go:8) MOVQ AX, ""..autotmp_12+64(SP)
0x0031 00049 (bar.go:8) LEAQ ""..stmp_0(SB), AX
0x0031 00049 (bar.go:8) LEAQ ""..stmp_0(SB), AX
0x0038 00056 (bar.go:8) MOVQ AX, ""..autotmp_12+72(SP)
0x0038 00056 (bar.go:8) MOVQ AX, ""..autotmp_12+72(SP)
0x003d 00061 (<unknown line number>) NOP
0x003d 00061 (<unknown line number>) NOP
0x003d 00061 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ os.Stdout(SB), AX
0x003d 00061 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ os.Stdout(SB), AX
0x0044 00068 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) LEAQ go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer(SB), CX
0x0044 00068 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) LEAQ go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer(SB), CX
0x004b 00075 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ CX, (SP)
0x004b 00075 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ CX, (SP)
0x004f 00079 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ AX, 8(SP)
0x004f 00079 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ AX, 8(SP)
0x0054 00084 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) LEAQ ""..autotmp_12+64(SP), AX
0x0054 00084 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) LEAQ ""..autotmp_12+64(SP), AX
0x0059 00089 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ AX, 16(SP)
0x0059 00089 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ AX, 16(SP)
0x005e 00094 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ $1, 24(SP)
0x005e 00094 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ $1, 24(SP)
0x0067 00103 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ $1, 32(SP)
0x0067 00103 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ $1, 32(SP)
0x0070 00112 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) PCDATA $1, $0
0x0070 00112 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) PCDATA $1, $0
0x0070 00112 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) CALL fmt.Fprintln(SB)
0x0070 00112 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) CALL fmt.Fprintln(SB)
0x0075 00117 (bar.go:8) MOVQ 80(SP), BP
0x0075 00117 (bar.go:8) MOVQ 80(SP), BP
0x007a 00122 (bar.go:8) ADDQ $88, SP
0x007a 00122 (bar.go:8) ADDQ $88, SP
0x007e 00126 (bar.go:8) RET
0x007e 00126 (bar.go:8) RET
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:8) NOP
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:8) NOP
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:7) PCDATA $1, $-1
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:7) PCDATA $1, $-1
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:7) PCDATA $0, $-2
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:7) PCDATA $0, $-2
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:7) NOP
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:7) NOP
0x0080 00128 (bar.go:7) CALL runtime.morestack_noctxt(SB)
0x0080 00128 (bar.go:7) CALL runtime.morestack_noctxt(SB)
0x0085 00133 (bar.go:7) PCDATA $0, $-1
0x0085 00133 (bar.go:7) PCDATA $0, $-1
0x0085 00133 (bar.go:7) JMP 0
0x0085 00133 (bar.go:7) JMP 0
0x0000 65 48 8b 0c 25 00 00 00 00 48 3b 61 10 76 71 48 eH..%....H;a.vqH
0x0000 65 48 8b 0c 25 00 00 00 00 48 3b 61 10 76 71 48 eH..%....H;a.vqH
0x0010 83 ec 58 48 89 6c 24 50 48 8d 6c 24 50 0f 57 c0 ..XH.l$PH.l$P.W.
0x0010 83 ec 58 48 89 6c 24 50 48 8d 6c 24 50 0f 57 c0 ..XH.l$PH.l$P.W.
0x0020 0f 11 44 24 40 48 8d 05 00 00 00 00 48 89 44 24 ..D$@H......H.D$
0x0020 0f 11 44 24 40 48 8d 05 00 00 00 00 48 89 44 24 ..D$@H......H.D$
0x0030 40 48 8d 05 00 00 00 00 48 89 44 24 48 48 8b 05 @H......H.D$HH..
0x0030 40 48 8d 05 00 00 00 00 48 89 44 24 48 48 8b 05 @H......H.D$HH..
0x0040 00 00 00 00 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 48 89 0c 24 48 ....H......H..$H
0x0040 00 00 00 00 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 48 89 0c 24 48 ....H......H..$H
0x0050 89 44 24 08 48 8d 44 24 40 48 89 44 24 10 48 c7 .D$.H.D$@H.D$.H.
0x0050 89 44 24 08 48 8d 44 24 40 48 89 44 24 10 48 c7 .D$.H.D$@H.D$.H.
0x0060 44 24 18 01 00 00 00 48 c7 44 24 20 01 00 00 00 D$.....H.D$ ....
0x0060 44 24 18 01 00 00 00 48 c7 44 24 20 01 00 00 00 D$.....H.D$ ....
0x0070 e8 00 00 00 00 48 8b 6c 24 50 48 83 c4 58 c3 90 .....H.l$PH..X..
0x0070 e8 00 00 00 00 48 8b 6c 24 50 48 83 c4 58 c3 90 .....H.l$PH..X..
0x0080 e8 00 00 00 00 e9 76 ff ff ff ......v...
0x0080 e8 00 00 00 00 e9 76 ff ff ff ......v...
rel 5+4 t=17 TLS+0
rel 5+4 t=17 TLS+0
rel 40+4 t=16 type.string+0
rel 40+4 t=16 type.string+0
rel 52+4 t=16 ""..stmp_0+0
rel 52+4 t=16 ""..stmp_0+0
rel 64+4 t=16 os.Stdout+0
rel 64+4 t=16 os.Stdout+0
rel 71+4 t=16 go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer+0
rel 71+4 t=16 go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer+0
rel 113+4 t=8 fmt.Fprintln+0
rel 113+4 t=8 fmt.Fprintln+0
rel 129+4 t=8 runtime.morestack_noctxt+0
rel 129+4 t=8 runtime.morestack_noctxt+0
"".main STEXT size=138 args=0x0 locals=0x58
"".main STEXT size=138 args=0x0 locals=0x58
0x0000 00000 (bar.go:11) TEXT "".main(SB), ABIInternal, $88-0
0x0000 00000 (bar.go:11) TEXT "".main(SB), ABIInternal, $88-0
0x0000 00000 (bar.go:11) MOVQ (TLS), CX
0x0000 00000 (bar.go:11) MOVQ (TLS), CX
0x0009 00009 (bar.go:11) CMPQ SP, 16(CX)
0x0009 00009 (bar.go:11) CMPQ SP, 16(CX)
0x000d 00013 (bar.go:11) PCDATA $0, $-2
0x000d 00013 (bar.go:11) PCDATA $0, $-2
0x000d 00013 (bar.go:11) JLS 128
0x000d 00013 (bar.go:11) JLS 128
0x000f 00015 (bar.go:11) PCDATA $0, $-1
0x000f 00015 (bar.go:11) PCDATA $0, $-1
0x000f 00015 (bar.go:11) SUBQ $88, SP
0x000f 00015 (bar.go:11) SUBQ $88, SP
0x0013 00019 (bar.go:11) MOVQ BP, 80(SP)
0x0013 00019 (bar.go:11) MOVQ BP, 80(SP)
0x0018 00024 (bar.go:11) LEAQ 80(SP), BP
0x0018 00024 (bar.go:11) LEAQ 80(SP), BP
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:11) FUNCDATA $0, gclocals·33cdeccccebe80329f1fdbee7f5874cb(SB)
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:11) FUNCDATA $0, gclocals·33cdeccccebe80329f1fdbee7f5874cb(SB)
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:11) FUNCDATA $1, gclocals·f207267fbf96a0178e8758c6e3e0ce28(SB)
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:11) FUNCDATA $1, gclocals·f207267fbf96a0178e8758c6e3e0ce28(SB)
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:11) FUNCDATA $3, "".main.stkobj(SB)
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:11) FUNCDATA $3, "".main.stkobj(SB)
0x001d 00029 (<unknown line number>) NOP
0x001d 00029 (<unknown line number>) NOP
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:13) XORPS X0, X0
0x001d 00029 (bar.go:13) XORPS X0, X0
0x0020 00032 (bar.go:8) MOVUPS X0, ""..autotmp_13+64(SP)
0x0020 00032 (bar.go:8) MOVUPS X0, ""..autotmp_13+64(SP)
0x0025 00037 (bar.go:8) LEAQ type.string(SB), AX
0x0025 00037 (bar.go:8) LEAQ type.string(SB), AX
0x002c 00044 (bar.go:8) MOVQ AX, ""..autotmp_13+64(SP)
0x002c 00044 (bar.go:8) MOVQ AX, ""..autotmp_13+64(SP)
0x0031 00049 (bar.go:8) LEAQ ""..stmp_1(SB), AX
0x0031 00049 (bar.go:8) LEAQ ""..stmp_1(SB), AX
0x0038 00056 (bar.go:8) MOVQ AX, ""..autotmp_13+72(SP)
0x0038 00056 (bar.go:8) MOVQ AX, ""..autotmp_13+72(SP)
0x003d 00061 (<unknown line number>) NOP
0x003d 00061 (<unknown line number>) NOP
0x003d 00061 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ os.Stdout(SB), AX
0x003d 00061 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ os.Stdout(SB), AX
0x0044 00068 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) LEAQ go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer(SB), CX
0x0044 00068 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) LEAQ go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer(SB), CX
0x004b 00075 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ CX, (SP)
0x004b 00075 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ CX, (SP)
0x004f 00079 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ AX, 8(SP)
0x004f 00079 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ AX, 8(SP)
0x0054 00084 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) LEAQ ""..autotmp_13+64(SP), AX
0x0054 00084 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) LEAQ ""..autotmp_13+64(SP), AX
0x0059 00089 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ AX, 16(SP)
0x0059 00089 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ AX, 16(SP)
0x005e 00094 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ $1, 24(SP)
0x005e 00094 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ $1, 24(SP)
0x0067 00103 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ $1, 32(SP)
0x0067 00103 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ $1, 32(SP)
0x0070 00112 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) PCDATA $1, $0
0x0070 00112 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) PCDATA $1, $0
0x0070 00112 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) CALL fmt.Fprintln(SB)
0x0070 00112 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) CALL fmt.Fprintln(SB)
0x0075 00117 (bar.go:8) MOVQ 80(SP), BP
0x0075 00117 (bar.go:8) MOVQ 80(SP), BP
0x007a 00122 (bar.go:8) ADDQ $88, SP
0x007a 00122 (bar.go:8) ADDQ $88, SP
0x007e 00126 (bar.go:8) RET
0x007e 00126 (bar.go:8) RET
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:8) NOP
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:8) NOP
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:11) PCDATA $1, $-1
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:11) PCDATA $1, $-1
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:11) PCDATA $0, $-2
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:11) PCDATA $0, $-2
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:11) NOP
0x007f 00127 (bar.go:11) NOP
0x0080 00128 (bar.go:11) CALL runtime.morestack_noctxt(SB)
0x0080 00128 (bar.go:11) CALL runtime.morestack_noctxt(SB)
0x0085 00133 (bar.go:11) PCDATA $0, $-1
0x0085 00133 (bar.go:11) PCDATA $0, $-1
0x0085 00133 (bar.go:11) JMP 0
0x0085 00133 (bar.go:11) JMP 0
0x0000 65 48 8b 0c 25 00 00 00 00 48 3b 61 10 76 71 48 eH..%....H;a.vqH
0x0000 65 48 8b 0c 25 00 00 00 00 48 3b 61 10 76 71 48 eH..%....H;a.vqH
0x0010 83 ec 58 48 89 6c 24 50 48 8d 6c 24 50 0f 57 c0 ..XH.l$PH.l$P.W.
0x0010 83 ec 58 48 89 6c 24 50 48 8d 6c 24 50 0f 57 c0 ..XH.l$PH.l$P.W.
0x0020 0f 11 44 24 40 48 8d 05 00 00 00 00 48 89 44 24 ..D$@H......H.D$
0x0020 0f 11 44 24 40 48 8d 05 00 00 00 00 48 89 44 24 ..D$@H......H.D$
0x0030 40 48 8d 05 00 00 00 00 48 89 44 24 48 48 8b 05 @H......H.D$HH..
0x0030 40 48 8d 05 00 00 00 00 48 89 44 24 48 48 8b 05 @H......H.D$HH..
0x0040 00 00 00 00 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 48 89 0c 24 48 ....H......H..$H
0x0040 00 00 00 00 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 48 89 0c 24 48 ....H......H..$H
0x0050 89 44 24 08 48 8d 44 24 40 48 89 44 24 10 48 c7 .D$.H.D$@H.D$.H.
0x0050 89 44 24 08 48 8d 44 24 40 48 89 44 24 10 48 c7 .D$.H.D$@H.D$.H.
0x0060 44 24 18 01 00 00 00 48 c7 44 24 20 01 00 00 00 D$.....H.D$ ....
0x0060 44 24 18 01 00 00 00 48 c7 44 24 20 01 00 00 00 D$.....H.D$ ....
0x0070 e8 00 00 00 00 48 8b 6c 24 50 48 83 c4 58 c3 90 .....H.l$PH..X..
0x0070 e8 00 00 00 00 48 8b 6c 24 50 48 83 c4 58 c3 90 .....H.l$PH..X..
0x0080 e8 00 00 00 00 e9 76 ff ff ff ......v...
0x0080 e8 00 00 00 00 e9 76 ff ff ff ......v...
rel 5+4 t=17 TLS+0
rel 5+4 t=17 TLS+0
rel 40+4 t=16 type.string+0
rel 40+4 t=16 type.string+0
rel 52+4 t=16 ""..stmp_1+0
rel 52+4 t=16 ""..stmp_1+0
rel 64+4 t=16 os.Stdout+0
rel 64+4 t=16 os.Stdout+0
rel 71+4 t=16 go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer+0
rel 71+4 t=16 go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer+0
rel 113+4 t=8 fmt.Fprintln+0
rel 113+4 t=8 fmt.Fprintln+0
rel 129+4 t=8 runtime.morestack_noctxt+0
rel 129+4 t=8 runtime.morestack_noctxt+0
"".(*Bar).Print STEXT dupok size=187 args=0x8 locals=0x58
0x0000 00000 (<autogenerated>:1) TEXT "".(*Bar).Print(SB), DUPOK|WRAPPER|ABIInternal, $88-8
0x0000 00000 (<autogenerated>:1) MOVQ (TLS), CX
0x0009 00009 (<autogenerated>:1) CMPQ SP, 16(CX)
0x000d 00013 (<autogenerated>:1) PCDATA $0, $-2
0x000d 00013 (<autogenerated>:1) JLS 154
0x0013 00019 (<autogenerated>:1) PCDATA $0, $-1
0x0013 00019 (<autogenerated>:1) SUBQ $88, SP
0x0017 00023 (<autogenerated>:1) MOVQ BP, 80(SP)
0x001c 00028 (<autogenerated>:1) LEAQ 80(SP), BP
0x0021 00033 (<autogenerated>:1) MOVQ 32(CX), BX
0x0025 00037 (<autogenerated>:1) TESTQ BX, BX
0x0028 00040 (<autogenerated>:1) JNE 165
0x002a 00042 (<autogenerated>:1) NOP
0x002a 00042 (<autogenerated>:1) FUNCDATA $0, gclocals·1a65e721a2ccc325b382662e7ffee780(SB)
0x002a 00042 (<autogenerated>:1) FUNCDATA $1, gclocals·2589ca35330fc0fce83503f4569854a0(SB)
0x002a 00042 (<autogenerated>:1) FUNCDATA $3, "".(*Bar).Print.stkobj(SB)
0x002a 00042 (<autogenerated>:1) CMPQ ""..this+96(SP), $0
0x0030 00048 (<autogenerated>:1) JEQ 148
0x0032 00050 (<unknown line number>) NOP
0x0032 00050 (bar.go:8) XORPS X0, X0
0x0035 00053 (bar.go:8) MOVUPS X0, ""..autotmp_13+64(SP)
0x003a 00058 (bar.go:8) LEAQ type.string(SB), AX
0x0041 00065 (bar.go:8) MOVQ AX, ""..autotmp_13+64(SP)
0x0046 00070 (bar.go:8) LEAQ ""..stmp_2(SB), AX
0x004d 00077 (bar.go:8) MOVQ AX, ""..autotmp_13+72(SP)
0x0052 00082 (<unknown line number>) NOP
0x0052 00082 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ os.Stdout(SB), AX
0x0059 00089 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) LEAQ go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer(SB), CX
0x0060 00096 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ CX, (SP)
0x0064 00100 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ AX, 8(SP)
0x0069 00105 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) LEAQ ""..autotmp_13+64(SP), AX
0x006e 00110 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ AX, 16(SP)
0x0073 00115 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ $1, 24(SP)
0x007c 00124 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) MOVQ $1, 32(SP)
0x0085 00133 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) PCDATA $1, $1
0x0085 00133 ($GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:274) CALL fmt.Fprintln(SB)
0x008a 00138 (bar.go:8) MOVQ 80(SP), BP
0x008f 00143 (bar.go:8) ADDQ $88, SP
0x0093 00147 (bar.go:8) RET
0x0094 00148 (<autogenerated>:1) CALL runtime.panicwrap(SB)
0x0099 00153 (<autogenerated>:1) XCHGL AX, AX
0x009a 00154 (<autogenerated>:1) NOP
0x009a 00154 (<autogenerated>:1) PCDATA $1, $-1
0x009a 00154 (<autogenerated>:1) PCDATA $0, $-2
0x009a 00154 (<autogenerated>:1) CALL runtime.morestack_noctxt(SB)
0x009f 00159 (<autogenerated>:1) PCDATA $0, $-1
0x009f 00159 (<autogenerated>:1) NOP
0x00a0 00160 (<autogenerated>:1) JMP 0
0x00a5 00165 (<autogenerated>:1) LEAQ 96(SP), DI
0x00aa 00170 (<autogenerated>:1) CMPQ (BX), DI
0x00ad 00173 (<autogenerated>:1) JNE 42
0x00b3 00179 (<autogenerated>:1) MOVQ SP, (BX)
0x00b6 00182 (<autogenerated>:1) JMP 42
0x0000 65 48 8b 0c 25 00 00 00 00 48 3b 61 10 0f 86 87 eH..%....H;a....
0x0010 00 00 00 48 83 ec 58 48 89 6c 24 50 48 8d 6c 24 ...H..XH.l$PH.l$
0x0020 50 48 8b 59 20 48 85 db 75 7b 48 83 7c 24 60 00 PH.Y H..u{H.|$`.
0x0030 74 62 0f 57 c0 0f 11 44 24 40 48 8d 05 00 00 00 tb.W...D$@H.....
0x0040 00 48 89 44 24 40 48 8d 05 00 00 00 00 48 89 44 .H.D$@H......H.D
0x0050 24 48 48 8b 05 00 00 00 00 48 8d 0d 00 00 00 00 $HH......H......
0x0060 48 89 0c 24 48 89 44 24 08 48 8d 44 24 40 48 89 H..$H.D$.H.D$@H.
0x0070 44 24 10 48 c7 44 24 18 01 00 00 00 48 c7 44 24 D$.H.D$.....H.D$
0x0080 20 01 00 00 00 e8 00 00 00 00 48 8b 6c 24 50 48 .........H.l$PH
0x0090 83 c4 58 c3 e8 00 00 00 00 90 e8 00 00 00 00 90 ..X.............
0x00a0 e9 5b ff ff ff 48 8d 7c 24 60 48 39 3b 0f 85 77 .[...H.|$`H9;..w
0x00b0 ff ff ff 48 89 23 e9 6f ff ff ff ...H.#.o...
rel 5+4 t=17 TLS+0
rel 61+4 t=16 type.string+0
rel 73+4 t=16 ""..stmp_2+0
rel 85+4 t=16 os.Stdout+0
rel 92+4 t=16 go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer+0
rel 134+4 t=8 fmt.Fprintln+0
rel 149+4 t=8 runtime.panicwrap+0
rel 155+4 t=8 runtime.morestack_noctxt+0
go.cuinfo.packagename. SDWARFINFO dupok size=0
go.cuinfo.packagename. SDWARFINFO dupok size=0
0x0000 6d 61 69 6e main
0x0000 6d 61 69 6e main$abstract SDWARFINFO dupok size=42$abstract SDWARFINFO dupok size=42
0x0000 04 66 6d 74 2e 50 72 69 6e 74 6c 6e 00 01 01 11 .fmt.Println....
0x0000 04 66 6d 74 2e 50 72 69 6e 74 6c 6e 00 01 01 11 .fmt.Println....
0x0010 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 6e 00 01 00 00 00 00 11 a.......n.......
0x0010 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 6e 00 01 00 00 00 00 11 a.......n.......
0x0020 65 72 72 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 err.......
0x0020 65 72 72 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 err.......
rel 0+0 t=24 type.[]interface {}+0
rel 0+0 t=24 type.[]interface {}+0
rel 0+0 t=24 type.error+0
rel 0+0 t=24 type.error+0
rel 0+0 t=24
rel 0+0 t=24
rel 19+4 t=29[]interface {}+0
rel 19+4 t=29[]interface {}+0
rel 27+4 t=29
rel 27+4 t=29
rel 37+4 t=29
rel 37+4 t=29"".(*Bar).Print$abstract SDWARFINFO dupok size=26"".Bar.Print$abstract SDWARFINFO dupok size=23
0x0000 04 2e 28 2a 42 61 72 29 2e 50 72 69 6e 74 00 01 ..(*Bar).Print..
0x0000 04 2e 42 61 72 2e 50 72 69 6e 74 00 01 01 11 62 ..Bar.Print....b
0x0010 01 11 62 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..b.......
0x0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......
rel 0+0 t=24 type.*"".Bar+0
rel 0+0 t=24 type."".Bar+0
rel 21+4 t=29*"".Bar+0
rel 18+4 t=29"".Bar+0
go.string."debosmit ray" SRODATA dupok size=12
go.string."debosmit ray" SRODATA dupok size=12
0x0000 64 65 62 6f 73 6d 69 74 20 72 61 79 debosmit ray
0x0000 64 65 62 6f 73 6d 69 74 20 72 61 79 debosmit ray
runtime.nilinterequal·f SRODATA dupok size=8
runtime.nilinterequal·f SRODATA dupok size=8
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 0+8 t=1 runtime.nilinterequal+0
rel 0+8 t=1 runtime.nilinterequal+0
runtime.memequal64·f SRODATA dupok size=8
runtime.memequal64·f SRODATA dupok size=8
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 0+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64+0
rel 0+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64+0
runtime.gcbits.01 SRODATA dupok size=1
runtime.gcbits.01 SRODATA dupok size=1
0x0000 01 .
0x0000 01 .
type..namedata.*interface {}- SRODATA dupok size=16
type..namedata.*interface {}- SRODATA dupok size=16
0x0000 00 00 0d 2a 69 6e 74 65 72 66 61 63 65 20 7b 7d ...*interface {}
0x0000 00 00 0d 2a 69 6e 74 65 72 66 61 63 65 20 7b 7d ...*interface {}
type.*interface {} SRODATA dupok size=56
type.*interface {} SRODATA dupok size=56
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 4f 0f 96 9d 08 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 O......6........
0x0010 4f 0f 96 9d 08 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 O......6........
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*interface {}-+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*interface {}-+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.interface {}+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.interface {}+0
runtime.gcbits.02 SRODATA dupok size=1
runtime.gcbits.02 SRODATA dupok size=1
0x0000 02 .
0x0000 02 .
type.interface {} SRODATA dupok size=80
type.interface {} SRODATA dupok size=80
0x0000 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 e7 57 a0 18 02 08 08 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .W..............
0x0010 e7 57 a0 18 02 08 08 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .W..............
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.nilinterequal·f+0
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.nilinterequal·f+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.02+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.02+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*interface {}-+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*interface {}-+0
rel 44+4 t=6 type.*interface {}+0
rel 44+4 t=6 type.*interface {}+0
rel 56+8 t=1 type.interface {}+80
rel 56+8 t=1 type.interface {}+80
type..namedata.*[]interface {}- SRODATA dupok size=18
type..namedata.*[]interface {}- SRODATA dupok size=18
0x0000 00 00 0f 2a 5b 5d 69 6e 74 65 72 66 61 63 65 20 ...*[]interface
0x0000 00 00 0f 2a 5b 5d 69 6e 74 65 72 66 61 63 65 20 ...*[]interface
0x0010 7b 7d {}
0x0010 7b 7d {}
type.*[]interface {} SRODATA dupok size=56
type.*[]interface {} SRODATA dupok size=56
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 f3 04 9a e7 08 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......6........
0x0010 f3 04 9a e7 08 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......6........
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*[]interface {}-+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*[]interface {}-+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.[]interface {}+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.[]interface {}+0
type.[]interface {} SRODATA dupok size=56
type.[]interface {} SRODATA dupok size=56
0x0000 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 70 93 ea 2f 02 08 08 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 p../............
0x0010 70 93 ea 2f 02 08 08 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 p../............
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*[]interface {}-+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*[]interface {}-+0
rel 44+4 t=6 type.*[]interface {}+0
rel 44+4 t=6 type.*[]interface {}+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.interface {}+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.interface {}+0
type..namedata.*[1]interface {}- SRODATA dupok size=19
type..namedata.*[1]interface {}- SRODATA dupok size=19
0x0000 00 00 10 2a 5b 31 5d 69 6e 74 65 72 66 61 63 65 ...*[1]interface
0x0000 00 00 10 2a 5b 31 5d 69 6e 74 65 72 66 61 63 65 ...*[1]interface
0x0010 20 7b 7d {}
0x0010 20 7b 7d {}
type.*[1]interface {} SRODATA dupok size=56
type.*[1]interface {} SRODATA dupok size=56
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 bf 03 a8 35 08 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...5...6........
0x0010 bf 03 a8 35 08 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...5...6........
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*[1]interface {}-+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*[1]interface {}-+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.[1]interface {}+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.[1]interface {}+0
type.[1]interface {} SRODATA dupok size=72
type.[1]interface {} SRODATA dupok size=72
0x0000 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 50 91 5b fa 02 08 08 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 P.[.............
0x0010 50 91 5b fa 02 08 08 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 P.[.............
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0040 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0040 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.nilinterequal·f+0
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.nilinterequal·f+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.02+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.02+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*[1]interface {}-+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*[1]interface {}-+0
rel 44+4 t=6 type.*[1]interface {}+0
rel 44+4 t=6 type.*[1]interface {}+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.interface {}+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.interface {}+0
rel 56+8 t=1 type.[]interface {}+0
rel 56+8 t=1 type.[]interface {}+0
""..inittask SNOPTRDATA size=32
""..inittask SNOPTRDATA size=32
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
rel 24+8 t=1 fmt..inittask+0
rel 24+8 t=1 fmt..inittask+0
""..stmp_0 SRODATA size=16
""..stmp_0 SRODATA size=16
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
rel 0+8 t=1 go.string."debosmit ray"+0
rel 0+8 t=1 go.string."debosmit ray"+0
""..stmp_1 SRODATA size=16
""..stmp_1 SRODATA size=16
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
rel 0+8 t=1 go.string."debosmit ray"+0
rel 0+8 t=1 go.string."debosmit ray"+0
runtime.memequal0·f SRODATA dupok size=8
runtime.memequal0·f SRODATA dupok size=8
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 0+8 t=1 runtime.memequal0+0
rel 0+8 t=1 runtime.memequal0+0
type..namedata.*main.Bar. SRODATA dupok size=12
type..namedata.*main.Bar. SRODATA dupok size=12
0x0000 01 00 09 2a 6d 61 69 6e 2e 42 61 72 ...*main.Bar
0x0000 01 00 09 2a 6d 61 69 6e 2e 42 61 72 ...*main.Bar
type..namedata.*func(*main.Bar)- SRODATA dupok size=19
type..namedata.*func(*main.Bar)- SRODATA dupok size=19
0x0000 00 00 10 2a 66 75 6e 63 28 2a 6d 61 69 6e 2e 42 ...*func(*main.B
0x0000 00 00 10 2a 66 75 6e 63 28 2a 6d 61 69 6e 2e 42 ...*func(*main.B
0x0010 61 72 29 ar)
0x0010 61 72 29 ar)
type.*func(*"".Bar) SRODATA dupok size=56
type.*func(*"".Bar) SRODATA dupok size=56
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 20 df 7d 36 08 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .}6...6........
0x0010 20 df 7d 36 08 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .}6...6........
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*func(*main.Bar)-+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*func(*main.Bar)-+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.func(*"".Bar)+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.func(*"".Bar)+0
type.func(*"".Bar) SRODATA dupok size=64
type.func(*"".Bar) SRODATA dupok size=64
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 45 ec c4 70 02 08 08 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E..p...3........
0x0010 45 ec c4 70 02 08 08 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E..p...3........
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*func(*main.Bar)-+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*func(*main.Bar)-+0
rel 44+4 t=6 type.*func(*"".Bar)+0
rel 44+4 t=6 type.*func(*"".Bar)+0
rel 56+8 t=1 type.*"".Bar+0
rel 56+8 t=1 type.*"".Bar+0
type..namedata.Print. SRODATA dupok size=8
type..namedata.Print. SRODATA dupok size=8
0x0000 01 00 05 50 72 69 6e 74 ...Print
0x0000 01 00 05 50 72 69 6e 74 ...Print
type..namedata.*func()- SRODATA dupok size=10
type..namedata.*func()- SRODATA dupok size=10
0x0000 00 00 07 2a 66 75 6e 63 28 29 ...*func()
0x0000 00 00 07 2a 66 75 6e 63 28 29 ...*func()
type.*func() SRODATA dupok size=56
type.*func() SRODATA dupok size=56
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 9b 90 75 1b 08 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..u....6........
0x0010 9b 90 75 1b 08 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..u....6........
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*func()-+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*func()-+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.func()+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.func()+0
type.func() SRODATA dupok size=56
type.func() SRODATA dupok size=56
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 f6 bc 82 f6 02 08 08 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......3........
0x0010 f6 bc 82 f6 02 08 08 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......3........
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 ....
0x0030 00 00 00 00 ....
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*func()-+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*func()-+0
rel 44+4 t=6 type.*func()+0
rel 44+4 t=6 type.*func()+0
type.*"".Bar SRODATA size=88
type.*"".Bar SRODATA size=88
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 57 1c e5 0e 09 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 W......6........
0x0010 57 1c e5 0e 09 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 W......6........
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 ................
0x0040 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0040 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*main.Bar.+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*main.Bar.+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type."".Bar+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type."".Bar+0
rel 56+4 t=5 type..importpath."".+0
rel 56+4 t=5 type..importpath."".+0
rel 72+4 t=5 type..namedata.Print.+0
rel 72+4 t=5 type..namedata.Print.+0
rel 76+4 t=25 type.func()+0
rel 76+4 t=25 type.func()+0
rel 80+4 t=25 "".(*Bar).Print+0
rel 80+4 t=25 "".(*Bar).Print+0
rel 84+4 t=25 "".(*Bar).Print+0
rel 84+4 t=25 "".(*Bar).Print+0
runtime.gcbits. SRODATA dupok size=0
runtime.gcbits. SRODATA dupok size=0
type."".Bar SRODATA size=96
type..namedata.*func(main.Bar)- SRODATA dupok size=18
0x0000 00 00 0f 2a 66 75 6e 63 28 6d 61 69 6e 2e 42 61 ...*func(main.Ba
0x0010 72 29 r)
type.*func("".Bar) SRODATA dupok size=56
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 7f 95 9a 2f 08 08 08 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .../...6........
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal64·f+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*func(main.Bar)-+0
rel 48+8 t=1 type.func("".Bar)+0
type.func("".Bar) SRODATA dupok size=64
0x0000 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 b4 2e bc 27 02 08 08 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...'...3........
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.01+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*func(main.Bar)-+0
rel 44+4 t=6 type.*func("".Bar)+0
rel 56+8 t=1 type."".Bar+0
type."".Bar SRODATA size=112
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 78 74 f8 ea 0f 01 01 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 xt..............
0x0010 78 74 f8 ea 0f 01 01 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 xt..............
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0050 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal0·f+0
rel 24+8 t=1 runtime.memequal0·f+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.+0
rel 32+8 t=1 runtime.gcbits.+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*main.Bar.+0
rel 40+4 t=5 type..namedata.*main.Bar.+0
rel 44+4 t=5 type.*"".Bar+0
rel 44+4 t=5 type.*"".Bar+0
rel 56+8 t=1 type."".Bar+96
rel 56+8 t=1 type."".Bar+96
rel 80+4 t=5 type..importpath."".+0
rel 80+4 t=5 type..importpath."".+0
rel 96+4 t=5 type..namedata.Print.+0
rel 100+4 t=25 type.func()+0
rel 104+4 t=25 "".(*Bar).Print+0
rel 108+4 t=25 "".Bar.Print+0
go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer SRODATA dupok size=32
go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer SRODATA dupok size=32
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0x0010 44 b5 f3 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D..3............
0x0010 44 b5 f3 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D..3............
rel 0+8 t=1
rel 0+8 t=1
rel 8+8 t=1 type.*os.File+0
rel 8+8 t=1 type.*os.File+0
rel 24+8 t=1 os.(*File).Write+0
rel 24+8 t=1 os.(*File).Write+0
go.itablink.*os.File,io.Writer SRODATA dupok size=8
go.itablink.*os.File,io.Writer SRODATA dupok size=8
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 0+8 t=1 go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer+0
rel 0+8 t=1 go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer+0
type..importpath.fmt. SRODATA dupok size=6
type..importpath.fmt. SRODATA dupok size=6
0x0000 00 00 03 66 6d 74 ...fmt
0x0000 00 00 03 66 6d 74 ...fmt
""..stmp_2 SRODATA size=16
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
rel 0+8 t=1 go.string."debosmit ray"+0
gclocals·e6397a44f8e1b6e77d0f200b4fba5269 SRODATA dupok size=10
gclocals·e6397a44f8e1b6e77d0f200b4fba5269 SRODATA dupok size=10
0x0000 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 01 00 ..........
0x0000 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 01 00 ..........
gclocals·69c1753bd5f81501d95132d08af04464 SRODATA dupok size=8
gclocals·69c1753bd5f81501d95132d08af04464 SRODATA dupok size=8
0x0000 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0000 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
gclocals·2a5305abe05176240e61b8620e19a815 SRODATA dupok size=9
gclocals·33cdeccccebe80329f1fdbee7f5874cb SRODATA dupok size=8
0x0000 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 .........
0x0000 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
gclocals·f207267fbf96a0178e8758c6e3e0ce28 SRODATA dupok size=9
gclocals·f207267fbf96a0178e8758c6e3e0ce28 SRODATA dupok size=9
0x0000 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 .........
0x0000 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 .........
"".(*Bar).Print.stkobj SRODATA size=24
"".Bar.Print.stkobj SRODATA size=24
0x0000 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ................
0x0000 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ................
0x0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 16+8 t=1 type.[1]interface {}+0
rel 16+8 t=1 type.[1]interface {}+0
gclocals·33cdeccccebe80329f1fdbee7f5874cb SRODATA dupok size=8
0x0000 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
"".main.stkobj SRODATA size=24
"".main.stkobj SRODATA size=24
0x0000 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ................
0x0000 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ................
0x0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
0x0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 16+8 t=1 type.[1]interface {}+0
rel 16+8 t=1 type.[1]interface {}+0
gclocals·1a65e721a2ccc325b382662e7ffee780 SRODATA dupok size=10
0x0000 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 ..........
gclocals·2589ca35330fc0fce83503f4569854a0 SRODATA dupok size=10
0x0000 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 ..........
"".(*Bar).Print.stkobj SRODATA dupok size=24
0x0000 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ................
0x0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
rel 16+8 t=1 type.[1]interface {}+0